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Some Facts About Isaiah – Part 2 关于 以赛亚书 的一些事实 -- 2.
Some Facts About Isaiah – Part 2关于以赛亚书的一些事实 -- 2 • Isaiah 9:6-7 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” • Isaiah 53:6 “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 9/3/2014 1
Some Facts About Isaiah – Part 2关于以赛亚书的一些事实 -- 2 • 赛 9:6-7, “因有一婴孩为我们而生、有一子赐给我们.政权必担在他的肩头上.他名称为奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君。他的政权与平安必加增无穷.他必在大卫的宝座上、治理他的国、以公平公义使国坚定稳固、从今直到永远。万军之耶和华的热心、必成就这事。” • 赛 53:6, “我们都如羊走迷、各人偏行己路.耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上。” Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 9/3/2014 2
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • B. Messages concerning Immanuel (7:1—12:6). After King Ahaz of Judah is threatened by Syria and the northern kingdom of Israel, Ahaz unwisely appeals to Syria for help despite Isaiah’s warning against it. • 1. Invasion against Ahas. Yahweh’s sign: a Child’s birth (7:1-25). Ahaz and the people are for help. Isaiah brings an encouraging word to Ahaz about Judah’s not being conquered, but Ahaz turns to Assyria for help instead. Ahaz’s bear a Child, who would be Immanuel (God with us, 7:14). 9/3/2014 3
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • B.以马内利的讯息(7:1-12:6)。叙利亚威胁犹大国王亚哈斯和以色列国后,亚哈斯不明智呼吁叙利亚帮助,亚哈斯没有听以赛亚的警告。 • 1。侵入亞哈斯。耶和华的标志:一个婴儿的出生(7:1-25)。亚哈斯和人民要求帮助。以赛亚带来亚哈斯鼓励的话关于犹大没有被征服,但亚哈斯转向到亚述帮助。亚哈斯承担一个婴儿, 祂被称为以马内利(神与我们同在 7:14)。 9/3/2014 4
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established” (7:9). Jesus spoke this same principle (John 12:36) at a time when the people around Him had just heard the Father speak from heaven. The issue for kingdom people is to believe and be established! Signs and wonders will appear because Jesus said they would. Time and again, however, He declared the importance of simply believing in Him, regardless of what we see around us. If we would advance the kingdom of God, it must be on the basis of what we believe rather than what we see (Rom. 4:17). Take care to strengthen your kingdom influence through a believing lifestyle. 9/3/2014 5
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “你們若是不信、定然不得立穩。”(7:9)。耶稣说同样的话, 当周围的人听到天父说话的时候(约12:36)。天国的人相信和立穩, 耶稣说神迹奇事会出现。然而,一次又一次,祂宣称只要相信祂的重要性,无论我们所看到的是什么。如果我们要推进神的国度,我们要建立在相信祂的基础上,而不是建立在我们所看到的(罗4:17)。要注意加强你的天国的影响力,通过相信的生活方式。 9/3/2014 6
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 2. Assyria, the Lord’s instrument (8:1-22). The imagery of three children is used to tell of the fall of Damascus and Samaria. Not the prophetic emphasis of each of the names of the children: (a) Shear-Jashub, 7:3(“a remnant shall return”); (b) Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, 8:1-4 (“quick to plunder, swift to the spoil”); and (c) Immanuel 7:13-14 (“God with us”). Ahaz and the people chose Assyria as their source of help rather than God. This unwise action would be met with a flood of Assyrians who would overwhelm Judah. However, because of Immanuel, the nation would not be obliterated by the “flood.” 9/3/2014 7
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 2。亚述是主的工具(8:1-22)。三个孩子的意象是用来告诉大马士革和撒玛利亚的倒台。重视每个孩子的名字是预言:(a)剪切雅述,7:3(“余剩的返回”);(b)瑪黑珥沙拉勒哈施罷斯8:1-4(“擄掠速臨搶奪快到”)及(c)以马内利7:13-14(“神与我们同在”)。亚哈斯和人民选择了亚述作为帮助的来源,而不是神。这不明智的行动, 亚述人会压倒犹大人。然而,因为以马内利,国家不会被抹杀。 9/3/2014 8
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter” (8:19). These words hold a frightening potential, if they are ever followed. The source of the “whisper” and the “mutter” is directly linked to the demonic. These utterances will only destroy the person who seeks them. If there is anything of the occult in your background, follow wholeheartedly the example of the believers at Ephesus (Acts 19:19-20), so that the word of the Lord will grow and prevail mightily in you! 9/3/2014 9
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “當求問那些交鬼的、和行巫術的、 就是聲音綿蠻、言語微細的.”(8:19)。这些话是可怕的,如果他们跟着做 。 “聲音綿蠻、言語微細” 直接来自恶魔。这些言论只会破坏寻求的人。如果你的背景有任何的神秘学的存在 ,你应该全心全意的遵循在以弗所信徒的例子(徒19:19-20), 使耶和华的话在你里面成长! 9/3/2014 10
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 3. A great light, God’s wonderful Child (9:1-7). Isaiah introduces the Messiah as one who is the Light in the midst of the darkness of judgment. The hope of His coming and presence would ensure liberation for the nation from all of its oppressors. Messiah’s humanity and divinity are set forth in the terminology of this passage. • 3。一个大光,神奇妙的儿子 (9:1-7)。以赛亚介绍救主弥赛亚是大光在黑暗中判断。祂的光临和同在, 确保所有在压迫者的民族解放。这段话充分表达救主弥赛亚的人性与神性。 9/3/2014 11
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “And the government will be upon His shoulder” (9:6). The entitlement to rule that was given to Jesus Christ the Messiah has been transmitted to His body, the church (Matt. 16:18; 28:18-19). As citizens of the kingdom we have been authorized and anointed to move forward, advancing His kingdom under His authority. • “因有一嬰孩為我們而生、有一子賜給我們.政權必擔在他的肩頭上.他名稱為奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君。”(9:6)。弥赛亚耶稣基督已经授权到祂的身体 = 教会(太16:18;28:18-19)。作为天国公民,我们已授权推进祂的国度,在祂的权力下, 建立祂的国度。 9/3/2014 12
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 4. God’s judgment upon Israel and Assyria (9:8—10:19). Verse 9 introduces pride as the reason for God’s judgment to be meted out against Israel through Assyrian and Philistine invasions. Whereas Assyria had been an instrument of God to chasten His people, God will not withhold His judgment from them as well. • 4。神的审判呼吁以色列和亚述(9:8-10:19)。第9节介绍神的审判, 原因是以色列的骄傲, 使亚述和非利士人入侵。亚述是神的工具来管教祂的人,上帝不会停止祂的判断。 9/3/2014 13
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 5. The remnant of Jacob, Branch of Jesse (10:20—11:16). “In that day” depicts the time when the faithful remnant would return, at the day of the Lord. Historically there was a fulfillment of this, but what Isaiah is seeing also has a future fulfillment, which will occur in Palestine. The righteous rule of Messiah and of the kingdom He establishes are the conclusion of this section. • 5。雅各剩下的, 耶西的本(10:20-11:16)。 在主的日子, “到那日”描述忠实的残余将返回。在历史上,是一个实现,以赛亚看到前途的实现,将发生在巴勒斯坦。救主弥赛亚公义的统治和祂建立的王国。 9/3/2014 14
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him” (11:1-3). The coming Davidic ruler, whose name is Immanuel (7:14), will judge the people with righteousness and fairness (11:3-5), by bearing the effectual qualities of the Spirit’s work in His ministry—wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord (v.2). All these expressions of the Spirit were present within Jesus’ life for anointed ministry (Luke 4:14), for “God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). When we receive the Spirit’s fullness, Jesus’ life becomes alive in us—God is with us—and His ruling authority flows through us in multiplied ministries and gifts (1 Cor. 12:4-11). 9/3/2014 15
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “耶和華的靈必住在他身上”(11:1-3)。大卫统治者,他的名字是以马内利(7:14),用正义和公正判断人民(11:3-5),有圣灵工作之素质,用智慧,理解, 忠告, 权力, 知识和敬畏耶和华(第2节)。表达圣灵在耶稣的生命为受膏者(路4:14),“神与他同在”(徒10:38)。当我们接受圣灵的丰满,耶稣的生命活在我们里面(神与我们同在),祂的统治权威流在我们里面, 给我们多种恩赐(林前12:4-11)。 9/3/2014 16
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 6. Songs of praise to the Lord (12:1-6). “In that day,” the day of the Lord, there shall be sung a united song of redemption as the people together recognize Him for who He is. • “And in that day you will say ‘Praise the Lord’” (12:4-6). This entire chapter demonstrates the kind of worship and praise that accentuates the life of kingdom people. Singing and shouting are shown to be instruments of spiritual warfare. And special attention is paid to the focus of worship: “the Holy One of Israel is in your midst!” 9/3/2014 17
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 6。赞美耶和华的歌(12:1-6)。 “到那日”,耶和华的日子,有赎回的共同唱歌一同认识祂,赞美祂。 • “在那日、你們要說、當稱謝耶和華、求告他的名、將他所行的傳揚在萬民中、提說他的名已被尊崇。”(12:4-6)。这整章演示,国度的子民敬拜和赞美的突出生活。唱歌和呼喊是属灵争战的工具。特别注意崇拜的焦点:“以色列的圣者在你们中间!” 9/3/2014 18
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • C. Messages of judgment upon the nations (13:1—24:23). The central message of this section is that God’s sovereignty is unmistakable and His people should understand that the world was His at creation and continues to be His now and forever. • C. 判断国家的信息(13:1-24:23)。本节的中心思想是,神的主权是无误的,祂的 国度子民应该明白,世界是祂创造的, 过去, 现在, 和永远, 一切所有是祂的。 9/3/2014 19
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” (14:12). This familiar verse opens a section that has a dual application. One is a historical reference to Babylon, and the other is a type of Satan. Two things are important to see: “Lucifer” was the devil’s name when he was a part of God’s heaven. It is a regal name of splendor, but he is no longer worthy of the name. He is now Satan, and in our dealing with him we should never give him the dignity of the heavenly name. Second, Scripture informs us that it was Satan who weakened the nations. When we engage in spiritual warfare, these verses clarify the nature of our Adversary. 9/3/2014 20
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “明亮之星、早晨之子阿、你何竟從天墜落.你這攻敗列國的、何竟被砍倒在地上。”(14:12)。这熟悉的诗句,具有双重应用程序。一个是历史巴比伦,另一个是撒旦。有两点是非常重要:“路西弗”是魔鬼的名字,他曾经是天堂的一分。这是一个富豪辉煌名下,但他已经不再是名副其实。他现在是撒旦,在我们与他打交道时,我们不应该给他尊严天堂般的名字。第二,圣经告诉我们,这是撒旦,削弱了国家。当我们从事属灵的争战,这些经文澄清我们的对手。 9/3/2014 21
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “In that day… the Lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones” (24:21). The spiritual war is brought to the forefront in these verses. The prophetic significance perhaps is best seen through the pen of Paul in 2 Corinthians 10:5. The day when Isaiah is speaking of prophetically is “today,” when all hell appears to be breaking loose around us. At these times, warfare requires a confronting and casting down of the enemy when it exalts itself against the Most High God. Our boldness will come from realizing that God Himself will punish the enemy. 9/3/2014 22
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “到那日耶和華在高處必懲罰高處的眾軍、在地上必懲罰地上的列王”(24:21)。在这些经文表达属灵的战争。预言的意义是最好通过保罗的笔在哥林多后书10:5。以赛亚说的预言是“今天”的时候,出现在我们身边。在这些时候,战争中需要面对敌人, 因为它本身敌对至高的神。我们的勇气必须明白意识到,神必自己惩罚敌人。 9/3/2014 23
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • D. Messages of judgment, praise, promise (25:1—27:13). • 1. The Lord’s deliverance, the kingdom age (:1-12). The end of the tyranny is declared a particular reference to the conclusion of death and pride. Additionally, the reference to “wonderful” and “counsel” in verse 1 should be compared to the Immanuel prophecy of chapter 9. • D. 判断, 赞美, 承诺的信息 (25:1-27:13)。 • 1。主拯救国度时代 (:1-12)。宣告结束暴政, 死亡和自豪。此外,在第1节的“奇妙的事”和“忠信誠實” 是 以马内利第9章的预言。 9/3/2014 24
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 2. The Rock of Ages and the resurrection (26:1-21). Whereas the overthrow of the Godless faction was discussed in the previous chapter, we now come to the description of the peace that comes to those who remain faithful. This is signified in the metaphorical description of a well-secured city. • 2。 万古磐石和复活(26:1-21)。在前面的章节中讨论推翻无神派,我们现在描述那些忠诚所得的和平。这标志着在一个安全的城市的隐喻描述。 9/3/2014 25
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “In that day this song will be sung” (26:1-4). Isaiah is speaking futuristically about the restoration of Israel as well as the “day of the Lord.” The “day of the Lord” holds great portent for every believer in Christ. As ones who have experienced the entry of the kingdom in part, we are the ones who then can sing this song. The passage goes on to talk about walls of salvation and open gates (60:18). The song of the Lord is a song of praise based on the salvation He has provided. As ones who enjoy the fruits of salvation, let us enter into His presence through the open gates of praise. 9/3/2014 26
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “當那日在猶大地人必唱這歌說、我們有堅固的城.耶和華要將救恩定為城牆、為外郭。”(26:1-4)。以赛亚说未来的恢复 和 以色列的“主的日子” 。“主的日子”为每一个信徒在基督里拥有很大的预兆。经历过进入神的国,我们可以唱这首歌。“你必稱你的牆為拯救、稱你的門為讚美。”(60:18)。救赎主的歌是一首赞美的歌。享受得救的人,让我们进入祂的所在,打开讚美的门。 9/3/2014 27
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 3.Doom of oppressors, Israel restored (27:1-13). No longer is God’s wrath against His vineyard (5:6). God is always more interested in restoring than destroying, as demonstrated in His disposition toward Israel. • 3. 压迫者的死亡,以色列恢复(27:1-13)。对祂的葡萄园,不再是神的愤怒(5:6)。上帝总是对建造更感兴趣,不是破坏,主要表现祂对以色列的恢复。 9/3/2014 28
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “He shall cause to take root…and fill the face of the world with fruit” (27:6). The promise of restoration wipes away the earlier disappointment of an unfruitful vineyard (5:1-7). Now the Lord is planting anew, watering daily (v. 3), clearing briars (v. 4), and promising expansive fruitfulness (v. 6). The picture is that of the Messiah, the true Vine (John 15:1-8), extending His disciples as fruit-bearing branches to the world. The fruit is the Lord’s doing, yet He asks participants to come and be willing to be planted. Believers who are pliable before the Spirit—yielded to His direction and dynamic, willing to be stretched and sent forth—will bear much fruit. 9/3/2014 29
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “將來雅各要扎根、以色列要發芽開花.他們的果實、必充滿世界。”(27:6)。修复诺言擦去早期的失望,(5:1-7)。现在主重新种植,每天浇水,(3节),结算蒺藜(4节),和有广阔的丰产前途(6节)。救主弥赛亚是真葡萄树(约翰福音15:1-8),祂的门徒分支向世界结果。果實是耶和华所做的,祂要求我们前来参与 ,并愿意种植。信徒服从圣灵, 屈服于祂的方向和动力,愿意被打发, 就多结果子。 9/3/2014 30
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • E. Woes to unbelievers and immoral in Israel (28:1—33:24). • 1. Woe to drunkards and scoffers (28:1-29). Once again the sins of Israel in Isaiah’s day reveal how vulnerable the nation is to the hand of Assyria waiting to overtake them. The leaders come under special attack (7); they have misled rather than faithfully led the people. • E.不信的困境,以色列不道德 (28:1-33:24)。 • 1。酒鬼与讥诮有祸了(28:1-29)。在以赛亚的日子, 以色列的罪表明国家是脆弱, 亚述等待征服他们。领导人误导受到特殊攻击(7),他们没有忠实地带领人民。 9/3/2014 31
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • (28:11-12) The Apostle Paul adapts this passage in 1 Corinthians 14:21 and refers to it as a statement from the Law. He challenges the Corinthian believers to recognize that the Old Testament context from which he takes his quote served as a judgment against those who would not hear the message of the prophet. In the New Testament context, the application is much the same, directed at the hard-heartedness of believers. • (28:11-12)使徒保罗在哥林多前书14:21应用这段,指它作为律法声明。他挑战哥林多信徒, 对那些不听先知的信息, 获得裁判 。在新约的背景下,对那些硬心肠的信徒,应用大同小异。 9/3/2014 32
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 2. Woe to hypocrites in Zion (29:1-24). “Ariel” stands for Mt. Zion/Jerusalem. It will be attacked and crushed, but those who do it themselves will be destroyed, because they only pay Him lip-service. But there is coming a day when the ones who have been deaf and blind to His message will hear and see and once again obey and fear Him. • 2。锡安假冒为善有祸了(29:1-24)。 “亞利伊勒”代表锡安山/耶路撒冷。它会被攻击,粉碎,但这样做的人自己会被销毁,因为他们只用口讲。但未来有一天, 又聋又瞎要听到和看到祂的信息,会再次服从和敬畏祂。 9/3/2014 33
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 3. Woes to those who trust in Egypt (30:1—31:9). Judah has entered a pact with Egypt and thinks that she is secure against Assyria. Isaiah has warned against this kind of thing. And when it comes to the time of living up to her side of the pact, Egypt does nothing while Assyria invades Judah (chapters 36-37). Note the grace of God in that the very one they would not trust is the One who calls them one more time to come back to Him (31:6). • 3。相信埃及的困境 (30:1-31:9)。犹大已经与埃及协议,认为是安全的对抗亚述。以赛亚警告这种协议。当亚述入侵犹大时,埃及什么也不做, (36-37章)。请注意上帝的恩典,他们不相信上帝, 但上帝给他们有更多的时间重回到祂脸前(31:6)。 9/3/2014 34
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 4. About the coming King and His reign of peace, mingled with assorted woes (32:1—33:24). Looking far into the future, Isaiah sees a time of lasting peace, justice, and righteousness as a result of an outpouring of the Spirit of God on His people. But before the King comes, the existing evil must be done away with and the people shaken out of their complacency. • 4。将来到的国王和祂和平的统治,夹杂着各种灾难(32:1-33:24)。展望未来,以赛亚看到一个持久和平,正义和正气的结果, 因上帝的子民, 有祂的灵的流露。但是,国王来到前,现有的邪恶必须被取消, 和他们的自满被动摇。 9/3/2014 35
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “The Spirit is poured upon us… and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field” (32:15-18). The rule of the messianic King is linked to the ministry of the Spirit, whose outpouring turns barren wasteland into fruitful forest. As water penetrates and permeates dry ground, so the Spirit indwells and fills thirsting hearts—and fruitfulness replaces fallowness. The Holy Spirit establishes Christ’s rule by saturating our lives with His presence and power. Thus Jesus becomes real to us, and all that He is and does can impact our lives. This includes such graces as justice and righteousness (v. 16), peace, quietness, and assurance (v. 17)—evidences of the King’s establishing His order and rule. 9/3/2014 36
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “等到聖靈從上澆灌我們、曠野就變為肥田、肥田看如樹林。”(32:15)。救主弥赛亚王的统治相联的聖靈,把贫瘠的荒地变成富有成果的森林。水渗透干燥的地, 休闲地丰产,圣灵内住和填充渴望的心。圣灵的存在和力量建立基督的统治饱和我们的生活。因此,耶稣成为我们的真实,影响我们的生活。这包括公平和公义(16节),和平,宁静,确定证据 (17节), 王建立了祂的秩序和规则。 9/3/2014 37
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • F. Summary (34:1—35:10). • 1. Judgments upon ungodly nations (34:1-17). This passage is apocalyptic, suggestive (through symbolic language) of the Battle of Armageddon and the ultimate destruction of the Gentile world power. It concludes with a divine promise that Israel will possess and inhabit the land (:16-17). • F.摘要(34:1-35:10)。 • 1。判断不敬虔的国家(34:1-17)。这段话是暗示世界末日, (通过象征性的语言) 哈米吉顿之战是世界大国和最终销毁。最后一个神圣的承诺,以色列将拥有和居住土地(:16-17)。 9/3/2014 38
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • 2. Joy and blessing to God’s people (35:1-10). This chapter brings to conclusion the various “woes” that began in chapter 28. The restoration is a complete one impacting the geography, climate, and people of Israel. Verse 10 is the capstone of this passage, reflecting the ultimate expression of joy for the redeemed. • 2。 属神的人喜悦和祝福(35:1-10)。 在第28章开始, 结论带来各种的 “困境” 。恢复是一个完整的,影响地理,气候和以色列的人民。第10节的这段话,反映了最终的赎回, 表达喜悦的顶点。 9/3/2014 39
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God” (35:3-5). The coming of the Lord will be purposeful, bringing to an end the destructive works of darkness and meting out His justice in the interest of His children. One of the clear indicators of the certainty and imminence of His return is the presence of the kinds of things described in the succeeding verses; when the kingdom is ministered with power and understanding, and blind eyes and deaf ears begin to be opened, we can enthusiastically declare the Second Coming of Jesus. 9/3/2014 40
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “對膽怯的人說、你們要剛強、不要懼怕.看哪、你們的 神必來報仇、必來施行極大的報應、他必來拯救你們。” (35:3-5)。主的再来,是有目的的,结束破坏性黑暗的工作,并给予祂的儿女公义。明确的指标祂再来的必然和紧迫,当王国有能力,理解,和瞎子看见,聋子的耳朵开始被打开,我们可以踊跃申报,耶稣的第二次降临。 9/3/2014 41
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • II. God’s dealing with Hezekiah 36:1—39:8. • God’s deliverance of Judah (36:1—37:38). With unsurprising arrogance, the Assyrian army challenges the Lord and demands from Hezekiah the surrender of Judah. • God’s healing of Hezekiah (38:1-22). With Isaiah’s announcement of impending death, Hezekiah turns to God and pleads for God to remember him. The prayer is heard, and God’s promise to Hezekiah is for an additional fifteen years of life, during which he would see deliverance from the Assyrians. 9/3/2014 42
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • II。上帝处理希西家36:1-39:8。 • A.神拯救犹大(36:1-37:38)。令人吃惊的傲慢气焰,亚述军队挑战主,并要求希西家的犹大投降。 • B.神医治希西家(38:1-22)。以赛亚公告将来的死亡,希西家恳求上帝记得他。祈祷已经被听见,和神应许希西家额外的15年的生活,在这期间,他会看到救他们脱离亚述人。 9/3/2014 43
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “I have heard your prayer…I will add to your days fifteen years” (38:5). According to 2 Kings 20:3, Hezekiah walked faithfully before Yahweh with a loyal heart. Evidently, his terminal condition was not the result of sin in his life. His appeal, made on this basis, was considered by Yahweh, and fifteen additional years were granted to him. Believers praying about sickness and disease should consider the possibility of the reversal of things that have been declared terminal. All things are possible to him who believes. 9/3/2014 44
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • “你去告訴希西家說、耶和華你祖大衛的 神如此說、我聽見了你的禱告、看見了你的眼淚、我必加增你十五年的壽數.”(38:5)。根据列王纪下20:3希西家有忠实与忠诚的心在耶和华面前。显然,在他的生活中,他是没有罪。在此基础上,他的上诉,耶和华给他15年。有疾病和为疾病祷告的信徒应该考虑已经宣布终端的逆转的可能性。相信祷告, 所有的事情都是可能的。 9/3/2014 45
Content of the Book of Isaiah - 2 以赛亚书的内容 - 2 • God’s censure of Hezekiah (39:1-8). Hezekiah falls victim to his own foolishness and pride when he displays his wealth and power to visitors from Babylon. Isaiah rebuked him, and he in turn responds positively to rebuke. • C.神谴责希西家(39:1-8)。希西家表示他自己的愚蠢和骄傲,他显示自己的财富和权力,给从巴比伦来的访客。以赛亚责备他,而他又积极响应责备。 9/3/2014 46
References: 参考文献: • 1. Several Internet sources. • 2. Several versions of the Bible. • 3. Hayford’s Bible Handbook, 1995. • 1。几个互联网资源。 • 2。几个版本的圣经。 • 3。海福德圣经手册,1995年。 9/3/2014 47
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 9/3/2014 48