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Maria Heneghan, Rural Tourism Specialist, Teagasc Rural Development Centre Athenry. What is Rural Tourism ?. Providing a Holiday Experience in a Rural Area. What is a holiday experience ?. A place to stay. Something to do. How does Tourist Euro Get spent ?.
Maria Heneghan, Rural Tourism Specialist, Teagasc Rural Development Centre Athenry
What is Rural Tourism ? Providing a Holiday Experience in a Rural Area
A place to stay Something to do
How does Tourist Euro Get spent ? Accommodation 27% Activity 9% Food 16% (52%) Gifts 12% (64%) Travel in rural area 16% Snacks 9% Other 11%
Accommodation 2005 - 2006 Sept 06 End 06 Hotels saw increase of 61% 41% B&B 20% 11% Self Catering 35% 22% Camping & Caravan 50% 12% Hostels 45% 39%
B&B Whats Needed? En-Suite Food Health/ Spa Character Quality Spaciousness
Self- catering ??? Cottage/ House / Lodges /Chalets Yurts 5 star Hostel Camping / Caravans Featherdown Farms Boutique Self -Catering
Activities Walking Cycling Tennis Nature walks on farm Horse riding Golf Reading room Children ??? Art lessons
Walking Angling Water sports/ sailing/ Kayaking Mountain climbing Dancing Heritage Cultural
Archery Human Bowling JCB
Catering and meeting facilities on the farm
Dont start with the JCB, Grant aid and The Business plan Start with search and re searching 1. your Idea 2, your vision
What are they offering B&B and Supper/Dinner Breakfast & Supper to Self-Catering House Parties Gifts corner Home & local food
B&B and Supper 50% occup. over 52 wks 4 Bedr. = 8 bednights (bn) 8 (bn) x 7days = 56 / wk. 56bn x 52wks = 2912 (full) 50% occupancy = 1456 guests
Income 1452 bn x €35 = € 50,820 €12,800 B&B Suppers 800 @ €16 €1,700 Extra Total income from B&B € 65, 620
Gifts Corner 30 tea cosies @ €10 €300 20 crochet table centre pieces @ €15 €300 €450 100 pots Jam €4.50 Local crafts exhibitions €650 €1,700 Total
Costs €65, 320 Income € 19,596 Running costs 30% € 3,266 Marketing 5% Casual Labour € 4,600 Borrowings €150,000 3.75% € 6,225 pa € 33, 687 Total costs
Income before tax for 6mth job €31, 933
What makes them Successful ? USP Confident about their Range of Products They operate as a business Focused on attracting a success to the farm
4.Extras 30 tea cosies @ €10 each €300 40 crochet and patchwork table centre pieces €15 each €600 100 pots jam @ €3 each €300 €4,000 @ 10% local gift shop sales €400 Income from Extras €1,700
Income 50% occupancy over 7 mths €35,320 Less 30% costs - €10,956 Income €24,364 Less 10% marketing € 2,436 Income less costs €22,928 68 days boat hire@ €100/day €6,800 Less maintainance and fuel €1,960 € 4840 Bait €3000 @10% € 300 Total Income before tax from Bed and Breakfast €26,068
Income from Self- catering 1. Self-catering income Self- catering Cottage 70% occupancy over 52 weeks €500/week x 36wks = €18,000 50 Dinners @ €16/ meal = € 800 80 Breakfasts @ €8.50 = € 680 € 19,480 Costs 15% = € 2922 Income from Self- catering €16,558
Borrowed €150,000 @ 3.75% x 25 yrs €518.75/month Income €26068 Repayment € 6,225per /annum Income after repayments € 20,843 (before tax) + asset worth ?