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The Work of Gregor Mendel

Learn about Gregor Mendel's study on heredity, alleles, and dominance in genetics. Discover how genes control traits and are passed on from one generation to the next.

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The Work of Gregor Mendel

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  1. The Work of Gregor Mendel http://sps.k12.ar.us/massengale/genetics%20tutorial.htm http://www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/germplas/pisum/zgs4f.htm

  2. parents to offspring heredity Transmission of characteristics from _______________________is called ___________________. The _________ that studies _____ those characteristics are _________ from one generation to the next is called ___________________ how SCIENCE passed on Genetics

  3. http://www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/germplas/pisum/zgs4f.htm Father of Genetics The __________________ is _________________, a monk whose _________ of genetic traits was the beginning of our _________________ about _____________________. Gregor Mendel study understanding how genes work

  4. pair of FACTORS control Mendel decided that there must be a __________________ that ________each trait and that __________ must be able to _______ the other. one factor HIDE

  5. We now know that Mendel’s ________________ carried on the pair of________________ _________________ factors are genes homologous chromosomes http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/Crossover.gif

  6. DIFFERENT ________ gene _______ for a trait are called ___________. CHOICES ALLELES http://sps.k12.ar.us/massengale/genetics%20tutorial.htm

  7. DOMINANT HIDES __________________ = An allele that ________ the presence of another allele __________________ = An allelethat __________________ the presence of another allele RECESSIVE is hidden by

  8. PROBABILITY ____________________is the __________ that a particular _________________ likelihood event will occur It can be written as a: Fraction ____ Percent ____ Ratio ____ 1/4 25% 1:3

  9. http://www.arborsci.com/CoolStuff/CoinFlip.jpg COIN FLIP There are 2 possible outcomes: HEADS TAILS The chance the coin will land on either one is: ____ ____ ____ Alleles segregate randomly just like a coin flip. . . So can use probability to predict outcomes of genetic crosses. 1/2 50% 1:1

  10. PROBABILITIES PAST DON’T FUTURE If last coin flip was heads… there is still a 50/50 chance the next flip will be heads too. _____ outcomes ______ affect _________ones _____________works ______ in ___________ a ________ number of events. Probability predicting best large The more flips. . . The closer results will be to the expected 50:50 average.

  11. DOMINANT/RECESSIVE Dominant capital _____________ allele is represented by a ____________ letter.(usually the first letter of the trait) ____________ allele is represented by the SAME _________________ letter. EX: Tall = ______ Short =______ Recessive lower-case T t NOT S for short

  12. HOMOZYGOUSHETEROZYGOUS When both alleles in the pair are the _______, the organism is _______________ or __________ EX: ____ or ___ When both alleles in the pair are _____________, the organism is _________________ or _____________ Ex: ____ SAME HOMOZYGOUS PURE TT tt DIFFERENT HETEROZYGOUS HYBRID Tt

  13. PHENOTYPE/GENOTYPE genetic makeup The ________________ of an organism is its _____________ The ____________of an organism is its _____________ GENOTYPE appearance PHENOTYPE

  14. PUNNETT SQUARES are used to show possible offspring from a cross between 2 parents _______________ go at top and on left side Boxes show _______________________________ Parent alleles T T TT TT Tt Tt T t possible offspring combinations

  15. GENES are more complicated than Mendel thought ENVIRONMENT influences ____________________________ the ________________________. = ________________________ Genes ________ the ______ for development, but how plan unfolds also _______ on ______________conditions. expression of genes “Nature vs Nurture” provide plan depends environmental

  16. GENES are more complicated than Mendel thought Some traits have ____________ allele __________ = ____________________ EX: Eye color Allele choices ___ ___ ___ choices MORE than 2 MULTIPLE ALLELE TRAIT Blue Brown Green

  17. GENES are more complicated than MENDEL thought Some traits are determined by ____________________________ = __________________ EX: human height. intelligence, skin & eye color MORE THAN ONE GENE POLYGENIC TRAIT http://www.bcps.org/offices/lis/models/life/images/grow.JPG

  18. GENES are more complicated than MENDEL thought MORE than ONE gene Traits determined by ____________ _________ have _____“___________” phenotypes many in-between There aren’t just SMART people and DUMB people…. there is a ________________ of intelligences in-between whole range

  19. GENES are more complicated than MENDEL thought KINDS OF DOMINANCE ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ COMPLETE DOMINANCE INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE CO-DOMINANCE

  20. COMPLETE DOMINANCE Dominant masks recessive __________ allele _______ the ___________ one PATTERN ?____________ allele ________ in a _____ratio in the ____ generation Recessive returns 3:1 F2 http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookTOC.html

  21. INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE DON’T SEE __________ expected _____ ratio in F2 generation _____________ organisms with one dominant and one recessive allele show a _________ in-between trait 3:1 Heterozygous BLENDED Image modified from: http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookTOC.html

  22. CO-DOMINANCE BOTH SAME TIME NO BLENDING _______ traits are expressed at ___________ (_____________________) in heterozygote ROAN A ________HORSE has ______________ hair and __________ hair side by side BOTH RED WHITE

  23. CO-DOMINANCE Both traits are expressed together (NO BLENDING) in heterozygote Persons with an A alleleAND a B allele have blood type AB

  24. BLOOD TYPES have more than 2 allele choices= _________________________ MULTIPLE ALLELE TRAIT The pattern of sugars that is attached is determined by genes Allele choices are: _____ ____ ____ A B O

  25. A and B are CO-DOMINANT A cell with BOTH an A and a B allele has BOTH “A” and “B”

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