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Technology Enhanced Learning. Birthing a new programme: hearing the heart beat. Mary Kensington, Lorna Davies, Rea Daellenbach & Julie Richards School of Midwifery, CPIT . Outline. Blended Learning What it means for midwifery How we do blended delivery What works well:
Birthing a new programme: hearing the heart beat Mary Kensington, Lorna Davies, Rea Daellenbach & Julie Richards School of Midwifery, CPIT
Outline • Blended Learning • What it means for midwifery • How we do blended delivery • What works well: • Midwifery Tutorial Model • Students’ experiences • The heart beat
Blended learning – to blend or not • Best way to Integrate Learning? • Why we chose Blended learning? • What it is? • A blended learning approach integrates face to face classroom methods with a range of e-learning activities. The goal is to combine the best aspects of both face to face and online instruction.
Blended Midwifery Programme • Single programme, jointly developed and owned by both CPIT and Otago Polytechnic • 4 year Bachelor of Midwifery programme delivered in 3 years (45 weeks/year; 4800 total hours) • Blended Delivery Model NOT Distance Learning • Christchurch, Nelson/Marlborough; West Coast; South Canterbury satellites • 3 x 15 wk trimester plus 7 wks A/L plus 6 ‘study weeks’ • Year 1 & 2 - Intensives 4 x 2 wk blocks at CPIT; weekly tutorials (face to face 3-4 hours & on-line 2 x 2hrs each) plus self directed on line modules and practical experience in own area. • Year 3- two intensives at CPIT plus 33 weeks practical experience throughout NZ
What works wellMidwifery Tutorial Model • Evolution of the weekly tutorial sessions • Size of group • Length – 3 or 4 hours • Locally based • Maori/Pacific Island students • One designated Midwifery Lecturer for each group: • Ākonga - Kaiako • Tutorials focus on debriefing and discussion of practice experiences, learning practice and communication skills, alignment with course modules & programme objectives.
Students’ experiences of tutorial model • Social Connection or isolation? • Communities of Learning
Tutorial Groups as Communities of Learners “Really great to debrief and share experiences (both good & bad), and ideas with other students. Very helpful to have a tutor to answer questions about and/or expand on … what experienced/observed in practice.” (Y2 2012) “I think too that we also learn perhaps without realising we are learning to be with women … because we are diverse people sharing different opinions and you do have to – well I learnt like greater tolerance and understanding.”(Y2 2011)
References Ashwin, P. (2005). Variation in students experiences of the ‘Oxford Tutorial’. Higher Education, 50, 631-644. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database. Benoit, C., Davis-Floyd, R., van Teijlingen, E., Sandall, J. & Miller, J. (2001). Designing midwives: A comparison of educational models. In R. De Vries, C. Benoit, E. van Teijlingen & S. Wrede, Birth by design (pp. 139-165). New York: Routledge. Palfreyman, D. (Ed.) (2008). The Oxford Tutorial: ‘Thanks, you taught me how to think’ . Retrieved from http://oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/Publications/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP1_08.pdf