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Brief Introduction to TC Cross-cutting Project of UFRM

For TC 43 rd Session. Brief Introduction to TC Cross-cutting Project of UFRM. UFRM Task Force ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. Contents. Implementation Status in 2010 Implementation Plan in 2011 Concluding Remarks. A. Implementation Status in 2010. Collecting good practice on UFRM

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Brief Introduction to TC Cross-cutting Project of UFRM

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  1. For TC 43rd Session Brief Introduction to TC Cross-cutting Project of UFRM UFRM Task Force ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee

  2. Contents • Implementation Status in 2010 • Implementation Plan in 2011 • Concluding Remarks

  3. A. Implementation Status in 2010 • Collecting good practice on UFRM • TC UFRM Expert (Task Force)Meeting • UFRM Consultancy • Task Force Mission • Consulting with World Bank

  4. A-1. Collecting good practice on UFRM • TCS issued questionnaire as circular letter (TCS/103–2010) to the focal points of WGH, WGM and WGDRR in China, Japan and R. of Korea in March 2010. • China, Japan and Korea provided experiences and good practice on UFRM in Shanghai, Yokohama and Ansung, respectively. • China compiled the Study Report at TC IWS in September, 2010

  5. Good Practice Cities in URFM Shanghai Ansung City Yokohama

  6. To establish the comprehensive urban flood management strategy; To highlight the land use planning; To apply flood hazard/risk map widely as an important technique of urban flood preparedness; To enhance meteor-hydrological monitoring, forecasting and warning to provide timely, accurate and all-sided information support to the urban flood management; To emphasize on the function of retarding basins and discharge ponds in the urban flood management; a b c e d f To build up various dissemination ways of flood warning information to individual residents. Common Good Practices in 3 Cities

  7. A-2. TC UFRM Expert (Task Force) Meeting • The Meeting was funded by ESCAP and held in Bangkok in July, 2010 • TCS drafted the summary of the meeting and reported at TC IWS in September 2010. • Three main achievements • were procured.

  8. A-2. TC UFRM Expert (Task Force) Meeting Achievement 1:The TOR of UFRM TF was identified • The Members of TF consist of Chairpersons or vice-Chairpersons of 3 Working Groups and TCS; • The Chairperson of WGH was pointed as the head of TF; • The main objective of the Task Force is to provide technical advisory to the cross cutting project of UFRM; • The Task Force will also create guidance material for UFRM based on the good practices and the pilot city studies, which can be used in other countries; • The Task Force is required to provide timely progress report at TC session and seek advice when necessary.

  9. A-2. TC UFRM Expert (Task Force) Meeting Achievement 2:Pilot Cities were identified based on the criteria • HatYai, Thailand Contact person: Mr. Thosakdi Vanichkajom, TMD • Metro Manila, Philippines Contact person: Dr. Susan R. Espinueva, PAGASA • Hanoi, Viet Nam Contact person: Dr. NGUYEN Dai Khanh, NHMS

  10. A-2. TC UFRM Expert (Task Force) Meeting Achievement 3:TC is suggested to seek the further technical cooperation or funding support as Support Groups • WMO, ADPC, ADRC, ICHARM and JAXA were initially proposed as support groups of the project. • TCS issued the invitation letters to the potential support groups (TCS/195-2010 ~ TCS/199-2010)

  11. - Report to TC Session - Guidebook (Pilot Studies) (Recommendations) (Good Practice Inventory) (Useful materials) • -Contribute to other TC Members Typhoon Committee - Guidance material - Advice - Materials - Analysis Coach Player UFRM TF Chairs Vice-chairs TCS Observer National Focal Point of P.C. TC AWG - Information - Results - Outputs - Advice -Fund Rising - Project Formation - Consultation - Workshop - Advice - Materials - Fund - Advice - Materials - Advice - Materials Supporter Supporter Support Groups ESCAP, WMO Structure of UFRM project (draft) Mechanism of Implementing UFRM

  12. A-3. UFRM Consultancy Work • Prof. Xiaotao CHENG from China was contracted by ESCAP as UFRM Consultant with five main objectives: • To collect information in the field of typhoon-related disaster risk reduction, in particular information management on early warning system, regarding current status, challenges, and history of countermeasures by closely communicating with focal-point persons of the pilot cities (Manila, Hanoi, and Hat Yai) as well as the member countries and the UFRM Task Force.

  13. A-3. UFRM Consultancy Work • To collect information from the pilot cities on ongoing projects assisted by other international organizations in a similar subject to avoid duplication of work. • To identify specific points the TC could contribute in the field of disaster risk reduction, within the perspective of information management on various components of early warning system. • To develop a draft project implementation manual as a tool to assist the UFRM project by extracting inputs from Shanghai, Ansung and Yokohama. • To develop a draft report, containing the items under i, ii, and iii.

  14. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • The AWG decided at the IWS 2010 to allocate additional TCTF to support TF Mission for the site survey in the pilot cities. • The TF Mission was implemented from 12 to 19 December 2010 in Hat Yai, Metro Manila and Hanoi. • The Consultant Prof. Xiaotao CHENG, and Mr. Jinping LIU as the representative of TC TF participated in the Mission.

  15. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • The activities of the Mission included 3 main aspects: • deeply discussing with meteorologist, hydrologist and experts of disaster reduction from different levels of TC Members of the pilot cities; • visiting local office of weather monitoring and forecasting, flood forecasting and city halls; and • surveying the river system, flood control works, drainage system, rainfall and river-flow observation stations and others related to the early warning system

  16. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • The Mission achieved ultimately the expected goals: • collecting information on early warning system, regarding current status, challenges, and history of countermeasures in pilot cities; • collecting information from existing systems on flood forecasting and control; • identifying the specific points the TC could contribute in the field of disaster risk reduction, within the perspective of information management on various components of early warning system.

  17. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • The Mission got very strong support and cooperation from Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam. TC Secretary signed the thankfulness-letters (TCS/310~312-2010 to the Leaderships and Focal Points in the Members of 3 Pilot Cities, respectively. • The preliminary guidance material for implementation of pilot study will be drafted based on the Mission report.

  18. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • Requirement from Hat Yai, Thailand • request WGM to coordinate the capable Members (such as Japan, Republic of Korea) to conduct the QPE/QPF training in March 2011; • request WGH to coordinate the capable Members (such as China, Japan) to conduct a training on hydrological/hydraulic modeling using QPE/QPF in June 2011; • request WGH to coordinate the capable Members to transfer the technique of inundation mapping; • request TF to conduct study visiting in good practice cities (i.e. Shanghai, Yokohama and Ansung) before the flood season of 2011.

  19. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • Requirement from for Metro Manila, Philippines • request WGM to coordinate the capable Members (such as Japan, Republic of Korea) to conduct the QPE/QPF training in March 2011; • request ICHARM to conduct a training on IFAS application.

  20. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • Requirements from Hanoi, Viet Nam • request WGH to coordinate the capable Members to transfer the technique of inundation mapping; • request TF to conduct study visiting in good practice cities (i.e. Shanghai, Yokohama and Ansung) before the flood season of 2011.

  21. A-4. UFRM Task Force Mission • Main recommendations • TC UFRM project should be carried out combining with the existing plans in the pilot cities as much as possible; • The UFRM TF should be clear so that to provide their expertise advisory to the UFRM pilot study; • The Guideline should have comprehensive and practical characteristics as the outcome of a cross-cutting project among WGM, WGH and WGDRR for UFRM in developing countries, • Some delegations from pilot cities can be organized according to their requests to visit typical cities of good practices on UFRM.

  22. A-5. Consulting with World Bank • To seek support groups, TC TF made efforts to consult with World Bank (WB). • The official of WB responded that the TC UFRM project needs to have any significant features, such as combing flood and drought management and climate change adaption with an innovative approach. • The new proposed study on Expansion of ‘Climate Risks and Adaptation in Asian Coastal Megacities (WB-ADB-JICA project)’ aims to develop the project’s outputs both horizontally and vertically:

  23. A-5. Consulting with World Bank • The horizontal expansion is to transfer the output of the project to other mega cities, such as Jakarta, which also have large potential impacts of climate change. • The vertical one is to develop the output to more practical policy, utilizing ‘Practical Guidelines on Strategic Climate Change Adaptation Planning – Flood Disasters.” • The proposed study should be linked with on-going projects. The new proposal may include Manila and Ho Chi Min. Thailand may be included as an advanced case from which we can learn lessons. The proposal needs to lead future lending projects.

  24. B. Implementation Plan in 2011 • Main Task • Request TF to discuss the possibility to follow the new proposal from WB as soon as possible; • Request China to finalize the Study Report of Good Practice for UFRM; • Request Consultant to finalize the Consultant and Mission Report as the preliminary Guidance Material for Pilot Cities; • Request TF to finalize the Guidance Material and deliver to Pilot Cities; • Request TF to confirm the Support Groups;

  25. B. Implementation Plan in 2011 • Main Task (cont’d) • Request Pilot Cities to prepare their implementation plan in consultation with Task Force; • Request Pilot Cities to carry on the pilot study based on the implementation plan and guidance material; • Request WGM, WGH and WGDPP to seek the possibility of in-kind contribution to support the pilot studies, such as training on QPE/QPF, hydrological/hydraulic modeling using QPE/QPF and inundation mapping. • Request TF to consider the possibility of conducting the PCs visiting in good practice cities (Shanghai, Yokohama and Ansung).

  26. B. Implementation Plan in 2011 • Main Task (cont’d) • Request ESCAP to seek the possibility of funding support to organize a project working meeting of TF and PC to review the consultancy and to discuss the implementation progresses of pilot studies and the preparation of drafting the Guidelines of the UFRM project. • Request China to draft the final Guidelines of UFRM; • Request TF to review and finalize the Guidelines reports and arrange the publication for the TC 44th Annual Session in January 2012.

  27. B. Implementation Plan in 2011 • Proposed Timeline

  28. B. Implementation Plan in 2011 • Proposed Timeline (Cont’d)

  29. C. Concluding Remarks • The importance of support from AWG and TF. WGH request TC to identify the responsibility of TF Members to provide expertise guidance and advice on meteorology, hydrology and DRR: • Chairperson of WGM Mr. Xiaotu LEI and Director of RSMC Mr. Masashi KUNITSUGU to take care of meteorology; • Chairperson and vice Chairperson of WGH Mr. Minoru KAMOTO and Dr. Zhiyu LIU to take care of hydrology; • Chairperson of WGDRR Dr. Sang Man JEONG and Dr. Tae Sung CHEONG to take care of DRR.

  30. C. Concluding Remarks • The importance of in-kind contribution of WGs and TC Members; • The importance of cooperation of Pilot Cities • Funding support to be considered: in-kind contribution, TCTF, self-funding from PCs …… • Expectation from discussion of WGs’ parallel Session……

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