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2. Introductions. 3. Announcements and News. 4. Is this better?. . Wed. 2/6. Thurs. 2/7. Fri. 2/8. . . 6:00
1. Executive Council Meeting 6 February 2008
2. 2 Introductions
3. 3 Announcements and News
4. 4 Is this better?
5. 5 Honorary Coach
6. 6
7. 7 Sabbatical University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden
Spring 2009
Feb. 15 – May 20
8. 8 London & Paris 2008 Currently 13 ISM, 7 SBM, 4 other
April 27 to May 11
Program cost: $2,975
Tuition, insurance, lodging, local trans., breakfasts, some lunch/dinner
Airfare: $900
Need based scholarships (new)
9. 9 London & Paris 2008
10. 10 London & Paris 2008
11. 11 London & Paris 2008
12. 12 London & Paris 2008
13. 13 London & Paris 2008
14. 14 London & Paris 2008
15. 15 London & Paris 2008
16. 16 London & Paris 2008
17. 17 London & Paris 2008
18. 18 London & Paris 2008
19. 19 London & Paris 2008
20. 20 London & Paris 2008
21. 21 London & Paris 2008
22. 22 London & Paris 2008
23. 23 APICS Case Competition February 15-16
Downer’s Grove, PA
24. 24 APICS Golf Outing
25. 25 APICS Golf Outing When: Saturday, April 19
Where: Lake Doster Golf Club
Who: students, professors and professionals
Cost: $40 per student, $55 for non-students
$50 and $100 for company hole sponsorship
Used as a fundraiser as well as a networking opportunity
Sign-up and pay online!
26. 26 APICS Golf Outing
27. 27 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment Program goals
Produce at least 80 graduates per year
All students have GPA above 3.0
All students have an internship
All students spend semester abroad
Nationally ranked program
28. 28 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
29. 29 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
30. 30 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
31. 31 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
32. 32 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
33. 33 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
34. 34 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment
35. 35 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment Simplifying the process
Identified programs
Universitat Paderborn (Germany), Swinburne (Australia)
Necogcia (France), John Cabot (Italy), Monterrey Tech (Mexico)
36. 36 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment Scholarships
Currently $4,000 per year from John Deere
Web site, newsletter, APICS meetings, short-term programs, advising
37. 37 Dennis Connor Metrics Moment Newsletter shared with business school deans
Participation in curriculum research project (Sime)
38. 38
39. 39 Corporate Curriculum Collaboration Whirlpool Negotiating Training
40. 40 Corporate Curriculum Collaboration Kellogg build-a-bear
Kellogg project management training
Scheduled for March
41. 41 Corporate Curriculum Collaboration MGMT 4810 (3810)
John Deere Lean Materials (branded)
Local company projects
Stryker Medical
Bell’s brewery
42. 42 Corporate Curriculum Collaboration Low-volume lean manufacturing
Experimental course
G.A. Richards
43. 43 Corporate Curriculum Collaboration Procurement Topics WIKI
What’s a Wiki?
Experimental WIKI nearly ready
Potential to create valuable current materials
44. 44 Corporate Curriculum Collaboration Whirlpool Electro-Mechanical 101
Concept to have Whirlpool teach basics of components used in appliances—basics of motors, sensors, relays, etc. as well as quality issues related to these components
Learn by tearing down a major appliance
45. 45 New Web Site Adjourn to computer lab 2230
46. 46 BroncoJobs 101
47. 47 Code of Ethics Student Ethics
Employer ethics and behavior
Post-interview student survey?
48. 48 Try-Z Placement in the Curriculum Question: Would the benefits of putting Try-Z (IME 4880/MKTG 4850) earlier in the curriculum be outweighed by the risks?
49. 49 Try-Z Placement in the Curriculum Pros:
ISM Acculturation
Responsibility (arrive on time, 5S, processes)
Bonding, esprit-de-corps, future study groups, natural cohorts
Concrete examples for follow-on classes (quality, production)
50. 50 Try-Z Placement in the Curriculum Cons:
Not mature enough for experience as sophomores/juniors
“Keeping the secret”
No longer a capstone experience
51. 51 MGMT 4640 Review Paperless class, new technologies
Blackboard Vista exams/exercises
ERPsim simulation
52. 52 MGMT 4640
53. 53 MGMT 4640
54. 54 MGMT 4640
55. 55 Tektronix Input Additional Topics to Include/Emphasize:
Master Scheduling
Traditional & lean production environments
Global coordination of Master Scheduling through tiers of supply chain
Inventory Mgmt
Inventory turns improvement techniques (e.g., VMI, Lean Replen,
MOQ & ordering policies based on A/B/C, revenue impact, volume, supply variability, etc.
56. 56 Tektronix Input Additional Topics to Include/Emphasize:
Product transition planning (for new product introduction & end of life)
Obsolescence & financial reserves
Strategic inventory planning strategies for key/bottleneck/constrained components.
Planning (factory floor scheduling) in Lean Production environment (e.g., production smoothing)
57. 57 Tektronix Input Additional Topics to Include/Emphasize:
Inputs & Outputs of MRP
Horizon (how to determine)
Engineering Change Control (basic fundamentals)
Base Data/Enterprise Data Management (basic fundamentals)
58. 58 Tektronix Input Topics to De-Emphasize
EOQ model is not used by Tektronix. We believe the focus needs to be on "agility" and not EOQ; predominantly due to customer demand variability (impact turns & obsolescence). EOQ also does not align w/"lean production" methodologies (which emphasize replenishment/pull).