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RICS Assessment Professional Eligibility Criteria

To fulfill the eligibility criteria to become an RICS assessment professional, you must complete the RICS assessor training course, specific to the assessor role you fulfill. This training will offer you the necessary knowledge and understanding to participate in RICS assessments and ensure that all evaluators apply a consistent approach irrespective of qualification.

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RICS Assessment Professional Eligibility Criteria

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  1. RICSAssessmentProfessional EligibilityCriteria An RICS assessment professional plays a vital role in making sure that only those who fulfill RICS ethical standards and professionalcompetencyrequirementsbecomeRICS- qualifiedprofessionals. Therole: RICS’sglobalassessorcommunityhasmorethan3000active assessors. These professionals are responsible for ensuring thatthehighprofessionalstandardsofRICSareupheld.They workasthegatekeeperstotheprofessionandgivetheirtime, commitment,professionalismandexpertisetoevaluate potential new professionals, either by written submission or interview.Thefollowingarefourrolesyoumayperformasan RICSassessor: AssociateAssessor:Evaluatingacandidate’swritten submissionsfortheAssociatequalification(AssocRICS). Preliminaryreviewer:Reviewing acandidate’swritten submissions to approve him/her for chartered interview (for MRICS).

  2. Interview Assessor: Evaluating a candidate at an interview for theCharteredqualification(MRICS). Interview Chairperson:Handling the interview and helping interviewassessorsfortheCharteredqualification(MRICS). Eligibilitycriteria: To fulfill the eligibility criteria to become an RICS assessment professional, you must complete the RICS assessor training course, specific to the assessor role you fulfill. This training will offer you the necessary knowledge and understanding to participateinRICSassessmentsandensurethatallevaluators applyaconsistentapproachirrespectiveofqualification.

  3. Tocontinueas anRICSevaluator,youhavetoadheretothe general RICS CPD requirements, complete ethics training every three years, and attend refresher training every three years. Benefitsofbeinganassessor: Althoughdemanding,beinganassessorisahugelyrewarding role, as it will allow you to access the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the qualification process and take part in one of the major stages of a surveyor’s career. The followingarethemajorbenefitsofthisrole: BeingapartoftheRICSglobalassessorcommunity RecordingyourassessortrainingasformalCPD Updatinganddevelopingyourprofessionalknowledge ClaiminginformalCPDhoursfromreadingcandidate submissions Maintainingprofessionalstandards Developingfutureprofessionals Havingsatisfactionfromgivingsomethingbacktothe profession Networkingandsharingknowledgeandexperiencewith yourpeers Youwillgetalltheabove-listedbenefitsasanRICSassessor whose role isto help inthe Assessment of Professional Competence(RICSAPC).

  4. ResourceURL:- https://rollbol.com/blogs/1424147/RICS-Assessment- Professional-Eligibility-Criteria

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