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The most feared word in higher education………

The most feared word in higher education………. Assessment. Definitions. What are you going to do with the assessment data?. Summative Formative. Assessment targets. Individuals, Assignments, Learning activity Courses, Programs, Institutions.

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The most feared word in higher education………

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  1. The most feared word in higher education………

  2. Assessment

  3. Definitions

  4. What are you going to do with the assessment data? • Summative • Formative

  5. Assessment targets • Individuals, • Assignments, • Learning activity • Courses, • Programs, • Institutions. • Assessment at a point in time v. longitudinal assessment

  6. How do you collect the information? • Direct Assessment of Learning • Gathers evidence, based on student performance, which demonstrates the learning itself. • Indirect Assessment of Learning - • Gathers reflection about the learning or secondary evidence of its existence. Ex. Student survey asking about development of cultural awareness • Embedded Assessment – • A means of gathering information about student learning that is built into and a natural part of the teaching-learning process.

  7. Validity – A measure of how well an assessment relates to what students are expected to have learned. A valid assessment measures what it is supposed to measure and not some peripheral features. • Reliability – A measure of the constancy of scoring outcomes over time or over many evaluators. A test is considered reliable if the same answers produce the same score no matter when and how the scoring is done.

  8. Assessing learning • Objective tests • Pre/Post tests • Rubrics • Classroom assignments • Skills competency • Student Portfolios • Audio taping • Video taping

  9. Assessing learning development • Bloom’s taxonomy • SOLO taxonomy

  10. Are we there yet??

  11. Is one test/tool good enough?? • Triangulation or mixed methods

  12. How will your data be analyzed??It depends • Qualitative • Quantitative

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