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Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Meeting May 12, 2009 Mount Vernon, Virginia

Learn about the milestones set at the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council meeting in May 2009, including guidelines, attributes, and the new restoration end date of 2025. Stay informed on tracking, reporting, adaptation, and contingency planning.

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Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Meeting May 12, 2009 Mount Vernon, Virginia

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  1. Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Meeting May 12, 2009 Mount Vernon, Virginia Jeff Corbin, Virginia Assistant Secretary of Natural Resources

  2. November 2008 Executive Council Meeting Governor Kaine committed the partnership, at the May 2009 EC meeting, to: • Adopting a set of 2-year milestones • Proposing a new Bay cleanup deadline (aka Restoration End Date)

  3. December 2008 Secretary Preston Bryant established and charged an Action Team, by the April 2009 PSC meeting, to: • Agree on guidelines for jurisdictional development of 2-year milestones • Develop jurisdiction-specific 2-year milestones • Discuss options for adopting contingencies upon failure to meet milestones • Recommend a new Bay cleanup deadline (aka Restoration End Date)

  4. These are Water QualityRestoration Milestones

  5. Milestones Guiding Principle “While milestones for each jurisdiction will likely vary considerably with respect to proposed specific actions, it is critical that the overall combined milestones product be consistent and comprehensive.”

  6. Milestones Guidelines • Will focus strictly on Bay water quality restoration goal • Jurisdiction-specific milestone outcomes can be rolled up into a single, basin-wide summary • Milestone outcomes include: pounds reduced , acres implemented, adoption of new regulations, legislation, policies • Account for implementation actions of all partners

  7. Milestone Attributes • First 2-year milestones will be from mid-2009 through end of 2011 • Confirming we intend to develop milestones which are ‘stretch goals but still attainable’ • Accelerates past rates of implementation • Milestones could include commitments to seek new regulations, enactment of new legislation/policies • Translate or relate actions and resources to Bay water quality endpoints • Measurable, trackable, reportable and related to the end goal (cap load allocations) • Consistency across the 7 jurisdictions

  8. Roll It All Up

  9. A New Restoration End Date “The date by which all the actions required to achieve the jurisdiction-specific and basinwide cap load allocations have been fully implemented on the ground”

  10. “No Later Than” 2025

  11. Milestone Next Steps • Tracking – use partnership’s existing ag/urban BMP and wastewater tracking system (updated every January) • Reporting – progress updated annually through the Bay Barometer (published every March) • Adapt – change partners’ implementation approaches based on new information through annual adaptive management cycle (annually) • ‘Plan B’ – continue development of contingencies to close gaps/ address shortfalls (ongoing)

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