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Miami-Dade County P a r ks, R ec r eatio n & Ope n Spaces Eco A d v entu r es Camp Manatee 2014. Parent Handbook. EcoAdventures Mission Statement. Vision Statement
Miami-Dade CountyParks,Recreation& Open Spaces EcoAdventures Camp Manatee 2014 Parent Handbook
EcoAdventures Mission Statement VisionStatement We will build and maintainamodelparks and recreation system toprovide for ahealthy, livable, and sustainable communitythat enhancesthe quality of life forourresidents and visitors. MissionStatement We create outstandingRecreational, Natural, and Culturalexperiencestoenrichyouand enhancethe quality of life forour community for this and futuregenerations. Philosophy &Goals EcoAdventuresNatureCampsofferschildren theopportunitytoexperience and participate in a wide variety of activities in a safe, supervised, and well-organizedsetting. All activities at campareplanned to help children achieve thefollowinggoals: Tofosterstewardship ofournatural resources. Todevelop skills and knowledge in leisure activities including sports,arts&crafts, gamesand,ofcourse,nature. Thedevelopmentof social skills and respect forothers. Toassist in thedevelopmentofa positive self-image. To have fun!!
Program Description Natureadventure camps forchildren and teens, boys and girls,togetherwith naturalist guides that are also certified in water safety, willhavefunexploringtheSouthFlorida environmentthrougha variety offunand exciting activities in a safe parkenvironment rangingfromnaturehikesonwooded trails, canoeing, kayaking (age 10 and older), swimming (guardedpools), playing interactive nature games, arts and crafts, field tripstolocal parkpreserves,Zoo Miami, MonkeyJungle,CrandonPark,SharkValley in Everglades NationalPark and more. Camps hoursare9:00am - 4:00 pm,Monday- Friday, and offer 7:30am earlydrop-offsand 6:00pm late pick-up options. CampManatee GreynoldsPark- Boathouse17530 West Dixie Highway 305-948-2891/ 305-944-6111 CampManatee is anature-based specialty camp forchildren6to14 years,which teachesaboutthewondersofthe environmentthroughinteractivegames,activities, crafts and fieldtrips. Our summer session focusesontheSouth Florida’suniqueecosystems and fantastichistorywith GreynoldsPark as abackdropforexploration and learning.Examples of activities include canoeing(ages 10 and older),hiking,archery,swimming and hands-onnature studies. Environmentalthemeschangeweekly. Campers willmeetattheBoathouse.
Registration, Payments, Orientation OnlineRegistration Parentscanregister forthefull 10-week Summer CampProgramonlineathttps://rms.miamidade.gov/RMS7/Activities/Search. aspx. Type “Camp Manatee” in the Search field or select “Arch Creek Park” in the Place field. Program Fees RegistrationFee- $12 annually percamper, non-refundable Tuition- $104 weekly percamper Field Trip Transportation - $11 weekly per camper Daily rate- $34 percamper If registeringonline, all requiredpaperwork mustbe completed and returnedpriortothestartofcamp. Discounts 10% off- Sibling tuition 10% off- Paying forall 10 weeksin advance Payment Procedures All payments for campmustbe paid in fullat thetimeofregistration. Acceptable formsofpaymentinclude:cash,check,Visa, MasterCard,orAMEX.CampManateecan- nothold any weeksoravailability without appropriatepayment. Allrequired registra- tionformsmustbe completed and submitted atthetimeofregistration. Hours ofOperation Drop-off:7:30am - 9:30am NatureCamp: 9:30am - 4:00pm Pickup: 4:00pm - 6:00pm Registration Registrationstarts May 1st, 2014. Registration may be completedonlineorin-person. REMINDER:Save yourreceipts foryour personalrecords.CampManateedoesnot issue end-of-yearstatements,orreprint receipts.ChildCareFederalTax ID number is 59-6000-053. In-PersonRegistration Registrationmay be completedattheGreynoldsParkBoathouselocationby appointment. Call 305-944-6111 or email archcreek@miamidade.govtoschedule anappointment.GreynoldsPark is located at17530 West Dixie Highway, NorthMiami Beach,Fl. 33160 Parent Orientation Camp Manatee Parent Orientation will be heldonFriday,June6th,2014 at7:00pm at theGreynoldsParkBoathouse.Wewould like all parents old and newtoattend. Campers arewelcometoattend,howeverthe orientation willfocuson campinformationfor theparents.
Registration Special NeedsatRegistration Itis the policy ofMiami Dade Parks,Recreation & Open Spaces to comply with theAmericanswithDisabilities Act.When a childwith a disabilityregisters for aprogram, anInclusion Assessmentwill be conductedtodeterminewhat,if any supportsareneeded, and toplan forthosesupports,ortodocumentthereasonthatthe individual will notparticipate in theprogram. to implement the inclusion plan. Thecamp manageris responsible toassure thatthe assessment and inclusion informationis provided toall pertinentstaff in atimely manner,sotheymaycarryoutthe inclusion plan appropriately. If,as a result oftheAssessment, thecamp managerdeterminesthatthe individual with the disability willnotparticipate in theprogram,thereason(s) forthe decision will be clearlydocumentedonthe assessment form and kept on file for future reference. The Inclusion Assessment form shall be filled outwhenany potentialparticipant is identified as having a disability, before, duringoraftertheregistrationprocess. A copyof all Inclusion Assessmentswill be senttothe Disability Services administrative offices. The Inclusion Assessment will be filled out duringaninterviewwiththe participant and parent/guardian.The assessment will be completed by thecampmanageror his/herdesignee,whichshall be an employeeatRecreationLeader level orabove.Theinterviewshall take place in an environmentwhichallows forprivacy and confidentiality. The employee conducting the assessment shall add totheformany information that is of benefit to the inclusion process,whetherthere is aquestionrelating tothat issue ornot. No participant with a disability shall be dischargedfromtheprogramwithout a completed Inclusion Assessment on file. The completedformshall be keptwiththeregistration form and utilized by field staff
Policy and Procedures Dress Code Pleasemakesuretocheckthecamp scheduleonlineat www. archcreek.wordpress.com/campfor planned activities and dress camperaccordingly.Remember,your child is atcampto havefun,learnand play. Please donotsend children in any clothingthat cannotgetdirty. Campersshouldwearcomfortable,cool clothes suitable forathleticactivities suchas shorts,lightcoloredt-shirts, and socks withclosed-toed shoes. Sandals, flip-flops or Crocs arenotallowed. Hats arealways agood idea too. •A spare setofclothescanbe broughttocampeach day butnotnecessary. •On pool days, or other aquatic activities, please pack amodestbathingsuit and towel. Girls should haveaone-piecebathingsuit. •Allbelongingsshouldbe putin one bag withthecampersnameonit. •Personalbelongings(toys,electronics,jewelry,etc)arenotallowed in camp. •Parents areencouragedtosend childwithajacketand/orrainponchoondaysofinclementweather. •Please apply sunscreenbefore camp,due tothefactthatcamp is heldoutdoors in thesun.Also please send sunscreenin their bags soit canbe reappliedthroughoutthe day. In ourexperience spray sunscreenis notas effectivetherefore please send lotionorcream instead. •We also recommendinsectrepellant be sentwithyour child. •Your childrenWILLget dirty and wet,soplease dress them appropriately. For safety purposes, “Heelys” (skate shoes),open toed shoes, heeled shoes and flipflopsarenotpermitted.Sneakersortennisshoes arestronglyrecommended. If achildcomesto camp in inappropriate attire, aparentwill be called and informed tobringnewproperattireforthechildto changeclothing.Forsafety reasons,thechild willhavetosit outofcertainactivities while inappropriatelydressed. Camper dress codeapplies toall activities: field trips, swim days and special events. On swim days, please send your childwith a towel,bathingsuit, sunscreen,hat and a changeofclothingin a bag withtheir nameclearlymarked.
Policy and Procedures CampT-shirts One camp t-shirt is included in the registration fee for camp. Additionalt-shirts maybe be purchasedfor$10 each.Itis requiredthat all campers wear their t-shirts on field trip days. Please do not put your child’snameontheoutsideofthe t-shirt. Wesuggestwritingtheir nameontheshirttag since all ofthe shirts will be the same.
Policy and Procedures Field Trips and Swimming Campers willtraveloffcampusatleast onceaweek.Dates and timesmay vary. Toavoid missingthe bus, please checkthecamp schedule. •For swimming trips,childrenthataren’t goodorstrongerswimmers will be requiredto stay in the swallow endofpool. All 10-14 yearolds will be requiredtopass a swim testat thepoolpriortoany aquatic activities canoeing, kayakingand/orsnorkeling). •Campersmustbringtheir ownbathingsuit, towel and spray sunscreen(with their nameclearlymarkedoneachitem). Campersare responsibleforapplying their ownsunscreen,butwestronglyadvise parentstoapply sunscreenontheir campers beforeleaving home.Staffwill assist youngercamperson aneeded basis with a spray sunscreenbottleonly. •No electronicssuchas mobilephones, iPods,etc. will be permittedin camporonfield trips. All electronics brought to camp will be held in the office and returned to parent atpick-up. •Please be suretoarriveto campatleast 30 minutespriortothe scheduled departure time. •The bus willnotstopen-route and pick up any late campertraveling by car. •Duetosafety concerns, campersmustdepartand returnwiththeir campprogramfor each field and swimming trip. •Parents and/or guardiansmaynotdrop-offorpick-up childrenatoffcampus field trip locations. •Please dress yourcamper in appropriate clothingforthe trip. Campersarerequiredtowear their camp T-shirt on field trips. •Extramoneyis notneededon trips.Staffis not responsiblefor camper’smoney.
Policy and Procedures Drop-Offand Sign-In Drop-Off Drop-offfor camp is 7:30am- 9:30am at GreynoldsParkBoathouse.Forsafety reasons,campersarenottobe droppedoffbefore7:30am. Form,CampManateerequiresthat all changesbe completed in writingwiththe staff and anewformcompleted.Wewillnotacceptverbal or faxed pick-up authorizations. Parents/Guardian willsign-outforall camp programsattheGreynoldsParkBoathouse between4:00pm and 6:00pm. Sign-Out Before 4:00pm If youneedtosign your childoutpriorto 4:00pm, youwillneedtoinform camp staff upondroppingcamperoff in themorning. Remember,campersmaynotin theboathouseduring thistime,sosign-outwill takea little longer. Please plan accordingly. Permissionto LeaveParkUnsupervised If aparent gives their child permission to walk, ridea bike, ortakethe bus home,a lettermustbe submitted withcompletetheRegistration Form prior to start date. NO CHILDWILL BE RELEASEDwithout a signed letterby theparentorlegal guardian. REMINDER:Pleaseonlyusethecircular drive in frontoftheboathouseif youarejust signing in and outyour child. If youare comingin forany otherreason (payments/ concerns),please parkingin theparkinglot across fromtheboathouseby theplayground. Sign-In Allparents/guardiansmustsign their child into camp each day. Once your child is signed in,they willjoinother participants until scheduled activities startfortheday. Pick-Up and Sign-Out Sign-Out Prior to the first day of the program, parents must completeaRegistrationForm.Thisformauthorizesindividuals topick upyour child from a program. Only those individuals authorizedontheformwill be permittedto pick upyour child.Allparents, guardians and authorizedindividuals MUSTshow aphoto ID whensigning outacamper.Thereareno exceptions! Late Pick-Up Fees For thechildren’s safety, please be promptin picking upyour child.Childrenwho havenotbeenpicked up by 6:00pm will result in a late pick-up charge.Anychargesmustbe paid nolaterthanthenext day ofcamp,there will be noexceptions. If therearefourlate pick-up occurrences,thechildmay be asked toleave camp.The late pick-up fee is $5 perevery 15 minutes.Ifyou are running late, please notify the staffby calling the nature center. If parentswould like toadd ordeleteany authorizedindividuals ontheRegistration
Program Information CampCalendar CampScheduleis available onlineat www.archcreek.wordpress.com/camp. pre-camp training,orientation and have some first aid training. Camp supervisors are CPR/ AED and First Aid Certified. Additional informationaboutstaff will be provided at thebeginningofcamp.Pleasemakean efforttogettoknowyour child’scamp counselor.Weareproudofour staff and thinkyouwillfeelthe same. Camp Staffand Groups NatureCampsaresupervised daily by thecamp supervisor and Recreation Specialist 1 or Recreation Leader who is highly qualified and experienced in camp leadership. Camp counselorsare amixtureof adults, mature and enthusiasticcollege and highschool students. All staff has participated in Campersareassigned intogroupstoprovide bettersupervision and camper/counselor ratios. Groupsareassigned by age.
Program Information Meals,Snacks and WaterBottles Mealsarenotprovided forcampers.Please pack anutritional and non-perishablelunchand snack foryour child.Wedonot refrigerateormicrowave any foods. Please makesureyour child’slunchbag is labeled withthechild’sname.Icepacks are recommended. If you havemorethanonechild in camp, please send eachlunchin a separatebag.Inaddition,therearenosnack orsoda vending machinesonthe premises. Intheeventthatameal is beingprovided for a special event, advance notice will be givenregardingthemenu.If forany reasonyour childdoesnotlike whatis onthemenu, please send amealwiththem. Plasticwaterbottlesareallowed provided theyhave: •A closedtop. •The camper’s first and last names written on thebottle. Note:Waterbottlesleftattheendoftheweekwill be thrownout. Telephone Usage In caseofanemergency, please calltheGreynoldsParkBoathouseat305-948-2891. All pick uparrangementsshouldbe madeat homepriortoyour childcomingto camp.Aparent,guardian,oremergencycontactwill be called if anemergencysituationshouldarise orif your childbecomesill. Cellphones arenotpermittedat camp forany reason.All cellphonesthatarebroughtto camp will be held in the office and returned to parent at pick up.Multipleoffenses will result in suspension. Lost&Found Pleaseencourageyour childtokeeptrackof his/herbelongings.TheMiami-Dade County Parks, Recreation & Open Spaces will not be heldresponsibleforlost orstolenitems.Allbelongingsleftat camp will be placed in the lost and foundboxattheNatureCenter. SevereWeather Attheendofeach day, theCampcounselorsNatureCamp is anoutdoorprogram. Camp willholdup items thathavebeenfound.Items willtake place outdoorseach day atthe not claimed will be kept in theboxforoneweek. All lost &founditems leftattheendof park, except for field trip days and severe weather(i.e.storms).Intheeventofsevere summerwill be donatedto agoodcause. weather campers will be kept inside.
Program Information •Gum is notallowed atany time and will be confiscated. •At theendoftheprogram,be prompt whenpicking upyour child.Alate feewill be applied. •CampManatee is not responsibleforlost orstolenitems. Please leave personalor valuable items athome. •Participantsmaynotbring cellular phones,Ipods, two-wayradios,toysorany electronic devices. Allelectronicsthatarebrought to camp will be held in the office.Multipleoffenses will result in suspension. •Inappropriatebehaviorwillnotbe tolerated.PleaseseetheCamperCodeof Conductforfurtherinformation. Camp Rules •Safety is ourmainpriorityforall children. Campersarenotpermittedtoleave their assigned groupwithout a staff memberor CITand mustbe signed outuponexitingtheprogram. •Campers will be under staff orCIT supervision atall times, including toand from therestrooms. •Appropriateattire/shoesarerequired. •Pleasedonotarrivepriortoprogram start,as nosupervision is available. Please remembertoupdateyouremergencyinformationand personalinformationon forms(address changes,telephonenumbers – work,home,emergency,cellular– and individuals authorizedtopick upyour child). •At no time willaparentapproach anothercampershould asituationarise. Parentsmustinformthechild’scounseloror supervisor if thereareany issues. •If anissue arises at camp,thecamp directorreservesthe right tospeak tothealleged camper(s) first and notify parents after. •Respectstaff,yourself,and others. •Respectproperty,site and equipment. Games and equipmentaretobe caredfor CamperCodeof Conduct Campersareexpectedtodisplay appropriatebehaviorand respecttowards othersatall times. If inappropriatebehavioris observed;preventive,correctiveor disciplinary actionwill be taken. Disciplinary actionsrangefrom a verbal warningtoexpulsion. Parents will be notified of all developmentsregarding their child’s behaviorand of any actionsthataretaken.Allcasesof suspension and expulsion will be determinedby theCampDirector. and putaway aftereachuse.
Program Information Examples of InappropriateBehavior •Theuseof foul,harsh, aggressive, discriminatory or callouslanguageincluding gesturesoractionstowardothers, including butnotlimited to campers and staff. •Harassmentorbullying towardsanothercamperorphysically strikingorinjuring anotherpersonwhetherornottheactionwas accidental. •Vandalism or graffiti. •Inflicting physical harm or injuries to •Carelessuseof items thatbelongto thecamporitems belongingtoanother personthatcould result in damage toproperty. •Stealing,under any circumstances, is nottolerated. •Repeated violations ofcamprulesordirectionsfromstaff. •Weaponsof any kindarenotpermitted,and will result in immediate expulsion. themselves.
Program Information childhasrespondeduptothatpoint.Parentsareasked to reviewthe situations and provide inputand suggestinterventions; rewardsorconsequencesthattheyfeelmay be moreeffective. Afterthis initial meeting,thecamp supervisor willdocumentthe plan and sharewiththefield staff that cares for that child. A trainingdate/explanationdatewill be recordedonthebehaviormanagement plan. Thecamp supervisor willkeeptheparent/guardianinformedofwhetherthe plan is workingand willsetdates forfurther review.Formoreseverebehaviors, the plan shouldbe reviewedmorefrequently.The plan shouldbe reviewednolaterthanoneweekafterits inception.If the plan works, field staff will sign the form and continue to monitoratsaid intervals. If the plan is not working, field staff will notify thecamp supervisor whowill ask theparents/guardianfor afollow-upmeetingto adjust the plan, and continueto reviewthe adjusted plan atsaid intervals. If thebehavior hasnotimproved aftertheappropriatefollowup and implementation ofthe Behavior ManagementPlan,thenthechild will be removedfromtheprogram. Behavior &DisciplineProcedures Miami Dade Parks, Recreation & Open Spaces promotepositive behaviorand good decision making.Guidelines forbehavior managementare establishedto helpcreatea system fordealing withinappropriateand disruptive behavioratthenaturecamps. TheBehavior Management Plan is to be filled out when achildengages in ongoinginappropriate,negativebehaviorthat is disruptive totheprogram,and afterstaff has clearlycommunicated behavioral expectationstothechild and provided appropriateverbal interventionswithoutany positive effectonthechild’snegativebehavior. This policy is not for behavior for whicha childshouldbe immediatelyterminated fromtheprogram, Examples ofthis behavior includeviolence and aggression or illegalactivitiessuchas carrying weapons ordrugs. To usethis plan effectivelythe Behavior Management Plan worksheet should be filled outcompletely by thecamp supervisor during ameetingwiththechild and his/herparents.Someoftheinformationthat is tobe discussed is if thebehavioroccurs in home,how it is handled there, and whatmethodsofteaching and discipline workbest forthechild. Duringthemeetingthecamp supervisor discusses thechild’sbehaviorby statingwhathasoccurred,the situations in whichthese behaviors haveoccurred,whatstaff has donetocorrecttheproblem,and howthe
Program Information Field Trips Fieldtripsarescheduled toenhancethe week’s theme.Inthecaseofinclement weather,wewilldoour best toreschedulethe field trip. Please be sure to check the weekly schedule for field trip locations. Make sureyour childgetsto campatleast 30 minutesbeforedeparturetime, as all staff will be attending the field trip and no one will be staying behind.Aschoolbus or15-passenger van is used fortransportation. •When traveling by van, campersmustwearseatbelts atall times. Parents, please reiteratetheimportanceofthese rules with your child before each field trip and pack a sack lunch on field trip days. Fieldtrip PermissionForms Thisform givestheNatureCamp permission to transportyour child in aMiami-Dade County vehicle orFranmar bus toand fromthe fieldtrip facility. Forms must be signed by a parent/guardianand returnedto CampStaffprior to the fieldtrip. Forms can not be returned via faxor email and verbal permission is notaccepted.Theexactlocation of the fieldtrip as well as departure and returntimesfrom/to camp will be listed ontheform.If wedonot havea signed form foryourcamperhe/she willnotbe allowed togo on the fieldtrip. We do not have enough staff memberstoprovide supervision atthe naturecamp while the rest ofthecamp is on a fieldtrip, therefore if you camper is not going to participate in the fieldtrip, please do not bringthemto campthat day. Field Trip Rules Itis importantthatcampersknowtheruleswhile being on a field trip, so they can have an enjoyabletime. If acampercontinuesnotto follow field trip rules, they will not be able to attend camp on days when field trips are held. •Staywithyourgroup and groupleader. •Alwayskeeptrackofyourpartner. •Listentoyourgroupleader. •Wear your camp t-shirt. •Follow all rulesofthe place wearevisiting. •Do not talktostrangers.
Medical Information First Aid Because manycampersmayhaveunknownallergies or reactions to certain types of first aid supplies, the staff willonlyusewatertocleantheinjuredarea,apply ice,and coverwith a band-aid as needed.Aparentwill be called if any furtherdirectionis needed. If thecamper’s injury requires additional medical attention, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue will be Contagious Illness ofConditions If the illness orconditionis contagiousor communicable,thecamper willnotbe permittedtoparticipate in theprogram until he/shecompletelyrecoversfromthe illness orcondition,and adoctor’srelease is requiredpriortothecamperre-enteringtheprogram. called immediately.
Medical Information MedicationAdministration TheAmericanwithDisabilities Actof 1990 requires that programaccess be provided forindividuals withdisabilities in “themostintegratedsetting”.In ordertoservepersonswithdisabilities in the communitypark / cultural artssetting,trained Park staff may administer medicationtoparticipants withorwithoutdisabilities, whomeetthe criteria below.An Authorization forMedicationformand a MedicationLogformaccompany this procedure. TheAuthorization forMedicationformincludes: nameof participant, parksite, programname,prescribing Physician’sprintedname,signatureand contactnumber,nameofmedication,dosage,precautions/side effects and directionsforadministration forparkpersonnel,as well as Parent/Guardian’s name, relationship toparticipant and signatureunder“permissionstatement”. alteredtodispense medicationathomebefore and/orafterprogramhours, and parent/guardian hasstatedthatthis is not possible, and 3.Medicationis necessary for full and appropriateprogramparticipation, and4.AuthorizationforMedicationformis complete and filed in Medication Log Once the On-site Program Manager determines the criteria above havebeenmet,he/she will implement thefollowingprocedure: ParkManagerdelegatestrained RecreationLeader,orhigher level staff tobegindispensing medication. Designated trained staff givingmedicationand fills out Medication Log each time medication is dispensed. ProgramManager puts noteregarding medicationonthe dailyattendance/roll call sheetas aremindertostaff. TheProgramManagercheckslogdailyto ensureproperdocumentation. TheProgramManagerforwards all authorization forms to Region Office. Medication shall notbe storedon-site fromday today. Parent/Guardian will provide staff withonlythe dailydosetobe administered each day in aclearly labeled container. Label must contain date,participant’s name,doseand nameofmedication. Medication will be storedduringtheprogram in a lock box, (or locked first aid kit) kept in the Park Manager’s office while participant is in thepark,orin theCountytransportation vehicle participant is travelingin,if medicationmustbe dispensed while participant is on field trips. Staff failuretofollowthisprotocolwill result Thisformmustbe notarized. TheMedicationLogincludes medication,dose, date,timemedicationgiven and printedname and signatureof staff dispensing medication. Criteria for dispensing medicationtoparticipants: Allofthefollowing criteria mustbe metforPark staff todispense medicationtoparticipants. 1. The participant is unabletoself-administer medicationwithcuesfromstaff,duetoageor cognition,and 2. On-site Program Manager (Park Manager, Recreation Specialist orArts Director/Supervisor) hasrequestedthatthemedicationschedulebe in disciplinary action.
Contact Information We arelookingforwardtoanexciting,enjoyable, and safe summer.Shouldyou have any other questions orconcernsnotaddressed in thisbook,please contacttheCampManateeat305-944-6111 beforeJune9th,if callingafterJune9th, call 305-948-2891. 305-948-2891 archcreek@miamidade.gov Greynolds Park – Boathouse (CampManatee) 17530 West Dixie Highway, Miami,FL33160 18500 NE 22nd Avenue,Miami, Fl. 33160 305-945-3425 Greynolds Park – Main Office In caseofemergency and noanswerattheBoathouse,leave amessage(name, camper’s name and phonenumber)withthesecretaryand they willreachthecampdirector. www.archcreek.wordpress.com/camp ArchCreek’sBlog For schedules and ParentHandbook. Staff Directory AimeeScott,RecreationLeaderCampDirector 305-944-6111/ 305-948-2891 ascott@miamidade.gov
Information Acknowledgment Pleasetakethetimeto reviewthematerialsprovided. This signed memowillserveas your acknowledgementyou haveread and understandthe policies and proceduresofEcoAdventuresNatureCamps and willadheretoall rules and regulations. Itis yourresponsibility toseekadditional informationas needed. If you have questions concerning theprogram,please directthemto us by calling: CampManatee-ArchCreek Park/Greynolds Boathouse 305-948-2891/305-944-6111 Participant: D/O/B:Participant: D/O/B:Participant: D/O/B:Participant: D/O/B: DATED:ParentSignature: DATED:ParentSignature:EcoStaffSignature: WELCOMEto Miami-DadeCountyParks,Recreation &OpenSpaces EcoAdventures - CampManatee.