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Catch Phrase Review Uni t 6

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Catch Phrase Review Uni t 6. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Question 1. "Scramble for Africa". Answer. Answer 1. Africa - Imperialism. Question 2. "Spheres of Influence". Answer. Answer 2. China - Imperialism.

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Catch Phrase Review Uni t 6

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Catch Phrase Review Unit 6 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

  2. Question 1 "Scramble for Africa" Answer

  3. Answer 1 Africa - Imperialism

  4. Question 2 "Spheres of Influence" Answer

  5. Answer 2 China - Imperialism

  6. Question 3 (China-Japan) showed Japan as a world power; weak China Answer

  7. Answer 3 Sino-Japanese War

  8. Question 4 British disrespect for Indian culture and religion Answer

  9. Answer 4 Sepoy Mutiny

  10. Question 5 Investigated child labor practices Answer

  11. Answer 5 Sadler Report

  12. Question 6 Chinese nationalist leader Answer

  13. Answer 6 Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian)

  14. Question 7 Communist; "workers of the world unite"; class struggle Answer

  15. Answer 7 Karl Marx

  16. Question 8 gave industrialized nations markets to sell goods Answer

  17. Answer 8 Imperialism

  18. Question 9 goods are produced on a supply and demand basis Answer

  19. Answer 9 Market Economy

  20. Question 10 homeland for the Jews Answer

  21. Answer 10 Zionism

  22. Question 11 investors put money into businesses Answer

  23. Answer 11 Capitalism

  24. Question 12 Laissez Faire; government stay out of business Answer

  25. Answer 12 Adam Smith

  26. Question 13 He led British imperialism into Africa Answer

  27. Answer 13 Cecil Rhodes

  28. Question 14 He led Jewish Zionist movement Answer

  29. Answer 14 Theodor Herzl

  30. Question 15 This caused mass migration from Ireland Answer

  31. Answer 15 Irish Potato famine

  32. Question 16 nationalist movement; remove foreign influence in China Answer

  33. Answer 16 Boxer rebellion - China

  34. Question 17 Population will always be greater than food supply Answer

  35. Answer 17 Thomas Malthus

  36. Question 18 produced goods faster and cheaper; urbanization Answer

  37. Answer 18 Industrial Revolution

  38. Question 19 Shorter shipping routes; Egypt Answer

  39. Answer 19 Suez Canal

  40. Question 20 showed Chinese weakness Answer

  41. Answer 20 Opium Wars

  42. Question 21 the strongest countries shall survive Answer

  43. Answer 21 Social Darwinism

  44. Question 22 westernized Japan; ended period of isolationism Answer

  45. Answer 22 Meiji Restoration

  46. Question 23 white man's responsibility to show the world their ways Answer

  47. Answer 23 White Man's Burden - Rudyard Kipling

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