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2010 Title II (Formula Grant). APPLICATION WORKSHOP. Department of Public Safety Staff. Sandy Rempe , Program Manager 573-751-2771 sandy.rempe@dps.mo.gov Vicky Scott, Program Specialist 573-526-2179 vicky.scott@dps.mo.gov Nancy Capps , Program Representative
2010 Title II (Formula Grant) APPLICATION WORKSHOP
Department of Public Safety Staff Sandy Rempe, Program Manager 573-751-2771 sandy.rempe@dps.mo.gov Vicky Scott, Program Specialist 573-526-2179 vicky.scott@dps.mo.gov Nancy Capps, Program Representative 573-522-4094 nancy.capps@dsp.mo.gov Chris Yeager, Compliance Monitor 573-526-1931 chris.yeager@dps.mo.gov Patsy Higgins, Administrative Assistant 573-526-2419 patsy.higgins@dps.mo.gov
Title II Formula Grant Program Since 1974, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has been authorized to administer the Formula Grants program to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. The program is authorized under Title II, Part B, Section 222, of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, as amended (Public Law 93-415, 42 U.S.C. 5601 et seq.)
JJDP FundingAdministrative Authority The Missouri Department of Public Safety is the state agency designated by the Governor and approved by the Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to prepare and implement Missouri’s three-year juvenile justice and delinquency prevention plan, and to administer the Title II Formula Grant Program in conjunction with that three-year plan.
JJDP Funding State Eligibility To be eligible to receive Title II funding, states must: • Designate a state agency to prepare and administer the state’s comprehensive three-year juvenile justice and delinquency prevention plan;
JJDP Funding State Eligibility 2. Establish a State Advisory Group; The Missouri Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG) members are appointed by the governor to advise the department on juvenile justice policy direction and to participate in the administration of the Title II Program and other JJDPA grant programs.
JJDP Funding State Eligibility 3. Commit to achieve and maintain compliance with the four core requirements of the JJDP Act.
JJDP Funding State Eligibility JJDP Act Four Core Requirements: • Deinstitutionalization of Status and Non- Offenders • Jail Removal • Sight and Sound Separation • Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)
Funding for 2010 • The Title II award is just over $1 million dollars • 2010 is the second year of a three-year funding cycle. • Priority is given to programs that are requesting continuation funding from the previous year and have documented an ability to achieve the project objectives and comply with administrative guidelines. • At least $200,000 will be offered competitively for new programs.
Eligible Applicants • Local Units of Government • Public Youth Service Agencies • School Districts • Private Not-for-Profit Agencies who possess appropriate experience, expertise, and who possess a current 501(c)3.
Faith-Based Organizations There are certain restrictions that apply to funding faith-based organizations. If you feel this applies to your agency, please refer to your Title II Application Packet.
Eligibility Requirements To be eligible to receive Title II funds, applicants must be an operating public or nonprofit agency or a combination of such organizations. Juvenile and family courts, law enforcement agencies, local units of government, churches, schools, and public youth service agencies or organizations with appropriate experience, expertise, and service capacity are eligible applicants for funding.
Who Can Be Served? Youth under the age of 17 may be served. If a youth is a ward of a juvenile or family court at the time of his/her 17th birthday, he/she may continue to receive services until the youth is released from the court’s jurisdiction or until he/she reaches age 21, whichever occurs first.
Matching Funds No in-kind or hard cash match is required to receive Title II Formula Grant funds.
Funding Limits Individual agencies may apply for a minimum of $20,000 and a maximum of $55,000.
Supplanting Federal funds cannot be used to supplant (take the place of) state, local, or other non-federal funds. Public, governmental, and non-profit agencies may not receive Title II funds to supplant existing funds that are presently being used to provide the same services to juveniles. Title II funds are intended to start new programs or to expand/enhance existing programs. Federal funds cannot be utilized to cover existing costs.
Administration fees Equipment Travel of federal employees Real property acquisition Honoraria Indirect costs of conferences, symposia, and workshops including entertainment, sports, visas, passport charges, tips, bar charges, beverages, personal telephone calls, or laundry charges Military equipment Bonuses or commissions Lobbying Cost of fundraising, including staff time when salary is paid from the Title II Formula Grant Program Compensation of federal employees Construction or purchase of buildings Firearms or service weapons for law enforcement personnel Unallowable Costs
Model Programs and Effective Practices Proposals must include the use of model programs, promising practices, and/or best practices when working with at-risk, abused/neglected, or delinquent youth. Effective practices and methodology for working with such populations have been identified by numerous scholarly journals and federal, state, and national child advocacy organizations.
Model Programs and Effective Practices Applicants must use the highest degree of fidelity (conformity) in the implementation of the components of the model programs, promising practices, and/or best practices. In other words, applicants are expected to utilize ALL components of the model programs, promising practices, and/or best practices.
Model Programs and Effective Practices Applicants must provide the following: • Proposals must include photocopied or printed information taken directly from the identified source of the model program, promising practice, and/or best practice the proposal is based upon. • Applicants must cite the effective practices to be utilized, justification for that selection must be given, and the source of the effective practice, i.e. scientific journal, national organization, etc., must be included. • Applicants must give a detailed explanation of how all of the components of the model, best, and/or promising practices will be incorporated into the program.
Local Application Review Committee Applicants must develop an Local Application Review Committee consisting of, but not limited to, one program staff, two youth members, and two parents. The purpose of the Local Application Review Committee is to collaborate with youth and parents and to receive feedback on services being planned or provided.
Local Application Review Committee At a minimum, the Local Application Review Committee is required to meet at the following times: • During the application/planning phase of the grant process • At the 6-month interval • Up to 100 days prior to the end of the contract (If reapplying for funding, this may act as both the planning phase and end of contract meeting.) Applicants must submit the Local Application Review Committee form included in the application. For confidentiality purposes, initials may be used if necessary. Applicants are asked to provide a brief summary of the meeting.
Funding Cycle Assuming the Title II Formula Grant Program continues to receive Congressional appropriations, and Missouri remains in compliance with the JJDP Act, the department will be able to offer a third year of funding to applicants currently applying for second year funding. During the application process for second and third year funding, priority will be given to programs that are requesting continuation funding from the previous year and have documented an ability to achieve his/her objective and comply with administrative guidelines. New programs that are awarded funding in 2010 will be considered year two programs and will only be eligible to apply for one more year of funding.
Purpose Areas The eligible purpose areas are: Alternatives to Detention Delinquency Prevention Gender Specific Services Applicants must choose one of these purpose areas.
Purpose Areas • Applicants may only choose one purpose area per application; however, more than one application may be submitted. • Please be sure to read the purpose areas carefully to determine eligibility.
Purpose Area 2 – Alternatives to Detention Services provided to a juvenile offender as an alternative to detaining and/or confining said juvenile
Purpose Area 2 – Alternatives to Detention Projects considered in this purpose area must be based on The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative. Only local programs that have accepted the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative may apply for funding to implement the model, implement alternatives to detention programs, and/or expand services that provide alternatives to detention.
Purpose Area 9 - Delinquency Prevention Programs, research, or other initiatives to prevent or reduce the incidence of delinquent acts. Delinquency Prevention is directed to youth at-risk of becoming delinquent to prevent them from entering the juvenile justice system or to intervene with first-time and non-serious offenders to keep them out of the juvenile justice system.
Academic Skills Enhancement Afterschool/Recreation Alcohol and Drug Therapy Education Classroom Curricula Family Therapy Leadership and Youth Development Mentoring Parent Training Truancy Prevention Vocational/Job Training Wraparound/Case Management Purpose Area 9 - Delinquency Prevention Projects considered in this purpose area include but are not limited to:
Purpose Area 13 – Gender Specific Services Services that address the needs of female offenders in the juvenile justice system
Purpose Area 13 – Gender Specific Services Projects considered in this application include, but are not limited to: Prevention Services Early Intervention Juvenile Justice Intervention Services
Performance Based Measures
Performance Based Measures Performance Based Measures are based upon logic models developed for each Title II Formula Grant Program purpose area. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has mandated the use of these measures by states and his/her subgrantees. Applicants must provide data for the mandatory output and outcome measures. Additionally, at least two output measures and two outcome measures, which are listed in Appendix A of the application must be chosen.
Mandatory Performance Based Measures By Purpose Area Alternatives to Detention: Output Measures: 1) Number of program youth served, Outcome Measures: 1) Number and percent of program youth who offend or re-offend (short term); 2) Number and percent of program youth who offend or re-offend (long term); 3) Number and percent of program youth completing program requirements
Mandatory Performance Based Measures By Purpose Area Delinquency Prevention: Output Measures: 1) Number of program youth served Outcome Measures: 1) Number and percent of program youth completing program requirements
Mandatory Performance Based Measures By Purpose Area Gender Specific Services: Output Measures: 1) Number of program youth served, Outcome Measures: 1) Number and percent of program youth who offend or re-offend (short term) 2) Number and percent of program youth who offend or re-offend (long term) 3)Number and percent of program youth completing program requirements
Obtaining the Title II Application The Title II Application can be found at www.dps.mo.gov Click on “Juvenile Services Program”, then click on “Title II”.
Title II Application • Forms are available in Word format. • Be sure to follow the outline in the application and to include all the information requested. • Separate each section with the headings provided to clearly identify all information
Eligible Budget Categories • Personnel • Travel • Supplies/Operations • Contractual Services
Personnel • Salaried staff should be listed as: (gross salary per month) x (percent of time on grant) x (months to be employed) = Subtotal cost • Hourly staff should be listed as: (rate per hour) x (number of hours) = Total cost • Subtotal added to any applicable fringe
Travel 2010: Maximum mileage reimbursement is .37¢ per mile or at the agency rate, whichever is lower Do not include registration fees for conferences on the travel page. Registration fees are considered to be an operational expense and must be listed on the Supplies/Operations budget page.
Contractual Please refer to the Missouri Department of Public Safety Financial and Administrative Guideline Manual for contract requirements.
Narrative Work Program • Use plain white paper • Use a font type of Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt • Narrative must be typewritten • Separate each section with headings • Label all attachments • Follow the outline and format given