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Tips on planning, time management, and overcoming stress during exams. Includes practical advice, study habits, sleep importance, and handling distractions. Achieve success through scheduling, focus, and positivity. Control stress, enhance productivity, and aim for your goals.
Keep your arms & ammunition in place. Organise yourself first
TIME TABLE FIRST • Design your own time table as per the school / college and private classes time. • Time for travel and recreation, rest first. • Time for daily routine chores, like bath, breakfast, lunch and dinner. • Time for SLEEP ( next slide follows) • Remaining is ALL for studies.
Divide your normal activities as listed above equally. • Healthy mind in healthy body is MUST. • Studies at the cost of health is not possible. • The NEED for physical and mental exercise is MUST. The main cause of TENSION. • Change of activities – TV/ movie/ games / reading extra-curricular material. • The side effect of any thing listed above in excess follows.
Improper sleep main root cause of stress/tension & fatigue. • You think that by studying more number of hours you get good marks. • Reasonable hours of sleep is MUST. • An adolescent age 15-18 needs 6-7 hours of sleep. 5 hours is less – 8 hours is more. • Maintain the same level during exam.also. • Reading for more than 10-12 hours also leads to anxiety, restlessness and it has negative effect.
Morning & fore-noon. Morning Prayer must. Read theoretical subjects in the morning.hours. Write them in notes in fore-noon. Revise before lunch. Afternoon- after lunch and prayer. Practical exercise . Group discussion. Form a team for above Before evening wind up for the day. Revision exercise before sleep. Division of time for studies and subject wise and general guidance
Write here subjects. Write here practical subjects. Allot time - Subject wise
Side effect of TV Anything is excess is poison. TV/Movie and cricket matches. Instead of that play games. Stop discussing TV serial and cricket matches at least pre- exam period. Matches are played by punters and fixers for making money.
Minimise the extra curricular activities, at least during exam. • The main reason of boys faring less marks is their ‘street mongering’ habits. • STOP this forthwith, girls remain home therefore, they secure more marks. • Any extra curricular activity during exam leads to evaporation of what is read. • Be sincere and serious about your future. • Good percentages – better college and best job prospects / opportunities.
Have a GOAL in life or you get ‘gol’- zero in life. Stand out in crowd of competition.
Revision of main causes of stress • Personal, family background, problems. • Phyiscial and mental unrest and health. • Sleeplessness, anxiety as described earlier. • Hardship of studies – due to lack of preparation during the year absenteeism. • Non-likeness of subjects of studies and phobia of maths and science.
How to overcome the causes of stress- tension etc. • Planning and scheduling as listed earlier. • Collecting adequate number of books, notes, question and answers series. • Arms and ammunition first before entering the WAR of exam. • Practice makes man perfect. Revise and take notes, practice past Q & A.
Your final day success plan. • Relax, just relax. • Be cool and calm. • Be self confident. • You know everythig. • Let’s face it. • You can do it. • I can, I will and I must do it right.