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What is Health and Disease in Spiritist Doctrine's Enlightenment?. MEDICINE AND SPIRITIST. Sickness and health refer to the form in which the persons find themselves, and not to the state of body's organs or its parts. . MEDICINE AND SPIRITIST. The physical body is never only sick or only heal
2. What is Health and Disease in Spiritist Doctrine’s Enlightenment?
3. Sickness and health refer to the form in which the persons find themselves, and not to the state of body’s organs or its parts.
4. The physical body is never only sick or only healthy, because within it all mindful information is really expressed.
5. The alive human being’s body owes its performance to the spirit, which resides in it.
6. When the various body functions develop themsleves jointly within a harmonious process, it is known as health.
7. If a function fails, it compromises the harmony of the whole, therefore we say that it is in a state of sickness. Sickness is the harmony’s virtual loss.
8. This harmony’s disorder happens at a conscious level, which is the human being’s spiritual part, while the body is a presentation form of such disharmony.
9. Our “no conscious” send messages to our “conscious”, under the form of tensions or physical and emotional sufferings. Searching “to silence” this communication attempt, we utilize drugs for the symptoms to disapear, without paying attention to what has generated them.
10. Physicians and patients will need to learn not only to distinguish what is visible under the light, but also identify what is hidden in the shadow, just to take into consideration from where the initial cause is situated.
17. Why will physicians and patients need to find out where the initial cause is?
Because physicians have the duty to guide. If they do not know the cause, they will heal only the consequence.
Because patients are the main interested and responsible for their healing.
18. Perispirit’s disharmony origin
19. We all know that the perispírit:
Is pre-existent and surviving to the material body’s death, transmitting its requirements to the physical body and the impressions of the physical body to the spirit;
20. That the fleshy cover models itself, and its cells group themselves accordingly to the perispiritual form;
21. That the qualities or defects, faults, abuses and vices from past existences recorded in the perispirit, reappear in the physical body as sicknesses and ailments.
22. Many times souls were reborn ”sick”, which means, with the psychic disease. In the greater part of the cases that initial element is the short of self-love.
23. A lesson that we all should have to learn is still the act of self-love. Many reincarnations have as an aim to reinstate the driving force of life, and recover the joy sensation to be in peace. The absence of self-love is the consequence that leads to depression.
24. What is depression?
How can one conceive it under spiritist enlightenment?
25. Depression is weariness to live. It is no acquiescence of life as it is now-a-days.
26. It is the “prison illness”, which puts an end to the freedom from the seditious creatures, used to have their fancy always satisfied.
27. It is a life’s laws obligation for summoning the soul to pressing changes.
28. Theoretically, depression is the soul’s reaction that did not accept its personal reality as it shows, establishing an inner behaviour modification that unables it to live copiously.
29. In the chapter “Auspicious Prescriptions” (Receitas Oportunas) from the book “Listening to the Feelings” (Escutando os Sentimentos) from Wanderley S. de Oliveira, Ermance Dufaux tell us to be necessary swallow three capsules frequently :
30. 1. In order to believe that you deserve to be happy, as well as all the human beings (to be happy is to be pleased with yourself, without the meaning to be idle, it is self-love);
31. 2. With the aim of stop trying to search for external reasons for your pains, finding in them the inner causes (within each one of us is the healing for all the ailments);
32. 3. Try to be happy while you are still alive and stop thinking about happiness after death. (happiness results from being able to consolidate the sense of life starting from the “not ending look”).
33. The emotions and the chakras
35. When a person’s consciousness is unstable, as a result becoming visible and touchable taking its unsteadiness the form of physical or psychological symptoms, do exist disharmonies recorded in the perispiritual level. It is the human being that is ailing (spirit), and not its physical body.
36. Since the chakras furnish slight energy to the various body organs, the emotional obstructions and conflicts may result in an abnormality for the assorted physiological systems. As time goes by, those abnormal energy flows may produce major or minor energetic gravity ailments to some organs from the body.
37. The touching stress is an important factor in the disease creation procedure. The emotional conflicts, the powerlessness way of behaving, and the lack of love for oneself, may bring negative sound effects over the main chakras performance.
38. In the absence of love to oneself or bad self-image may cause problems in the cardiac chakra, which, in second place, will affect the thymus performance, deteriorating the immunological system. It can also affect the lungs bringing up diseases in the breathing system.
39. The inappropriate way to verbally express what someone feels or the non conversational inner way of thinking may intervene in the laryngeal chakra performance. This can be the cause of many amygdalate of thyroidal harms.
40. Our diseases are often a symbolic spontaneous effect of our internal circumstances of emotional uneasiness, spiritual overfilling and distress. This suggests that the analgesic prescriptions of immediate result, that only temporarily improve the sickness acute symptoms, is not the ideal solution to lessen the patient’s tribulations, within a reincarnation viewpoint.
41. The medicine of the future shall tutor patients to be familiar with shrewd emotionality and energy that may persuade them to specific dismal situations. It will be more capable to become aware of chakras malfunctions, emotional bodies, ethereal and mental.
42. Inheritance
Why do we get sick if it appears that we are doing everything exactly right?
43. Inheritance does exist, nevertheless, it is recorded in the perispirit, from the past soul’s experiences (psychic, intelectual, professional, moral, and emotional), determine the organs shape in the new physical body. The inheritance reflects the vibrational affinities’ rough calculation among the same family’s members.
44. During the fertilization process, the triumphant masculine gamete is stimulated by the perispirit energy of the reincarnating person; who found in it the required genetic factors for the reincarnation programming. The innate genetic codes will be coordinating the physical body, in conformity with the recording of touching contents.
45. The acute diseases are caused by past naughty deeds, which contribute for the learning process, renovation and re-establishment of the unsuitable actions, far-off the soul’s ascent.
46. Certain undertakings and illnesses are acceptable by the spiritual world in order to encourage the spirit to accomplish the harmony with its evolutionary voyage.
47. In this way, diseases or unexpected accidents, emotional absence, economic difficulties, are measures utilized to animate the analgesic misapprehension for pride, selfishness, rage, and so on, to which many persons surrender themselves.
48. Tobacco, alcohol, drug craving, sex and intaking over indulgency, are free modern options, not originally integrated in anybody’s evolution. Whoever gets involved with anyone of these harms, will bring in a damaging effect, without being able to grieve or keep an emergency explanation.
49. How to equilibrate vital energy?
50. From a dynamic point of view, the physical weakly body swings between a different frequency from that which is in a healthy outline.
51. When a person is unable to adjust its energetic manner for a satisfactory regularity, maybe it is necessary a reliable dosage of subtle energy, which can make its bioenergetic systems start quivering in a suitable mode.
52. There are medication habits that also integrate with the human beings as the acupuncture, the homeopathy, the chromo-therpy, the anthroposophy, the Bach flowers, the self-organization factors, the precious stones universal pain killing, the magnetic passes, the prayers, the blessed fluidic water, and so on.
54. Thus, medicine must not only have as a focal point the body carefulness, for the reason that with this approach it will not achieve a cure, it will only improve the symptons.
55. Investigations prepared with the aid of clairvoyants suggest that diseases begin firstly in the ethereal body and in some other superior frequency devices. In this case the disease signals may be alleged in the unearthly body before it becomes detected in the physical body.
56. The ideal is that diseases could be detected in a phase early enough just to inhibit the the physical disease is revealed at the cellular level.
57. Disease is the pathway through which the humankind may pursue head for a cure. The biggest our comprehension will be, the biggest will be our utilization of the things surrounding us.
58. The cure happens through the assimilation of what is mislaid, therefore, it is not possible without a conscience expansion.
59. The development of ethics such as patience, humility, kindheartedness, for-giveness, tolerance, charity, and love, are characteristics of complete awakened conscience of God’s perfect unity and perfect entrustment with mankind. This is the way to healing.
60. Physician and patient responsibilities in the healing process.
The Spiritist task.
61. The most important medicine key, which works with the ambiance, is the perception that human beings are dynamic energy systems that point toward the soul’s advancing development patterns.
62. The physician must not be only a healing backer agent, but also an educationalist. Nevertheless, the patient is the leading responsible for the cure.
63. It is far easier to gulp down a capsule rather than proportionate a speedy organism “fixing”, instead of modifying the unhealthy tendency, which may be contributing to the health problem.
64. Each human being is accountable to investigate the equilibrium of his/hers harmony. Spiritist helps human con-science in the therapy, presenting new principles, enlightening the spirit.
65. Many patients adopt more healthy manners of life only after some upsetting event or a severe analysis is diagnosticated.
66. The physician of the future will coalesce both the scientific knowledge and the spiritual knowledge with the aim to encourage the healing in all levels.
70. - Porque Ficamos Doentes. (Why do we get sick). Novos horizontes do conhecimento médico espírita - Associação Médico Espírita de Minas Gerais.
- Porque adoecemos. (Why Do We Get Sick.) Volume II Princípios para a medicina da alma. Associação Médico Espírita de Minas Gerais.
- Doenças, cura e saúde a luz do espiritismo. (Sickness, Healing, and Health enlightenment by Spirits.) Geziel Andrade.
- Medicina Vibracional. Uma medicina para o futuro. (Vibrational medicine. A Medicine for the future.) Richard Gerber.
- Escutando os sentimentos. (Listening to the feelings.) Wanderley S. de Oliveira.
- ( Diga-me onde dói e eu lhe direi o que é isso. (Tell me where it is painfull, and I will let you know what it is. Michael Odoul. Campus Publishing.
71. If you wish to access other Spiritist lectures (for now only in Portuguese), enter in the website
Images: http://www.jacquelineripstein.com
Music: (Bach, Johan Sebastian) Pachebel Canon (In D)