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Marketing & Sales in Pietele Emergente

Marketing & Sales in Pietele Emergente. International Marketing & Sales Group Plc. Compania a fost fondata in 1996 de catre Gregory Thain, actualul sau presedinte si Director Executiv.

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Marketing & Sales in Pietele Emergente

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  1. Marketing & Sales in Pietele Emergente International Marketing & Sales Group Plc

  2. Compania a fost fondata in 1996 de catre Gregory Thain, actualul sau presedinte si Director Executiv. Grupul ofera o gama larga de servicii de vanzari&marketing pietei din Rusia, Kazakhstan, Ukraina, Turcia, India, Ugaria, Romania, Grecia si Bulgaria Suntem specializati in Sales, advertising, consumer&trade activation marketing Clientii nostri sunt companii multinationale si locale ce opereaza in FMCG, telecomunicatii, retail trade, finante&banci, auto, electronice si industria farmaceutica In 2005, Grupul a fost admis la Bursa din Londra. Capital curent - £ 100 mln Cine suntem

  3. Chiar acum suntem 1500 de angajati la birouri & >25,000 lucratori pe teren activi in 244, 800 puncte de vanzare in 426 orase. Acoperim 24% din populatia globala & 16% suprafata globala de uscat. In 13 fusuri orare diferite. Vorbim 30 limbi & lucram pentru peste 250 brand-uri la temperaturi intre - 48oC si + 45oC.

  4. Viziune Sa ajungem, in urmatorii 5 ani, cea mai mare companie de sales & marketing pe Pietele Emergente Sa pozitionam IMSG ca “Grup Independent”, cu know-how-ul necesar oferirii unor solutii de calitate Sa crestem, in urmatoarele 24 de luni, la 500 mln usd devenind al 10-lea grup de marketing, ca marime, din lume Sa recunoastem calitatea oamenilor din pietele emergente, sa recrutam agresiv din cadrul celor mai bune Universitati si sa ii promovam in cadrul Grupului

  5. Advertising • Through-The-Line • Evenimente • Sales & Trade • Marketing • Retail Marketing • PR & Communication • Internet • Cercetare de piata • Training / Storewars • Branding • Direct Marketing Activam in11 domenii:

  6. Companii din Grup

  7. ClientiFMCG Bunuri casnice&cosmetice Foods & Tobacco Bauturi

  8. Clienti - Retail Grocery Retailers Multipurpose Retailers Electronics & the other retailers

  9. Clienti – Banci si Asigurari International Banks Domestic Russian Banks International Payment Systems & Insurance companies

  10. Clienti Telecom si altii

  11. Echipa de Management * * * Greg Thain Chairman & CEO Terry Livingstone CFO Michael Green Managing Director Geoffrey Hamilton-Jones Bus Development Director Lau Geckler Acquisition Director Jerry Buss Finance Director * - IMSG Plc Board Directors

  12. Directori de Brand * * * Alexander Popov Director ITM Dmitry Bodrenko Director Consumer Marketing Adrian Stewart Director IMS Retail Paul McMillen President RPM Radar Fusun Gencsu Director RPM Radar Natalia Petlyakova-Frahm Director One2remember Thomas Varvitsiotis President V+O Yiannis Olympios CEO V+O * - IMSG Plc Board Directors

  13. Proprietari de brand-uri Bulent Boytorun Director ZAP Medya Sorin Tranca Managing Partner Friends Tic Nica Managing Partner Friends Victor Shikin Director Knowledge Marketing Roy Palmer CEO PRAGMA UK Monica Lucas Managing Director PRAGMA UK Mehmet Duru Managing Director RPM Radar Murat Karamanoglu Managing Director MAPP Zita Martenyi Managing Director HPS Group

  14. Prezenta IMSG in Pietele Emergente • Acum – 12 tari • Russia, Turcia, India, Ungaria, Romania, Ucraina, Bulgaria, Grecia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia • Sfarsitul lui 2008 – 20 + tari • Above + Sweden, Thailand, Vietnam, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Egypt, Israel, Belarus, Georgia, Poland

  15. Zone de operare curente

  16. Sfarsitul lui 2008

  17. Thank you!

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