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The Digital Enterprise Research Institute eGovernment Domain deri.ie

The Digital Enterprise Research Institute eGovernment Domain http://www.deri.ie. Stefan Decker. stefan.decker@deri.org http://www.stefandecker.org/. Where is Ireland?. Our Mission and Vision. DERI Galway’s Mission is “to exploit semantics for People Organisations Systems

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The Digital Enterprise Research Institute eGovernment Domain deri.ie

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  1. The Digital Enterprise Research InstituteeGovernment Domainhttp://www.deri.ie Stefan Decker stefan.decker@deri.org http://www.stefandecker.org/

  2. Where is Ireland?

  3. Our Mission and Vision • DERI Galway’s Mission is • “to exploit semantics for • People • Organisations • Systems • to collaborate and interoperate on a global scale” • DERI Galway’s vision is “to be recognised as being among the leading international web science research institutes interlinking technologies, information and people to advance business and benefit society”

  4. Some Statistics • Founded June 2003 with 1 fulltime member (green field) • Status May 2008: about 130 members and growing • Research Publications > 370 • Participates in 12 standardisation groups • Total Research Grants: about 23 M Euro so far • 8 M Euro EU/IST • 2,6 M Euro Enterprise Ireland • 12,4 M Euro Science Foundation Ireland • Selected Technologies • Semantic Desktop • Semantic Digital Libraries • Semantic Web Search Engines • …

  5. On the shoulders of giants… Memex (Vannevar Bush)A memex is “a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications.” Augmenting Human Intellect(Doug Engelbart)“By "augmenting human intellect" we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems.” WWW (Tim Berners-Lee)“There was a second part of the dream […] we could then use computers to help us analyse it, make sense of what we re doing, where we individually fit in, and how we can better work together.”

  6. It wasn’t the time then… Where are we now?

  7. Now we are making progress…

  8. A Network of Knowledge… • Interconnected • Universal • All encompassing • Enable global and local collaboration • The right information for the right people at the right time

  9. Getting to work: The DERI House Social Semantic Information Spaces Semantic Reality Application-Oriented Research Domains • eBusiness & Financial Services • Health Care & Life Sciences • eLearning • Telecommunications • eGovernment • eScience • Web 2.0 and collaborative systems • Semantic Web • Web Science • Linked Data • Sensor Networks • RFID • Mobile computing • SOA

  10. Social Semantic Information Spaces:Networked Knowledge for the Web 2.0 Social Semantic Information Spaces Collaboration and Information Communication Spaces Semantic Desktop, Wikis , Blogs, OSN, Social Connectivity Collaborative Work Environments Semantic Web World Wide Web RDFS, OWL, SPARQL URIs , HTML, HTTP Syntax Semantics

  11. Semantic Reality

  12. How do we use these new capabilities?

  13. …Government…

  14. Society – Government communication problem Citizens Clients Democratic Deficit Citizens’ participation in policy-making Administrative Burden Service Delivery Public Administration Policy making

  15. Activities • Semantics and eGovernment is a new emerging research area: • DERI participates and publishes in all relevant academic events (e.g. DEXA eGov, dg.o, ECIS eGov, HICSS eGov, International Conference on Electronic Government) • DERI co-chairs a special track on eGov and semantics 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management • Results from 8 major European R&D projects (>35ME) to an upcoming Springer book, initiated and is co-edited by DERI • IEEE Intelligent Systems special issue on eGov initiated and is co-edited by DERI (2009) • MoU between DERI and the US Federal Government initiative, Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP)

  16. Impact … so far • Academic related dissemination – tutorials, demos, papers, conference special track, IEEE IS, Springer book • Semantically enabled eGov Portal, demo room • Work closely with the Department of the Taoiseach, Knowledge Society Policy Unit –feedback on the LION proposal received • Involve agencies in tools and prototype evaluation – e.g. Local Government Computer Services Board (LGCSB) • Attract additional funding – e.g. SemanticGov, new 7th Framework Work Program “Governance and Policy Modeling” • Export results outside Ireland –Cyprus Government documents >100 public services • Standardization - W3C eGov Interest Group

  17. eGovernment Domain Goal We will use and exploit DERI technologies for enabling… Citizens’ participation in policy-making Personalized and Seamless Service Delivery

  18. eGovernment Domain Goal Society Government

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