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Community Immersion. Group 1. Angel Lentejas Evanrebb Lagahid Princess Pejano Mitchie Mellomeda Airam Jaslen. Back. BRGY. TALOMO DISTRICT.
Group 1 Angel Lentejas EvanrebbLagahid Princess Pejano MitchieMellomeda AiramJaslen Back
BRGY. TALOMO DISTRICT • That is integrated with specific learning objectives and provides structured time for youth to think, talk, or write about what they did and saw during the actual service activity; • That provides young people with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real-life situations in their own communities; • That enhances what is taught in school by extending student learning beyond the classroom and into the community; • OBJECTIVES: Back
PROPOSED PROJECT Waste Bins We will make a waste bin out of recycled milk jug for the community. Signage We will a make a signage about throwing their garbage in the right place. Back
Waste Bin Like any large plastic container, milk jugs can easily have the top removed and recycled into waste bins. Back
We will make 3 signage and put it at 3 different places in the barangay. Back
Sample Letter to the Barangay Grade IV Students Talomo Central Elementary school Talomo, Davao City, Philippines Dear Mr. Artemio Jimenez, Goodmorning ! The Grade IV Students of Talomo Central Elementary School will be having a community immersion here in our community this coming August 4, 2012, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Regarding this activity, we would like to have an interview with you about our community. We will be very grateful if you would participate in the said activity. We would be very grateful for your approval. Sincerely, The Grade IV Students Back
Interview Checklist Arrange a venue. Think about a trial run; interviewing is just as stressful as being interviewed. If required, arrange assistance with interviewing. List interview questions. Plan the length of interview. Think about how formal or informal you want to make it. Prepare information to conclude the interview. Back
Interview Experience Our experience was great. It help us build more confidence in communicating to others. Interviewing was quite difficult but it made us easy with the help of the Brgy. Officials. The experience was unforgettable and we thank you for them. Back
Community Cleaning Experience Volunteering is a fulfilling experience. Many people do not take the opportunity to volunteer in their children’s school for a variety of reasons. In fact, volunteering at your child school give you a lot of opportunity and experiences. Volunteering makes you learn or develop new skills too. It is a perfect vehicle to discover something you might be really good at but never new. It develops goal setting, planning, training and communicating skills. A crucial part that these skills then offer is that they make you a part of your community. We sometimes take for granted the community that we live in. Ultimately volunteering is about helping others and having an impact on their well-being. So by doing this in our community we are connecting with them. This gives us benefits that society gives us. Back
REFLECTION We reflect on our own beliefs about communication. We are in agreement the interpretations with regard to our own values about community relations. We believe firmly in the ideals of trust, adaptability and acceptance. Our communication style is one in which we seek and respect the input of others in an effort to build cooperation when implementing a particular practice or strategy, or when addressing a problem or determining a solution. Communicating effectively is extremely difficult task that seems to become more complicated when one considers the volume and variation of constituents who make up an organization with the complexities of a large, comprehensive school community. Back