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MICE report. M. Apollonio – University of Oxford. The MICE-UK Collaboration. i-MICE = 38 institutions in UK, US, JP, China & Europe. and. a Neutrino Factory. Store ~20 GeV muons in a ring m decays n m and n e Detectors at few x 1000 km. q 13 non zero then n e n m
MICE report M. Apollonio – University of Oxford UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
The MICE-UK Collaboration i-MICE = 38 institutions in UK, US, JP, China & Europe UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
and a Neutrino Factory Store ~20 GeV muons in a ring mdecays nmand ne Detectors at few x 1000 km q13 non zero then ne nm wrong sign muons at detector Difference in oscillation rates between conjugate channels: Leptonic CP violation Need to store 1021 muons / year Muons are tertiary beams must‘cool’ before acceleration UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
In 2D at a focus Cooling needed in order to reduce the volume of p.s. initially large due to inherent production mechanisms and cope with physical apertures in the acceleration stages sx ~ 10 cm, sq ~ 150+ mr large normalised emittance, en Cooling is nothing but emittance reduction 2-10 x Nm in the accelerator Highly advantageous for a NF, necessary in a m-collider Finite m lifetime (2.2 ms) prevents from using traditional techniques ionization chooling UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
MICEin new 200 MeV/c muon beam at RAL Section ofCooling Channel+Emittance measurements+PID • Design, build, commission & operate realistic section of cooling channel • Measure performance in variety of operating modes & beam conditions • Results will inform the NF CDREngineering is challenging UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
the principle of IONISATION COOLING is simple • Pass muons of ~200 MeV/c through • absorbers reduce pt and pl • RF replaces pl • beam ‘cooled’ • Emittance decreases exponentially: • <dE/dX>versus scattering (X0) low Z absorber material tight focus (low b function) • Figure of Merit = X0 <dE/dX> • H2 is best absorber material UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
theconstructionof an IONISATION COOLeris not … MICE has been thought as adeveloping system • 6 steps progressive developement • 2 phases 1st funded, 2nd waiting for approval Optimizing resources and allowing an ongoing knowledge of the device I & II characterisebeam III controlsystematics IV demonstratecooling V cooling +re-acceleration VIfull lattice section PHASE I PHASE II UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
m PID + Tracker expected beam October 2007 after few months PHASE I (progress) hall, target, beam, tracker & PID (STEP 1) spectrometer (STEP 2) the beam is part of the system ... UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
HALL & infrastructure UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
Need large emittanceBEAM • targetdips intoISIS halopionsmuons • muonscaptured inSC solenoid(PSI Zurich) • beam transport tuneable140 – 240 MeV/c • lead diffuser emittances of 2, 6, 10 (p) mm-rad • aim is600 muons / 1 msec ‘spill’ @ 1Hzthrough MICE • extensively studied withlinear optics codes + GEANT4 simulations isis structure UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
Loss versus time and depth Edge of pipe • dipping target system • titanium blade (1x10x35 mm) • magnetic shuttle • target mechanismsuccessfully installed on ISIS (end of October)[Sheffield] • successful data taking particle production rates and beam profile • (currently being analysed) • 2 shifts at the beginning of November[logistics/detectors by RAL &Glasgow] • a HW problem prevented a second data taking run in December • future: • analyse data • further develop control electronics • full power electronics provided byDaresbury • successfully tested up to 20A, now being modified at Daresbury to allow running at higher currents. + sintetico? stator UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
Beamline Components: all magnets at RAL, detailed engineering • PSI solenoid for m capture & focusing[RAL] • Insulation OK • Cryogenics in situ (being installed) • Commission expected by Q1 ‘07 • design of the pion capture system • [Liverpool] UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
beamline design [RAL, Brunel, IC, Glasgow…] goal: tune optics for the (e,p) matrix collimator to limit activity in TOF0 TT: Transport & Turtle G4: G4Beamline (incl new Ckv1) study of fringe field effects diffuser: z-position basically defined, radius to be optimised design of the diffuser insertion [Oxford] UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
each absorber contains 22 litres of Hydrogen hydrogen stored in hydride beds – first bed delivered R&D system being developed – mimic absorber functionality + use as test cryostat for absorbers & eventually for first absorber safety reviews & ‘HAZOP’s of system inform design (in progress) HYDROGEN SYSTEM (RAL ED) UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
spectrometersolenoid (US) 5 superconducting coils uniform 4T field over >1 m for sci-fi tracker US (LBL) responsibility + engineering & FEA from Oxford Contracts placed in June 2006 Delivery of first unit (to RAL)november 2007 UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
SciFi Tracker (IC/Brunel/Liverpool/US/JP) • Low mass Sci-Fi tracker inside • solenoid • 5 planes x 3 views: 5th station • completed before christmas • checked manufactory procedure: OK • start 1st tracker production • 14 station planned (10 + 4 spare) • on time for the first beam (fall 07) • 350 micron fibres + VLPC readout • Cosmic ray tests with 3 planes • 4-plane prototype tested at KEK • Light yield (~10pe) is OK • Production & QC expertise • gained • Data used as input to simulations • can measure to de/e = 1/1000 UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
Q7---8---9 Q4---5---6 PID scope:upstream:p/m separation(residual p in the beam)TOF0 + TOF1 + CKOVdownstream:e/m separation(e from m decay)TOF2 + Calorimeter upstream+downstream TOF1+TOF2:define RF phase of muons (60 ps timing) UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
PID: Time Of Flight (0,1,2) & Cerenkovbasic designs completed (october PID review) TOF0 [Milan]: tested at Frascati (Jul 06) ready to be completedfinal decision on f.e.el. to be taken TOF1: some components ready not ready to start(funds) CKOV [US,Louvain] dual aerogel radiators aerogel tested @FNAL (summer ’06) reflector R&D (fall ’06) mech. assembly (may ’07) ready to install (summer ’07) funded TOF2: conceived, but not ready to start UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
e-m calorimeter [Rome III, Trieste, UniGe] design needs to be finalized KL e-identifier) Pb-SciFi front end (preshower a la KLOE) sci-fi & lead modules being presently built design for PMT B-shielding in progress tests in B-field soon FEE prototype being tested at CERN funded at 80/90% SW m-identifier) sandwiched layers of scintillator design from UniGe (promising results from sim) same R/O as KL not yetfunded availability of the entire system by fall 07 still in question UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
DAQ DAQ Software Training started in CERN-ALICE group The ALICE DAQ software framework, DATE, will provide the necessary EventBuilder tool: Subevents collected by different processors have to be synchronized and put together before storage Complete Flash ADC/BTF Data analysis: Nov 2006 DAQ Test bench including Event builder: Feb 2007 Order Hardware for Stage 1: March 2007 Move DDAQ system to RAL: July 2007 UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
PHASE II (proposed) WP1 – Hall, Infrastructure, & Management of Installation & Integration (ISIS / RAL-ED / DL / Oxford / Lancaster) Implement additional infrastructure required for cooling section Install magnet PSUs / Expand water system / Incorporate modules into vacuum & control systems Integrate ex-LBNL & CERN amplifiers into RF power system Provide RF power distribution & splitters Procure 6 TH116 tubes Procure 2nd and 3rd Hydrogen systems Management of engineering integration & installation MICE experiment Continue engineering oversight of integration of cooling channel & interfaces, diffuser…. MICE hall Drawing management, define installation tolerances, acceptance tests, support structures, pressure vessel certification, safety …. UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
470mm WP2 – FOCUS COIL MODULES (Oxford + RAL-ED) Key components of cooling section Two S/C coils inside warm-bore cryostat focus beam at absorbers Tightly integrated assemblies Based on FS2 conceptual design Significant evolution of design B ~ 4Ton axis; flips sign at centre Large internal & external forces ~200 tons & ~70 tons Cryocoolers used for coils & absorber save O(£IM) on cryogenic system UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
Absorber body Oxford design & FEA of thin windows HYDROGEN ABSORBERS (JP/US) KEK test cryostat Full size LH2 absorber Tested with H2 and He UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
RF – tests on 201.2 MHz unit (FNAL) 16 MV/m nominal gradient reached @ B=0 plans to test the cavity in the presence of B ~ 2T (ready to start) UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
ICST CC design Coupling Coils LBNL – ICST Harbin Collaboration The relevant design calculations have been done Preliminary specifications have been written for the coupling magnet Two designs exist Single coil as shown 3 coil (distributed) design ICST application for funds is being considered UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
SOFTWARE … Active software group with regular workshops G4MICE for simulation, reconstruction & analysis – well developed ICOOL (NF tracking code) expertise acquired Specific fast code developed for beam optics UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
End Coil 2 MAGNETICS (OXFORD & RAL-ED) Fields at cryocoolers Shielding for PID PMTs Shielding in Hall & ISIS control room Many magnetic calculations of entire system including – Forces – Stray fields – Shielding – Quench analysis for entire channel UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)
SUMMARIZING… the international MICE collaboration • continues its work towardsfirst beamonfall ’07 • detector construction, test and commissioning • aiming at having allPHASE Icommitments fulfilled • DAQ • complete simulation/analysis of MICE STEP VI in view ofPHASE II • aware of funding problems which don’t appear as insurmountable UK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007)