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Air Pollution, Poverty and Health in Ho Chi Minh City. Nguyen Dinh Tuan HCMC Environmental Protection Agency BAQ 2006 Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Ho Chi Minh city Ho Chi Minh City, the former Saigon, the largest city in Vietnam, has more than 6 million people
Air Pollution, Poverty and Health in Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Dinh TuanHCMC Environmental Protection Agency BAQ 2006 Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Ho Chi Minh city • Ho Chi Minh City, the former Saigon, the largest city in Vietnam, has more than 6 million people • Northeast of the Mekong river, 910 square miles of flat land. • Mean temperature between the high 80 to high 90 degrees Farenheit
Ho Chi Minh city • The urban area occupies 10% of total land and is divided into 19 urban districts and 5 rural districts. The main industries consist of production of sea food, textiles, chemicals, plastics, and building materials, food processing. • There are more than 1,000 large-scale enterprises, and over 30,000 small factories. Rapid economic development has also brought more migrants to the city, contributing to the traffic congestion and urban crowding • There are more than 2.5 millions motorcycles, and 260,000 automobiles. The city has 38 hospitals and clinics, and there are about 9 medical doctors per 100,000 people
Mannual air quality monitoring Three sites were installed since 1993: Hang Xanh cross road, Dinh Tien Hoang – Dien Bien Phu corner, Phu Lam cross road. Three sites were installed since 2005: Go Vap cross road, Tan Thuan cross road, An Suong cross road. Monitoring frequency: 10 days per month. Monitoring times: Samples were collected in 7 am, 10 am and 3 pm. Measured variables: CO, TSP, Pb, NO2, noise
Annual average PM10 from 2002 to 06/2006 ug/m3 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Thoáng Nhaát Bình Chaùnh 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Roadside air quality (Automatic) The annual average PM10 concentration measured at road side- traffic stations have reduced lightly through years
Annual average CO from 2002 to 06/2006 mg/m3 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DOSTE HB Thoáng Nhaát Bình Chaùnh 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Roadside air quality (Automatic) The annual average CO concentration measured at road side- traffic stations have increased lightly through years
Roadside air quality The CO concentration measured at the manual air quality monitoring sites fluctuated from 9.4 –16mg/m3 that met the Vietnam Standard. (TCVN 5937 – 1995 CO: 40 mg/m3)
TSP concentration 3 ug/m (2000-2006) 900.00 600.00 300.00 0.00 VX HX ÑTH - ÑBP VX PL Ngaõ tö AS Ngaõ saùu GV NVL - HTP 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 7 thaùng ñaàu 2006 TCVN Roadside air quality The TSP concentration measured at the manual air quality monitoring sites fluctuated from 0.45 – 0.96 mg/m3. All the TSP concentration exceeded the Vietnam Standard (300mg/m3).
The NO2 concentration measured at manual air quality monitoring sites fluctuated from 0.12 – 0.26 mg/m3. All the NO2 concentration met the Vietnam Standard (400mg/m3). Roadside air quality
Roadside air quality The Pb concentration measured at manual air quality monitoring sites have reduced remarkable from 06/2001. All the Pb concentration met the Vietnam Standard (5ug/m3).
Admissions for Respiratory Illness, HCMC Children’s Hospital 1 cases year • There was relation between diseases and air pollution • Asthma increased quickly
Poverty • District-level poverty status was derived using mid-term census data and data from the longitudinal Vietnam Household and Living Standard Survey (VHLSS), and small-area estimation method
Studying Air Pollution, Poverty, and Health in HCMC Overall Objectives: • Develop feasible approaches to studying air pollution, poverty, and health • Methods appropriate for HCMC context • Methods suitable for use in other cities - promote building an evidence base across Asian cities • Develop infrastructure for future studies of the health effects of air pollution in HCMC • Technical capacity (epidemiologic methods, exposure assessment, analysis) • Resources (data integration, equipment)
Proposed Methods Component 1 (C1): Hospital-based study • Estimate the effect of short-term exposure to air pollution on hospital admissions for ALRI in young children (<5 years) in HCMC • Compare the magnitude of the effect of air pollution on poor children vs. other children Component 2 (C2): Household-based study • Estimate personal exposures to air pollution among the poor and the non-poor • ambient air pollution • other sources (cooking with solid fuels, cottage industries) • Estimate prevalence of respiratory symptoms in HCMC • Survey of perceptions and economic costs Component 3 (C3): Policy Analysis; Capacity Building; Awareness Building
Hypotheses to be tested H1: the poor experience greater health impacts from ambient air pollution (C1 and C2) H2: the poor are more exposed to air pollution (C2) H3: exposures of the poor are more correlated with ambient air pollution (C2) H4: the poor are more vulnerable to ambient air pollution (C1)
Methods development and dissemination This is the first project of its kind in Asia! • Targeted technical assistance and capacity building will be provided • Necessary infrastructure will be provided (example: equipment for air quality monitoring and analysis) • Collaborators will make presentations at international workshops and conferences (CAI-Asia, technical conferences) • Researchers from other Asian cities will be invited to learn more about the study
Motivation and Structure of Collaboration • Vietnam serves as a good model for future studies in similar regions (including capacity building) HEI & ADB HCMC Health Department International Collaborators HCMC HEPA HCMC Hospitals HCMC Bureau of Statistics HCMC DOLISA