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The World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva

The World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva. The OATH. At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:. I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to consecrate my life to the service of humanity. I WILL GIVE to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due;.

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The World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva

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  1. The World Medical AssociationDeclaration of Geneva The OATH

  2. At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:

  3. I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to consecrate my life to the service of humanity

  4. I WILL GIVE to my teachers the respect and gratitudethat is their due;

  5. I WILL PRACTISE my profession with conscience and dignity;

  6. THE HEALTH OF MY PATIENT will be my first Consideration

  7. I WILL RESPECT the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died

  8. I WILL MAINTAIN by all the means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession

  9. MY COLLEAGUES will be my sisters and brothers;

  10. I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, diseaseor disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient.

  11. I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life

  12. I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violatehuman rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

  13. I MAKE THESE PROMISESsolemnly, freelyand upon my honor.

  14. The Islamic Medical Oath

  15. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Sustainer of His Creation, the All Knowing. Glory be to Him, the Eternal, the All-Pervading.

  16. O Allah, Thou art the only Healer,I serve none but Thee, and, as the instrument of Thy Will, I commit myself to Thee. I render this Oath in Thy Holy name and I undertake:

  17. To be the instrument of Thy Will and Mercy, and, in all humbleness, to exercise justice, love and compassion for all Thy Creation;

  18. To extend my hand of service to one and all, to the rich and to the poor, to friend and foe alike, regardless of race, religion or color;

  19. To hold human life as precious and sacred, and to protect and honor it at all times and under all circumstances in accordance with Thy Law;

  20. To do my utmost to alleviate pain and misery, and to comfort and counsel human beings in sickness and in anxiety;

  21. To respect the confidence and guard the secrets of all my patients;

  22. To maintain the dignity of health care, and to honor the teachers, students, and members of my profession;

  23. To strive in the pursuit of knowledge in Thy name for the benefit of mankind, and to uphold human honor and dignity;

  24. To acquire the courage to admit my mistakes, mend my ways and to forgive the wrongs of others;

  25. To be ever-conscious of my duty to Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W) and to follow the precepts of Islam in private and in public.

  26. O Allah grant me the strength, patience and dedication to adhere to this Oath at all times.

  27. Glossary Gratitude Due Conscience Dignity Creed Political affiliation Race All-Knowing امتنان يستحق ضمير كرامه عقيده توجه سياسي عرق العالم

  28. Under threat Solemnly PLEDGE Consecrate Gracious Merciful Praise Sustainer تحت التهديد رسميا اقسم اكرس كريم رحيم تسبيح الرزاق

  29. Glory All-Pervading Render Humbleness Precious Alleviate العظيم المهيمن اتلو التواضع ثمين يخفف

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