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Coherent Governance Policies Operational Expectation: OE-13 Discipline. February 4, 2009. OE-13 Interpretation. The CEO shall establish and consistently enforce discipline policies to maintain safe and effective environments for all students and to promote civil behavior.
Coherent Governance Policies Operational Expectation: OE-13 Discipline February 4, 2009
OE-13 Interpretation The CEO shall establish and consistently enforce discipline policies to maintain safe and effective environments for all students and to promote civil behavior. We are not in full compliance with this operational expectation.
OE-13 Data Sources • California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) • Use Your Voice Survey (UYV) • AERIES Data • Voluntary Resolution Plan for Discipline Reports • Instructional Services Data • Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) & Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Data • OUSD Parent Guide & Discipline Handbook • Compliance Program Monitoring (CPM) Reports • OUSD Board Policies & Administrative Regulations • Site Safety Plan & Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Templates • OUSD training materials
Interpretation of OE-13 The CEO shall establish and consistently enforce discipline policies to maintain safe and effective environments for all students and to promote civil behavior
Interpretation of OE-13 The CEO shall establish and consistently enforce discipline policies to maintain safe and effective environments for all students and to promote civil behavior :
0E-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT may not: 13.1. Permit student unruly behaviors that disrupt learning. Prohibited behaviors include: a. the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products by students and adults on school property and at school-sponsored events; • Analysis of California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) results • Analysis of Suspension and Expulsion reports • Analysis of external evaluation report on Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program • Monitor implementation of mandated Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) curricular programs • Information provided to parents/guardians in the District Parent Guide
OE 13.1 a: Evidence of Compliance • CHKS data indicates a decreased perception of harm in drug, alcohol, & tobacco use • Usage remains relatively flat • 100% of students referred for tobacco or marijuana infractions were seen by a cessation counselor • Implementation of ATOD curriculum is below acceptable levels • The District makes good use of the Parent Guide
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT may not: 13.1. Permit student unruly behaviors that disrupt learning. Prohibited behaviors include: b. the presence of firearms and other dangerous weapons on school property and at school-sponsored events; • Maintain and analyze the California Safe Schools Assessment (CSSA) reports required by the state. • Analysis of California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) results • Analysis of Suspension and Expulsion reports • Information provided to parents/guardians in the District Parent Guide
OE 13.1 b: Evidence of Compliance • We do an inadequate job of collecting and reporting California Safe Schools Assessment (CSSA) data. • Weapons-related suspensions increased • CHKS data reflect an increased sense of insecurity among secondary students
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT may not: 13.1. Permit student unruly behaviors that disrupt learning. Prohibited behaviors include: c. any form of bullying, disrespect or violence on school property and at school-sponsored events; • Annual review of District policy with all staff; evidence that the District Bullying policy is visibly posted and supported with training as needed. • Evidence of information disseminated to administrators on best practices for preventing bullying and harassment, including procedures for reporting and investigating incidents, and the teaching of appropriate bystander behavior • Evidence of implementation of interventions aligned with Board policy on prevention of teen dating violence • Review Safety Plans, school site policies, training agendas and Positive School Climate Committee agendas for evidence that the issue of bullying is being addressed as needed • Analysis of District and school site level results of the annual California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) • Analysis of Use Your Voice Survey results • Analysis of Suspension and Expulsion reports • Information provided to parents/guardians in the District Parent Guide
OE 13.1 c: Evidence of Compliance • CHKS data indicates a greater lack of safety in schools as perceived by 7th graders along with and increase in feeling bullied • The implementation of bullying policy is not monitored by the District • Anti bullying measures are not addressed in the Site Safety Plan template • District expectations on the matter of bullying are clearly indicated in the Parent Guide.
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT may not: 13.1. Permit student unruly behaviors that disrupt learning. Prohibited behaviors include: d. the use of unacceptable or disrespectful language on school property and at school-sponsored events.(continued) • The Superintendent or designee shall support sites in providing professional development as necessary to assist staff in developing positive classroom management skills and implementing restorative disciplinary techniques aligned with Board policies and the Voluntary Resolution Plan to Reduce Racially Disproportionate Suspensions (VRP). • Pursuant to Board Policy, “the Board believes that high expectations for student behavior, effective classroom management and parent involvement can minimize the need for discipline. Staff shall use preventative measures and positive conflict resolution techniques whenever possible.”
OE-13 d: Indicators of Compliance (continued) • Collect evidence of District and Site level trainings in positive school climate communication (from sites as well as from New Teacher Support Department (NTSD), Instructional Services (IS), and Complementary Learning.) • Analysis of Suspension and Expulsion data on defiance of authority. • Site level analysis of office referrals for defiance of authority and related offenses.
OE 13.1 d: Evidence of Compliance • Several District departments including New Teacher Support, Instructional Services (Voluntary Resolution Plan), Complementary Learning (Conflict Resolution) collaborate to provide support to schools in this area. • Parents are regularly involved in this work • The District has seen a decline in suspensions from SY 06-07 to SY 07-08 for unacceptable and disrespectful language.
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT will: 13.2. Appropriately involve teachers, administrators, students and the community in developing student discipline policy. • Information provided to parents/guardians in the District Parent Guide • Review School Site Council agendas, Positive School Climate Committee agendas, and Safety Plans for evidence of involving parents and secondary school students in reviewing discipline policies • Review meeting sign-ins and agendas, including of Student Councils and All-City Council meetings for evidence that the teachers, administrators, students, parents and community members are involved in developing and reviewing student discipline policies. • Calendar and training materials for professional development for site administrators.
OE 13.2: Evidence of Compliance • Parents, teachers, and administrators have access and involvement in the development of student discipline policy across the District. • The District provides information to the families of students annually in the Parent Guide. • We do not know how many schools have a Positive School Climate Committee as stipulated in our agreement with the U.S. Office of Civil Rights under the Voluntary Resolution Plan for Discipline but a survey of all sites will be conducted in spring 2009. • The FCO supports the All City Councils at both middle and high school levels to involve students at their respective schools in reviewing the District’s student discipline policies and providing opportunity for student recommendations for changes or amendments. • The FCO-Disciplinary Hearing Panel revises and distributes the OUSD Discipline Handbook yearly to site administrators.
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT will: 13.3. Provide opportunities for students’ restoration to full participation in the instructional program through appropriate intervention. • Evidence of training and implementation of restorative disciplinary practices, conflict mediation services, integrated support services, family outreach and case management services. • Track outcomes of restorative interventions, of students referred to conflict mediation after suspension for fighting, mental health and other case managed interventions, and other systems and procedures designed to address the root causes if misbehavior and keep students connected to their school sites. • Monitor activities and track outcomes of site-based intervention programs for in- school suspensions that divert students from regular classrooms. • Collect and analyze office referrals for data on reduction of classroom time lost. • Placement of students entering the District from the juvenile justice system. • Review of Board of Education meeting minutes.
OE 13.3: Evidence of Compliance • Conflict resolution programs and social skills training for staff and students data collected for SY 08-09 shows a 23% increase in program activity over 07-08, and mid-year satisfaction surveys from administrators are very positive. In SY ‘07-08 there were 2,063 mediations resolved at 18 middle schools, and a total of 296 peer mediators were trained as of May ’08. Conflict Resolution in 11 elementary schools. • In the 67 OUSD schools receiving Integrated Support Services, students receive individual, family and group counseling to address the source of behaviors and conditions that interfere with learning. Surveys of students receiving ISS reflect improved social-emotional functioning. • Alternative Education Gang Intervention grant serves 75 students at 5 Alternative Education sites at any one time. There were fewer suspensions in SY ’07-08 • Our on-going initiative to partner more closely with Alameda County Juvenile Probation and CBOs promises to increase and improve the successful return of incarcerated students to schools.
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT will: 13.4. Assure that teachers, students and parents are informed of the disciplinary expectations of students and the consequences resulting from their violation. • Evidence of the dissemination of school site policies and procedures to parents through announcements, newsletters, and face to face meetings such as at registration, Back To School Night, and parent conferences. • Evidence of the dissemination of school site policies and procedures to students through student handbooks, announcements, class or grade level meetings, and individual face to face meetings such as during student- teacher, student-counselor, or student-administrator conferences. • Information is provided to parents/guardians in the District Parent Guide • Review of disciplinary case file for compliance.
OE 13.4: Evidence of Compliance • The District has provided students, families, teachers and the community at large with information in various media and languages on the behavioral expectations of students and the consequences for violation of those expectations but there is no available collection of data on how individual school sites communicate student behavioral expectations. • District site administration, faculty, and staff there are several print and presentation sources including Leadership Development, NTSD, and IS. • Review of the disciplinary case files at the District level bears out that the District makes public notice of the expectations and consequences of violations of those expectations in student behavior. • Although we believe that it is probable that the District meets its information dissemination obligations, there is too little evidence be sure.
OE-13 Indicators of Compliance The SUPERINTENDENT will: 13.5. Ensure that all policies and procedures regarding discipline are enforced consistently using reasonable judgment. • Review periodic reports to the Office of Civil Rights regarding Voluntary Resolution Plan (VRP) • Evidence of collaboration across departments to clarify and align discipline policies and procedures according to District and state guidelines, and best practices at both District and school site levels. • Evidence of training and implementation of positive disciplinary practices to improve social cohesion across the District and site levels. • Evidence of the application of the review process of all major disciplinary actions.
OE 13.5: Evidence of Compliance • While the IS reviews the District’s progress under the VRP, it must be noted that the District is not making adequate progress as measured by the U.S. Office of Civil Rights. • As evidence of collaboration in the current school year The FCO-DHP, is currently working with the VRP Consultant, Alternative Education, IS, and Complementary Learning, and Juvenile Probation to coordinate services for students who have received the most serious disciplinary consequences. • IS has employed a consultant to work with the 50 schools currently out of compliance with the VRP. IS announced this support in October 2007 and again in the fall 2008. • As required by Ed. Code DHP regularly presents its disciplinary recommendations to the State Administrator and the Board for their review.
Interpretation of OE-13 The CEO shall establish and consistently enforce discipline policies to maintain safe and effective environments for all students and to promote civil behavior
Interpretation of OE-13 The CEO shall establish and consistently enforce discipline policies to maintain safe and effective environments for all students and to promote civil behavior :