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This framework addresses climate analogues in 2070, highlighting the need for adaptation strategies amid global warming. Mitigation and adaptation efforts are interlinked, with the goal of maintaining global warming below +2°C. The framework aims to enhance resilience across social, economic, and ecological systems while reducing vulnerability to climate change impacts, focusing on crucial areas like food security, human health, and energy supply. The EU has implemented various initiatives for both mitigation and adaptation, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts at regional and international levels. Stakeholder consultations have revealed the urgency of tailored adaptation strategies, considering diverse vulnerabilities and impacts. The framework promotes early action, integration of adaptation into policies, expanded climate research, and engagement of European society in shaping effective adaptation measures.
ILLUSTRATING THE PROBLEM Climate analogues in 2070, Hadley Centre Model, SRES A2 Hallegatte, Ambrosi, Hourcade (2007)
MITIGATION vs ADAPTATION Despite our mitigation efforts, climate change is happening EU goal: to maintain global warming at + 2°C (pre-industrial times) Efforts in mitigation and adaptation are complementary- the more mitigation done the less adaptation needed and viceversa MITIGATION ADAPTATION
OBJECTIVES OF ADAPTATION FRAMEWORK Contributing to establish a European framework to • improve the resilience of social and economical systems as well as ecosystems across Europe and in other parts of the world, • reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change • ensure that crucial areas such as food security, human health, ecosystem protection, economic and social cohesion and energy supply are guaranteed
INITIATIVES LINKED TO MITIGATION Since 1991 the EU is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions • EU monitoring mechanism for emissions and the absorption of GH gases. • EU established a system based on market rules, a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme and specific rules on fluorinated greenhouse gases • 2000: Communication EU policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: towards a European Climate Change Programme (ECCP I) • 2001 : European Climate Change Programme (ECCP I) • 2003 : Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community • 2004 : Decision 280/2004/EC concerning a mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol • 2005 :ECCP II Communication 2005 "Winning the battle against global climate change“ • 2006 : Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases • 2006 : Proposal to include aviation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme -2006 • 2007 : Communication 2007 "Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 °C - The way ahead for 2020 and beyond" • 2007 : Proposal to limit the CO2 emissions from cars • 2008 : Ambitious package of proposals to fight climate change and promote renewable energy in line with EU commitments
INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT • UN Framework Convention for Climate Change- Article 4- requirement to establish national or regional programmes with measures for climate change adaptation + obligation to cooperate in preparing for adaptation • Adaptation very high on the agenda of the UN climate change conference in Bali (Dec 2007) • Adaptation is one of the building blocks of the Bali Action Plan (structure for the negotiations on post-2012) to be adopted in Copenhagen, in 2009- equal footing with mitigation • EU, through bilateral and multilateral channels, has provided support to programmes and measures to enhance adaptive capacity in developing countries and most vulnerable countries.
CommunicationWater Scarcity and Droughts • Refers to full implementation of the Water Framework Directive • Based on four pillars • Putting the right price tag on water • Allocating water more efficiently • Improving drought risk management • Fostering water performance technologies and practices
Directive on Flood Risk Management MAIN REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE DIRECTIVE • by 2011 Member States will undertake a preliminary flood risk assessment of their river basins and associated coastal zones • by 2013 Where real risks of flood damage exist (at least a 1 in 100 year event), they must develop flood hazard mapsand flood risk maps • by 2015 Member States must draw up flood risk managementplans for these zones • these steps need to be reviewed every 6 years in a cycle coordinated and synchronised with the Water Framework Directive
POLICY MAKING PROCESS Green Paper Adopted June 2007 White Paper To be adopted Autumn 2008 Stakeholder Consultation Dec 2007 Internal Consultation Development of a Framework for Adaptation
Green Paper Adaptation to Climate Change Based on four pillars • Early actionin the EU • Integrating adaptationinto EU external actions • Reducing uncertainty by expanding climateresearch • Involving European societyin the preparation of comprehensive adaptation strategies
OUTCOME OF STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION • Easier for respondents to identify problems than solutions • Areas most vulnerable identified: water, health and biodiversity, tourism and agriculture • There is a regional variation with regard to vulnerable areas, impacts and policy responses • A “one size fits all” approach will not work • A flexible EU Framework for action could be applied • Urgentresponse is required • Adaptation and mitigation must be considered together • More research and knowledge gathering is required • Greater public debate and awareness raising needed
OPINIONS OTHER EU INSTITUTIONS on GREEN PAPER • CoRopinion adopted in November 2007 • EESC opinion adopted in December 2007 • COUNCIL- 3 pagphs in October ENV Council • EP- Resolution adopted April 2008 All publicly available
Possible components of White Paper • The problem- Main areas of vulnerability and uncertainties • The benefits of early action at EU level • Developing a culture of reducing risk and vulnerability ( for each of following areas different options could be considered) Awareness raising Land use Infrastructure Market based instruments • Funding mechanisms • Capacity building, research • Principles for action
Principles for action • Synergies- Priority to measures good for mitigation and adaptation. • No regret- Priority to measures beneficial irrespectively of uncertainties • Precautionary principle- consider worst-case scenario measures, even if uncertainties are high (cases where the costs or the magnitude of the impacts in such scenarios would be unacceptable) • Solidarity- between MS, regions, social groups • Flexibility and subsidiarity - Adapt° policy should be dynamic and flexible • Knowledge based- Adapt° policy should be based on scientific evidence • Proportionality- measures must be cost-effective and proportionate • Sustainability- Measures must be in line with sustainable development