1. Veggi World www.aneja.info
3. Asparagus
Asparagus is low in calories and high in minerals and vitamins. They are an excellent source of vitamins A, B including Vitamin B9 and C as well as folic acid. Vitamin B9 is especially crucial for pregnant women as inadequate Vitamin B can lead to a baby being born with spina bifida. Asparagus is also great for detoxing and has diuretic effects. The fibres in asparagus cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, as well as ridding the body of excess water.There are old beliefs that eating asparagus works on your heart chakra, increasing emotions like love and compassion. It is also said to help with menstrual pain and milk production for nursing mums. Asparagus is advised not to be consumed by those with cystitis or arthritis.
4. Basil
Basil is highly recommended for nausea as well as travel sickness, due to its antispasmodic properties. Basil aids digestion as it promotes saliva production, enabling the body to digest food more effectively. Fresh basil is full of folic acid, whilst dried basil is great for potassium, calcium and iron. Dried basil is excellent for the respiratory system, and is used in the treatment of throat and nose infections
5. Blackberries
The antioxidants in blackberries are said to prevent cancer. Blackberries are deemed to be an astringent due to their tannin content. Hence, they help blood flow and are effective in the reduction of skin and mouth rashes. Blackberries are meant to alleviate haemorrhoids. They are also a great source of pectin, a soluble fibre. Too many blackberries, however, can lead to constipation.
6. Beetroot
Beetroot has no fat, is very low in calories and is full of fibre. Beetroot is brimming with minerals and vitamins. It helps in the treatment of anaemia as it has blood cleansing qualities. Beetroot has been used to treat cancer in mainland Europe for many years as it contains certain anti-carcinogens. Beetroot is also said to up your intake of oxygen by 400%.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli contains a great deal of Vitamin C, essential for good overall health. This vegetable also helps the body absorb iron, crucial for the healthy working of cells in the body. It is considered to prevent cataracts, as well as to keep colds at bay. Broccoli contains a high level of folic acid which helps women maintain normal tissue growth. Therefore, it is a crucial food for pregnant mothers. The high potassium levels in broccoli can reduce high blood pressure, with high levels of calcium combating osteoporosis. Broccoli is rich in fibre which assists the effective functioning of the gastrointestinal tract function as well as lowering cholesterol. Recently broccoli has been promoted as healthy due to three things found in it; indole-3-carbinol, which prevents hormone-related cancers, like prostate and breast cancer.
8. Broad beans
Broad beans are an excellent source of Vitamin A which is essential for growth, great hair, bones, eyes, skin and teeth. Broad beans are resplendent in Vitamin C which helps to stem the ageing process, healing of wounds and reduction of cholesterol. They also help the body absorb iron, crucial for the healthy working of each cell in our bodies. Broad beans contain Vitamin E, an antioxidant crucial for young looking skin. They are a great source of fibre and protein. Broad beans are considered to assist in keeping respiratory infections at bay.
9. Carrots
Carrots contain the highest level of beta carotene out of all vegetables. Beta carotene converts to Vitamin A in our bodies, aiding our vision. Hence, we are told, especially when we are young, that it is essential to eat carrots in order to have good eyesight. The beta carotene also acts as an antioxidant which fights the free radicals (cancer causing molecules) that lead to illnesses like heart disease and cancer, as well as loss of central vision, otherwise known as macular degeneration. This can leads to the patient being unable to recognise faces in some cases. Beta carotene also helps your body to absorb fibre effectively.
10. Cabbage
Cabbage is high in fibre and a great source of Vitamin C. It is also abundant in phytochemicals (plant compounds) known as indoles, said to reduce the risk of multiple types of cancer. It is considered to prevent prostrate cancer as well as breast cancer. Cabbage is full of Vitamin A, great for your eyesight and skin. It has also got high Vitamin B content, crucial for boosting your metabolism. It is a great source of Vitamin C, a key anti-oxidant that assists in the burning of fat.
11. Cauliflower
The two key ingredients of cauliflower are indole 3 carbinol and photonutrient sulforaphane. They are said to reduce the occurrence of breast cancer and tumours, as well maintain a healthy prostate. The Vitamin C in cauliflower is an antioxidant which maintains a healthy immune system. Cauliflower also contains folate which enables the blood to work effectively and is considered to prevent anaemia. Four cauliflower florets per day supplies the average person with over 70% of recommended daily Vitamin C intake.
12. Celeriac
Celeriac is the root of celery and looks almost potato like. The high potassium content of celeriac is said to lessen the likelihood of strokes, especially for men. Celeriac juice is used to treat constipation, asthma, fluid retention, fever, headache, insomnia, the lungs, kidneys, liver, as well as problems with nerves. It is also said to aid digestion.
13. Cherries
Cherries are high in antioxidants which keep the blood clean, as well as keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in check. They are also high in beta carotene (20 times higher than the level in strawberries and blueberries) for a healthy immune system. Cherries have high levels of Vitamins C and E, magnesium, potassium, fibre, iron and folate. Thus they can ease the effects of arthritis as well as reduce risk of infections
14. Cucumber
Due to the fact that cucumber is 90% water, it is an excellent cooling agent. Cucumber is considered to be very good for reducing swelling, tiredness and puffiness of the eyes. It is also meant to be great for softening and soothing the skin. Cucumber juice and cucumber taken regularly is said to keep your skin supple and soft.
15. Celery
Celery is great at purifying the blood. It is calorie free and has high fibre content. It is full of iron and magnesium, crucial for the healthy working of each cell in our bodies. Celery contains 95% water, so it is excellent for the effective nourishing of blood cells. Celery juice is full of potassium, which helps to hydrate and maintain healthy skin. It also regulates blood pressure. Vitamin C content in celery supports the effective working of the immune system, including keeping colds at bay. Celery is said to stimulate memory and reduce nausea, as well as being great for hangovers
16. Chard
The fibre in chard is highly effective in the prevention of digestive tract cancer. It is also excellent for healthy blood, keeping blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels in check. Chard is good at keeping colonic cancer away and lowers the risk of getting skin cancer. Chard also protects the kidneys amongst diabetic patients. It is full of minerals and vitamins. The Vitamin K content of chard is crucial for good bones. Its high Vitamin A and beta-carotene content provide for good vision, including the risk of cataracts.
17. Chicory
Chicory contains a great deal of Vitamin C, an antioxidant which cleans the blood and keeps blood cholesterol and pressure at bay. It is also great at resisting liverstones as well as gallstones which are both caused by too much cholesterol in the blood. Chicory is famous for prevention of jaundice as well as an enlarged liver. For the bodys nervous system, chicory is also a great anti-inflammatory.
18. Chestnuts
Most of the calories in chestnuts are from carbs as opposed to fat. Chestnuts are free of cholesterol, have low sodium content and are relatively high in fibre. This makes them a great choice for dieters as well as those with any heart problems. The Vitamin C content in chestnuts assists the body in fighting infections as well as quickening the process of wound healing. Chestnuts also contain high levels of thiamine which boosts energy and promotes a healthy appetite
19. Courgettes
95% of a courgette is water. Courgettes contain some fibre, vitamins and other nutrients. They are a great source of beta carotene. Beta carotene helps our bodies to convert Vitamin A. Courgettes are a good source of Vitamin C which cleanses our blood and regulates blood pressure and cholesterol. They are also an excellent source of folate which keeps mens sperm healthy. Folate is also crucial for pregnant women, to reduce birth defects
20. Figs
Figs can have a mild laxative impact, so you need to be careful as to how many you eat Fig juice has a calming effect on the bronchial passages. Fresh figs are not a good source of Vitamin C. However, they are a better source of Vitamin B6 which plays a key part in reducing heart attacks.
21. Garlic
Garlic has multiple health benefits. It is good for preventing colds as well as the flu. It is even said to be effective in the treatment of acne as well as maintaining blood cholesterol levels. Due to the high sulphur levels in garlic it is an effective antioxidant, protecting the body from free radicals which can cause cancer
22. Kiwi
Kiwi is excellent for the stomach, helping relieve bloating. It also assists in the relief of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as well as constipation. This fruit has a balancing impact on the digestive system. Two kiwis a day will help constipation as well as bloating.
23. Pears
The anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogen in pears keeps blood pressure in check as well as reduces the likelihood of strokes. Their Vitamin C content protects cells from any potential damage by free radicals. Pears contain a lot of pectin which is good for keeping cholesterol down. Pear juice is great for regular bowel movement as well as the wellbeing of the colon. Pear juice is also a great natural sports drink due to its high levels of glucose and fructose. Pears have a lot of boron, which enables the body to retain calcium, reducing the chances of osteoporosis.
24. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is high in potassium which keeps the nervous system working effectively. The orange colour of pumpkin flesh is full of beta carotene which ensures smooth skin, good eyesight and a healthy immune system. This vitamin is a key antioxidant in protection against free radicals (highly reactive molecules which can cause brain and other tissue damage). Pumpkins are beneficial for the treatment of gallbladder, kidney and prostate problems. They are also excellent treatment for the removal of roundworm and tapeworm from the intestines