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The MINNI Project

Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project F.Monforti, P.Ornelli, T.Pignatelli, G.Vialetto, G.Zanini ENEA, Bologna and Casaccia Research Centres

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The MINNI Project

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  1. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project F.Monforti, P.Ornelli, T.Pignatelli, G.Vialetto, G.Zanini ENEA, Bologna and Casaccia Research Centres Development of an Integrated National Model as supporting tool to the International Negotiation on Atmospheric Pollution G.Brusasca, G.Calori, S.Finardi, P.Radice, C.Silibello ARIANET, Milano TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  2. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project A 3 year project for the development of a National Integrated Modelling System Carried out under the leadership of ENEA in cooperation with ARIANET Project financed by ENEA and the Italian Ministry for the Environment (total investment 1,268 million Euros) TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  3. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project Ultimate Objectives : - Development of emission Scenarios, for SO2, NOx, NH3, VOC, O3 e PM - Analysis of pollutant transport, dispersion and multiphase chemical transformations - Development of deposition/concentration maps at national and regional level - Analysis of impact on environment and human health - Development of national/regional cost curves, analysis of the abatement costs, optimised cost allocation TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  4. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project Three different simulation models are integrated in a coherent framework: Meteorological model (RAMS) Pollution transport and chemistry model (FARM) Integrated Assessment Model (RAINS-Italy) TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  5. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention Minni Modelling System – flow chart TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  6. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project The meteorological sub-system Prognostic and non-hydrostatic model RAMS (Cotton et al., 2003) 2 way nested grid system ECMWF analysis fields and surface synoptic observations used as input data for RAMS simulations RAMS has provided the hourly meteorological fields of interest for the base year 1999. Assessment based upon cross-checking with available record data TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  7. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project Transport and Chemistry Model FARM Derived from STEM Model (Carmichael et al., 1998). Three-dimensional Eulerian model Acid pollutants are treated by means of the (Hov et al., 1988) chemical scheme Photochemical reactions are described by the SAPRC-90 chemical scheme Models-3/CMAQ Aero-3 module (Binkowski, 1999) used for PM Chemical boundary conditions are assigned by the EMEP Model TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  8. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention Example of FARM output : NOx concentration at soil level TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  9. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project Emission Sub-System Based upon the National Emission Inventory The reference year (1999) national emission inventory data are disaggregated at NUTS3 level (“Province”) by means of a number of specific activities indicators The emissions of the neighbouring countries are based upon the EMEP European inventory 140 Italian large point sources are considered individually . TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  10. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project The Rains Italy Model Subject of a joint research project IIASA-ENEA to be completed by December 2004 Emission and Cost Modules complete. EMCO used to develop emission scenarios for CAFÉ, NEC and CRLTAP 20 Administrative Regions 4 Metropolitan Areas, 1 National Sea Traffic Area 14 Large Power Sources TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  11. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention Grids – Comparison EMEP - MINNI EMEP 50 km MINNI 20 km TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  12. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention Atmosferic Transfer Matrix for RAINS-Italy “Atmosferic Transfer matrix” Implemented In RAINS-Italy Piemonte TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  13. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention Example of SOx deposition map (mgS/m2/y)using the Atmosferic Tranfer Matrix elaborated by the MINNI Eulerian Model. Map elaborated by Rains-Italy Dep Module (Web version). Emissions from Lazio region, only. Inventory data 1999 [IIASA, W. Schopp,] Deposition maps in RAINS-Italy TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  14. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project Eulerian Model RAINS Italy TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

  15. Italian Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention The MINNI Project More details at: www.atmet.comRAMS www.aria-net.it Atmosferic dispersion and chemistry TFIAM Meeting, Amiens, May, 10-12, 2004

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