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Organic Antioxidation a novel approach.. ….QUADRACARE

Learn about the role of Vitamin E and Selenium in combating free radicals that damage cell membranes, leading to various poultry health issues. Discover the mechanism of action and benefits of Vitamin E and Selenium supplementation, addressing deficiencies and improving poultry immunity. Uncover the importance of Selenoproteins and the superior effects of Vitamin E and Selenium combination for breeders. Explore how Vitamin E enhances cellular integrity of immune cells, aiding in immunity improvement.

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Organic Antioxidation a novel approach.. ….QUADRACARE

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  1. Organic Antioxidationa novel approach.. ….QUADRACARE

  2. Free Radicals Free radicals damage the cell membrane A. Healthy membrane B. Damaged membrane

  3. Vitamin E and Selenium Mechanism of action Se Vit.E

  4. Increased demand for Vitamin E and Selenium….. • A challenge to boost immunity • Stressful environment • Invariable contamination of mycotoxins • High infectious pressure • Faster and more efficient weight gain has increased the requirement • Wide variation in vit. E and Se content of feed stuff • Decreased availability (Selenium : Soyabean – 0.13 ppm & corn – 0.3 ppm) • Greater use of fat as energy source has created greater risk of peroxides

  5. Vitamin E and Selenium Deficiency-related problems Poultry • Impaired immunity • Exudative diathesis • Leg weakness, ascites • Slow feather growth • Increased drip loss • Poor weight gain & FCR • Impaired fertility • Embryonic death, etc.

  6. Selenium metabolism Se+4 Se-2 Seleno amino acids KIDNEY Small intestine Urine LIVER Selenoprotein formation Bile feces Muscle, milk and other tissues

  7. SELENIUM • Thyroid metabolism • Better growth • Stress tolerance • Anti-oxidant • Muscle integrity • Better meat qualtiy • Decreased drip loss • Improved fertility Selenoproteins • Sperm structure • Fertility • Hatchability • Immunity • Phagocytic ability of PMN cells • Vaccination titers • CMI

  8. Superiority of Vit.E & Se combination Breeders : Vitamin E and Selenium • Sparing effect on vitamin E • Higher vitamin E content of egg yolk • Higher vitamin E content of liver • Higher concentration in chick’s brain • Higher vitamin E in blood of chick • Increased anti-oxidant protection of chick • Higher GSH activity at hatch • Decreased mortality • Better immune response

  9. NEVER ENDING PROBLEMS • Today’s wide spread outbreaks of CCRD and other respiratory complexes • COCCIDIOSIS despite of anticoccidial usage • Salmonella & E.coli taking upperhand • Untracked mortalities specially in first week …….. All due to immunosuppression

  10. virus Bacteria Humoral Phagocytosis WBC Salmonella CMI Mycoplasma Immuno suppressionSilent killer

  11. Vitamin E improves cellular integrity of immune cells Immunity Cellular Macrophages Eosinophils Cytokines Antibodies Lymphocytes Cytokines B cells T cells Humoral Cellular HI CMI Acquired Immunity

  12. ImmunosupressionA Silent killer… • Disease susceptibility • Vaccination failures • Misleading diagnosis • Complicating the therapy • Poor performance Adding fuel to the fire……. • Frequent antibiotic resistance • High infectious pressure • Unavoidable stress

  13. Vitamin E and immunity • Chicks raised on diet with Vit. E showed better CMI • Chicks supplemented with Vit.E showed lower coccidial cecal lesions • Deficiency of Vit.E and Se depressed bursal weight & lymphocyte count in spleen • Supplementation of Vit.E reduced mortality in severe IBD and E.coli infections • Vit.E supplementation before ND / IBD vaccination resulted in improved HI titer • Better transfer of passive immunity was observed with Vit.E supplementation

  14. How Vit.E & Se improve immunity ? • Protect most vulnerable, rapidly proliferating cells of immune system from oxidative damage • Inhibition of prostaglandin – PGE production • Better antigen recognition • Favour the proliferation of T-cells • Balance between T-cells and macrophages

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