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Frequently Used JMU Financial Documents for Reimbursement Procedures

Frequently Used JMU Financial Documents for Reimbursement Procedures. View this Presentation as a Slide Show for interactive purposes Click here to begin:. Created by: Myers, Rush, Shah, & Steinbach Created for: VIRSE related Graduate Assistantship Graduate Professor: Nick Swayne.

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Frequently Used JMU Financial Documents for Reimbursement Procedures

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  1. Frequently Used JMU Financial Documents for Reimbursement Procedures View this Presentation as a Slide Show for interactive purposes Click here to begin: Created by: Myers, Rush, Shah, & SteinbachCreated for:VIRSE related Graduate Assistantship Graduate Professor: Nick Swayne

  2. This interactive module will take you through the process of locating and completing frequently used financial forms relevant to your graduate assistantship position. Active clickable links will move you through the module. Return links are included to bring you back through the module to previous pages. Why is this information important to you? It is your obligation to complete these forms as part of your assistantship job responsibilities. Commonwealth’s Prompt Pay act states that you have 30 days from the receipt of proper paperwork to complete the processing of reimbursements – this is the law – knowing how to do this and where the forms are helps to do it on time. You are dealing with someone else’s money, sometimes your own, and people like to have it as soon as possible! The accounts you work with total over $100,000. Knowing how to complete these forms ensures the money comes from the correct accounts and gets into the right hands in a timely manner. Again, it’s your job! Click here to continue

  3. Graduate and student assistants working with accounting tasks in the JMU College of Education will be able to correctly and completely execute required forms for timely payments and reimbursements. • After the presentation, the learner will be able to independently identify which forms are related and necessary to complete reimbursement processes as they are necessary within a workday. • After the module, the learner will be able to correctly complete all related forms for reimbursement, submitting them with all signatures of proper authority, to accounts payable for further processing within five days of receiving all necessary reimbursement material. Learning Goal: Learning Objectives: Module schedule of events: 1. Reimbursements  Travel & Non-Travel Related 2. Account Codes and Department ID’s 3. Reimbursement Exercise  1 & 2 4. Quick Links Page (list of form related URL’s) Click on an event to be linked directly! (For the purposes of the rapid prototype, links 2-4 are not active) Click here to begin the first event

  4. Event 1: Reimbursement MenuWhat kind of reimbursement are you performing?Click on the links below to continue Travel Related Non-Travel Related Including: Mileage, tolls, trip related meals, hotel and overnight stay charges Any reimbursements related to grant initiatives that are not associated with travel *** Click here to skip to event 2: Account codes and Department ID’s ***Not active for purposes of rapid prototype Click here to skip to event 3: Reimbursement exercises *** Click here to skip to the quick links page ***

  5. Travel Reimbursement Process and Associated Forms Travelers must submit a completed Travel Expense Reimbursement Voucher to the supervisor for approval within thirty (30) working days after completion of the trip. The University may not approve Travel Vouchers submitted after the prescribed period. Nick Swayne is typically the traveler, but in some cases it may be yourself, or other grant associated travelers – Margaret Shaeffer is the approving authority for Nick and others – Nick is your approving authority. Travel Authorization Form Original Receipts and Invoices Travel Reimbursement Voucher Business Meal Certification Back to Reimbursement Menu Click here to skip to event 2: Account Codes and Department ID’s ***

  6. Travel Authorization Form • This form is only necessary in the following circumstances: • -Trip is expected to cost over $500.00 • - Airline tickets are needed • Hotel reservations are needed • If the trip meets one or more of the above requirements, this form should be completed before the actual trip takes place. Signatures Required: Signature of Traveler (Nick Swayne) Signature of Traveler’s supervisor (Margaret Shaeffer or *) *Signature of approving authority for the department ID if different from signature of traveler’s supervisor Make a copy of completed form with signatures for your files, and send the original to: Accounts Payable: MSC 5712 URL Link to Travel Authorization Form University directions to complete form: reference .910 Back to Reimbursement Menu Travel Related Forms Menu

  7. Travel Reimbursement Voucher - Meal rates are per diem - Hotel stays and mileage have pre-determined rates. **These rates are specified in charts located in the accountings procedures binder on the desk Signatures Required: Signature of Traveler (Nick Swayne) Signature of Traveler’s supervisor (Margaret Shaeffer or *) *Signature of approving authority for the department ID if different from signature of traveler’s supervisor Make a copy of completed form with signatures for your files, and send the original to: Accounts Payable: MSC 5712 URL Link to Travel Reimbursement form University directions to complete form: reference .600 Back to Reimbursement Menu Travel Related Forms Menu

  8. Original Receipts and Invoices • Original receipts from traveler’s trip must be included with the submitted reimbursement form to receive payment • Invoices can be faxed or printed from online- but parking receipts, toll charges, and meal receipts must be original Back to Reimbursement Menu Travel Related Forms Menu

  9. Business Meal Certification Form This form is supplemental to the Travel Reimbursement Voucher It is necessary if any food is being reimbursed Along with original receipt, a list of any and all people fed by the food being reimbursed must be included. Signatures Required: Signature of Traveler (Nick Swayne) Signature of Traveler’s supervisor (Margaret Shaeffer or *) *Signature of approving authority for the department ID if different from signature of traveler’s supervisor URL Link to BMC Form University directions to complete form: reverence .930 Back to Reimbursement Menu Travel Related Forms Menu

  10. Non-Travel Related Reimbursement Process and Associated Forms Non-Food Related Food Related Any reimbursements related to grant initiatives that are associated with food Any reimbursements related to grant initiatives that are not associated with travel Click here to skip to event 2: Account codes and Department ID’s *** Click here to skip to event 3: Reimbursement exercises *** Click here to skip to the quick links page *** Back to the Reimbursement Menu

  11. Non-Food Related Reimbursements Each of these forms are required to complete a single reimbursement. In accordance with the Commonwealth’s Prompt Pay Act, payment shall be due thirty (30) days after receipt of proper invoice or material/service, whichever is later. – Because of this it is important to fill out and submit each form in a timely manner and correctly the first time. Accounting Voucher Original Invoice and/or Receipts W-9 Tax Form of Reimbursee Is the reimbursement over $100? Back to Reimbursement Menu Click here to skip to event 2: Account Codes and Department ID’s ***

  12. Accounting Voucher • Used for standard reimbursements with or without invoice • Must send the original form with supporting documentation to the Office of Accounts Payable: MSC 5712, using interoffice mail URL Link to Accounting Voucher Form University directions to complete form: reverence .610 Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  13. Original Receipts and Invoices • This can be a faxed version or should be an original from the actual purchase or order (printed from online-if online purchase- or faxed is fine). • Otherwise, original receipt from purchase should be mailed or sent in. Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  14. W-9 Tax Form of Reimbursee This form is completed by individual or organization being reimbursed. It can be located at JMU forms index or online. If person being reimbursed is affiliated with JMU or has been reimbursed before, JMU may have W-9 on file, call 540-568-7397 to check. Signatures Required: Signature of Traveler (Nick Swayne) Signature of Traveler’s supervisor (Margaret Shaeffer or *) *Signature of approving authority for the department ID if different from signature of traveler’s supervisor URL Link to W-9 Tax form of Reimbursee University directions to complete form: reverence .930 Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  15. Is the reimbursement over $100? Include personal memo explaining why the purchase was over $100 and whether or not the purchaser was authorized to spend that amount. Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  16. Food Related Reimbursement Each of these forms are required to complete a single reimbursement. In accordance with the Commonwealth’s Prompt Pay Act, payment shall be due thirty (30) days after receipt of proper invoice or material/service, whichever is later. – Because of this it is important to fill out and submit each form in a timely manner and correctly the first time. Original Invoice and/or Receipts Accounting Voucher W-9 Tax Form of Reimbursee Is the reimbursement over $100? Business Meal Certification Back to Reimbursement Menu *** Click here to skip to event 2: Account Codes and Department ID’s

  17. Accounting Voucher • Used for standard reimbursements with or without invoice • Completed accounting vouchers and supplemental documents are submitted to Accounts Payable: MSC 5712, using interoffice mail URL Link to Accounting Voucher Form University directions to complete form: reverence .610 Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  18. Original Invoice and Receipts • This can be faxed version or should be an original from actual purchase or order (Printed from online or faxed is fine) Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  19. W-9 Tax Form of Reimbursee This form is completed by individual or organization being reimbursed. It can be located at JMU forms index or online. If person being reimbursed is affiliated with JMU or has been reimbursed before, JMU may have W-9 on file, call 540-568-7397 to check. Signatures Required: Signature of Traveler (Nick Swayne) Signature of Traveler’s supervisor (Margaret Shaeffer or *) *Signature of approving authority for the department ID if different from signature of traveler’s supervisor URL Link to W-9 Tax form of Reimbursee University directions to complete form: reverence .930 Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  20. Is the reimbursement over $100? Include personal memo explaining why the purchase was over $100 and whether or not the purchaser was authorized to spend that amount. Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

  21. Business Meal Certification Form Along with original receipt, a list of any and all people fed by the food being reimbursed must be included. Signatures Required: Signature of Traveler (Nick Swayne) Signature of Traveler’s supervisor (Margaret Shaeffer or *) *Signature of approving authority for the department ID if different from signature of traveler’s supervisor URL Link to BMC Form University directions to complete form: reverence .930 Back to Reimbursement Menu Non-Travel Related Forms Menu

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