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Law via the Internet, SYDNEY 2015

Explore the socio-legal aspects of comparative studies in the era of globalization. Learn how global rules are implemented in local contexts through glocalization. Discover the nuances of legal transplants and the importance of considering social contexts. Dive into the East Asian experience of sharing socio-legal information. This comprehensive study delves into the realities of implementing global legal norms in a diverse local landscape.

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Law via the Internet, SYDNEY 2015

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  1. Language, Translation & Comparative Law: East Asian Experience Sharing of Socio-Legal Information & Comparative Legal Studies under Globalisation Prof. Amy SHEE, Director, TaiwanLIIProf. Ren-Hung HWANG, Dean, College of EngineeringNational Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Law via the Internet,SYDNEY 2015 1

  2. Global Law in Local Contexts Asian Socio-legal Studies under Globalisation Globalization socio-legal aspects of comparative studies

  3. Globalisation & Global Law Globalisation has brought about cross-border socio-cultural, politico-economic and technological exchanges with instantaneous communications that knowledge and culture can be shared around the world simultaneously. ‘Global Law’ denotes cross-border development of legal norms that involves a transnational legal culture in pluralistic nature.

  4. In the trend of globalisation, general rules of international conventions and treaties are taken into local laws to accelerate national development. HOWEVER, duplication of global \ int’l law does not bring about local developments unless contextual issues are properly tackled in local societies. global rules in local contexts glocalisation

  5. Globalisation Global RulesLocal Contexts Glocalisation

  6. Asian Comparative Law “advanced” statutes & case law best interests of the child glocalisation REAL life of a child in the local society Taiwan

  7. Best Interests of the Child Transplant ?!

  8. Comparative Studies of Legal Transplants Look up to the more developed countries for learning models Black-letter law translation and copy Neglect of social contexts PROBLEMS of vertical comparisons

  9. Comparative Studies of Global Law Initiations from local needs Parallel studies on social contexts of a global law principle \ concept Research of local initiations and cross-border sharing of ubiquitous socio-legal information glocalisation

  10. East Asia : CJKT comparative law & society East Asia = CJKT China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan

  11. CJKT Comparative Law of Glocalisation Contextual Information Information about Legal Context Information about Social Context TOO MUCH Work to DO!!! Consortium of Cross-border & Interdisciplinary Experts Research Teams of Lawyers and IT Experts

  12. IT TOOLs to Share Comparative Socio-legal Information in East Asia What to share? • Bilingual\Multilingual Statutory Texts • Standard Translation Dictionary • Packed Contextual Information

  13. CJKT Consortium JaLII, Nagoya U Japan MOJ 法令外国語訳 Statutory KWICs & Standard Translation Dictionary & LawPack Japanese Law & Society TaiwanLII,CCU Ministry of Government Legislation, KOREA Taiwan Law & Society Korean Law & Society Renmin U PRC Law & Society

  14. From April 2009 http://www.japanselawtranslation.go.jp/ 14

  15. The Japanese Law Bilingual KWIC Database 親権parental authority The Technology: Display bilingual keyword-in-context legal documents 15

  16. CJKT Bilingual KWICs of A Legal Concept A database to collect and display CJKT laws & provide keyword-in-context search among Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea Japanese Law Taiwan Law Japanese Law Shared Chinese kanji characters http://koyori.legal-astray.jp/dual/?action=dual

  17. CJKT Concepts of “Parental Right” v. “Best Interests of the Child” CJKT SBD: Compare Concepts of Shared Chinese Characters Mix-ups !!! More contextual studies needed to be done among CJKT shared Chinese terms

  18. Japan: 親 権parental authority Korea 親權 Taiwan 親 權 Transplant Linguistic translation parental rights & duties Conceptual translation Modernisation Contextual translation Internationalisation duty-right parental responsibilities UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Globalisation Best interests of the child

  19. CJKT Keyword Diagram of 親權comparative studies We need more contextual and packed Information Excel file of comparative CJKT 親權 keywords

  20. LawPack [Packed Socio-legal Information] Research Facilities -- Keywords (Diagrams) -- Definition of Legal Terms -- Useful Websites -- Brief & Annotations -- Useful Tools Information - Legislative history - Current laws & orders - Judicial interpretations - Court decisions - Academic writings - Empirical findings We need an Expert platform to share Information

  21. Comparison of A Legal Concept amongMainland China, Japan, Korea,Taiwan (CJKT) CJKT Bilingual KWICs keyword-in-context search CJKT STD Standard Translation Dictionary LawPack Packages of Topical Socio-Legal Information

  22. Taiwan Legal Information Institute (TaiwanLII) Lawyers working with IT Experts

  23. Bilingual KWICsto Share Legal Texts

  24. Technology “Transplant” of Bilingual KWIC from JaLII to TaiwanLII

  25. The Taiwan Bilingual KWIC Database Technology given by JaLII to build up TaiwanKWICs Alignment Mistakes!!! http://kwic.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/taiwan/ 25

  26. Language, Translation & Comparative Law: East Asian Experience Problem of technology transfer from JaLII to TaiwanLII The “language”Problem … Japan Rubyv.Taiwan PHP So rewrite the Bilingual KWICs with PHP

  27. TaiwanLII Bilingual KWICs – PHP version

  28. 1 Adapt to Local Needs 1: Equivalent Chinese Terms 2 Adapt to Local Needs 2: enactment\revision date 3 4

  29. III. TaiwanLII KWIC : Feature I. (cont.) from a Chinesekeyword to English equivalents Input: 圖書館 ->library、main library….. Input: 獎學金 ->scholarship、grants….

  30. from a Englishkeyword to Chinese equivalents Input: student-> 學生、學人… etc. Input: study-> 考察、修習… etc.

  31. Adapt to Local Needs 3: Sentences in each row on both sides Chinese & English correspond to each other. Adapt to Local Needs 4: You canDownload the documents

  32. Standard Translation Dictionary to Share Legal Terms 32

  33. CJKT-STDDictionary of Chinese Ideograms Japanese Kanji Korean Chinese Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Korean(Hangul) English translation English translation English translation English translation CJKT Standard Translation Dictionary12,000 terms 33 33

  34. Language, Translation & Comparative Law: East Asian Experience Problem of technology transfer from JaLII to TaiwanLII The “translation” Problem … 4 Chinese characters + “shapes” + variables So develop the Taiwan STD & the STD Database

  35. Develop SBD Database to support CJKT Comparative Studies Lawyers provides data and information IT experts provides technical support for data management A system for CJKT lawyers to manage comparative keywords efficiently

  36. Step 1 Lawyers provides data and information 36

  37. Step 2: IT experts provides technical support for data management Display the files with jurisdiction options Click to change pages

  38. Result: CJKT keywords management Click on one entry to show detailed information fo the keyword edit data Old law Comment verb\ noun Statutory International\ Foreign law Source of Information Equivalent

  39. Package of Socio-legal Information forTeamwork Research & Teaching

  40. Home Page of the LawPack Database I. Topics II. Search III. Add New Data IV. Tools V. Discussion Forum 40

  41. 42

  42. 43

  43. Keyword “Child” Search Result text annotation brief text brief annotation text annotation text brief 45

  44. 46

  45. 47

  46. 48

  47. Added data included in the New List 49

  48. Taiwan Laws on 親權1 Link Out to Search – Taiwan law on 親權 50 50 • Keyword-in-context (KWIC) search Laws & Regulations Database (Ministry of Justice, MOJ) http://law.moj.gov.tw/Law/LawSearchLaw.aspx

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