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S&I Provider Directories Initiative

S&I Provider Directories Initiative. Revisions to Initiative Charter. July 1, 2011. Context (1 of 2). Recent lessons learned require us to modify our Initiative Charter:

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S&I Provider Directories Initiative

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  1. S&I Provider Directories Initiative Revisions to Initiative Charter July 1, 2011

  2. Context (1 of 2) • Recent lessons learned require us to modify our Initiative Charter: • Not something we like to do or have done often, but spelled out on the S&I “Processes & Guidelines” wiki page in situations such as this • Guidance: “The Initiative Charters should be updated based on lessons learned during Initiative execution. All updates to the Initiative Charter will be reviewed and accepted by the S&I Steering Team or, for Community Assigned Initiatives, by the Initiative Community of Interest.” • Delays in guidance from this initiative will hamper immediate implementations of Direct: • Direct Project Communities of Interest have an urgent and immediate need for common standards for certificate discovery. Because certificate discovery prior to send is a common need it is immediately useful for the community to evaluate experience and make recommendations in this area.  

  3. Context (2 of 2) • Standardized content + vocabulary is critical across the spectrum of PD problem domains: • Based on HITSC feedback and early experience in the PD work, the S&I Steering team has concluded that there are multiple contenders for a national strategy for the directory API (LDAP, SOAP + DSML, microdata + search, etc.) and each may have desirable characteristics for particular problem domains (e.g., internal directory, regional directory, national search), but that content and vocabulary standards are likely to be uniform across those domains. • Because of this, the S&I Steering team feels that content and vocabulary standards (that can be mapped to standards like LDAP and microdata) should be the first priority and are the most important use of taxpayer funded resources at this time. • We are NOT signaling in any way that other areas are unimportant or unworthy of consideration • In fact, we would encourage the community to get together and explore the other relevant areas within the S&I Framework as Community-driven initiatives. • A community-driven initiative is not facilitated by the S&I Support Team or S&I resources, but rather by the community itself. Community Leads meet weekly with the Initiative Coordinator to provide feedback and updates to share with the S&I Steering Committee.

  4. Phase 1 Initiative Scope

  5. Phase 1 Initiative Outcomes

  6. SWG #1 Focus & Next Steps • Next Steps: • Complete consensus on Query for Digital Certificate Use Case (for directed exchange) • Hold-off on additional harmonization work for this Use Case • Develop Query for Digital Certificate Use Case for Direct Project, leveraging work done on the Query for Digital Certificate Use Case (for directed exchange) • Recruit Direct Project Rules of the Road WG members to share insights in the development of the Use Case and subsequent standards harmonization • Determine interest in optional, community-driven outcomes 5

  7. SWG #2 Focus & Next Steps • Next Steps: • Complete current work on the Query for Electronic Address Use Case • Ensure data elements are fully addressed in the Use Case and conduct mapping to LDAP and microdata as part of Harmonization process • Gauge interest in continuing to explore standards harmonization (and/or other outcomes) through a Community-driven initiative 6

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