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Chapter 5: Digestive System

Chapter 5: Digestive System. Alimentary Canal Gastrointestinal Tract. In this chapter you will. Name the organs of the digestive system and describe their locations and functions. Define combining forms for organs and the meaning of related terminology using these word parts.

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Chapter 5: Digestive System

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  1. Chapter 5: Digestive System Alimentary Canal Gastrointestinal Tract

  2. In this chapter you will • Name the organs of the digestive system and describe their locations and functions. • Define combining forms for organs and the meaning of related terminology using these word parts.

  3. Functions of the Digestive System • Ingestion • Digestion • Absorption • Elimination

  4. Anatomy and Physiology

  5. Oral Cavity (p. 143) gums teeth Mastication Deglutition Papillae hard palate soft palate uvula tonsils cheek tongue lip

  6. Teeth p. 143 central incisor lateral incisor canine first premolar second premolar first molar second molar third molar wisdom tooth

  7. Tooth p. 144 enamel crown dentin pulp root

  8. Salivary Glands p. 145 Parotid gland Sublingual gland Submandibular gland

  9. Gastrointestinal Tract p. 146 esophagus liver gallbladder stomach duodenum

  10. Gastrointestinal Tract p. 146 liver gallbladder stomach duodenum pancreas transverse colon jejunum descending colon ascending colon ileum sigmoid colon cecum rectum appendix anus

  11. Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas (p. 149) liver gallbladder common bile duct pancreatic duct duodenum pancreas

  12. Liver Besides producing bile and releasing bilirubin, the liver: • helps maintain normal blood glucose levels • manufactures blood proteins necessary for clotting • removes toxins and poisons from the blood

  13. Pathway of Food Through GI Tract – page 151

  14. Chapter 5 Terminology P. 152-154

  15. perianal • peri- surroungd • an/o: anus • -al - pertaining to • Pertaining to surrounding the anus

  16. appendectomy • append/o: appendix • -ectomy • Surgical removal of the appendix

  17. appendicitis • appendic/o: appendix • -itis: inflammation • Inflammation of the appendix

  18. buccal mucosa • bucc/o: cheek • -al • The mucous membrane lining the cheek

  19. cecal • cec/o: cecum (where the small and large intestines connect) • -al • Pertaining to the cecum

  20. celiac • celi/o: abdomen, belly • -ac • Pertaining to the abdomen

  21. cheilosis • cheil/o: lip • -osis: abnormal condition • Abnormal condition of the lip

  22. cholecystectomy • cholecyst/o: gallbladder • -ectomy • Removal of the gallbladder

  23. choledochotomy • choledoch/o: common bile duct • -tomy: • Incision of the common bile duct

  24. colostomy • col/o: colon (large intestine) • -stomy • New opening of the colon to the outside of the body

  25. colonic • colon/o: colon (large intestine) • -ic • Pertaining to the colon

  26. colonoscopy • colon/o • -scopy • Process of visual examination of the colon

  27. dentibuccal • dent/i: teeth • bucc/o: cheek • -al • Pertaining to tooth and cheek

  28. duodenal • duoden/o: duodenum (first part of the small intestine) • -al: • Pertaining to the duodenum

  29. enterocolitis • enter/o – small intestine • col/o – large intestine • -itis- inflammation • Inflammation of the small and large intestines

  30. enterocolostomy • enter/o - small intestine • col/o – large intestine • -stomy– new opening • New opening between the small and large intestines

  31. mesentery • mes/o: middle • enter/o • Membrane that holds the intestines together • Literally: middle of the intestines

  32. parenteral • par-: apart from, abnormal • enter/o - intestines • -al • Pertaining to apart from the intestines • Delivery of substances any way other than through the digestive tract

  33. esophageal • esophag/o: esophagus • -eal • Pertaining to the esophagus

  34. facial • faci/o: face • -al • Pertaining to the face

  35. gastrostomy • gastr/o • -stomy • New opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall • May be necessary to introduce food into the stomach

  36. PEG – percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

  37. gingivitis • gingiv/o: gums • -itis • Inflammation of the gums

  38. hypoglossal • hypo- • gloss/o • -al • Pertaining to under the tongue

  39. hepatoma • hepat/o • -oma • Tumor of the liver • Malignant

  40. hepatomegaly • hepat/o • -megaly • Enlargement of the liver

  41. ileocecal sphincter • ile/o: ileum • cec/o: cecum • -al • Sphincter: ring of muscles • Pertaining to the ring of muscles between the ileum and the cecum

  42. ileitis • ile/o - ileum • -itis- inflammation • Inflammation of the ileum

  43. ileostomy • ile/o - ileum • -stomy - new opening • New opening of the ileum to the outside of the body

  44. choledochojejunostomy • choledoch/o – common bile duct • jejun/o - jejunum • -stomy – new opening • New opening between the common bile duct and the jejunum

  45. gastrojejunostomy • gastr/o - stomach • jejun/o: jejunum • -stomy - new opening • New opening between the stomach and the jejunum

  46. labial • labi/o: lip • -al • Pertaining to the lip

  47. laparoscopy • lapar/o - abdomen • -scopy - visual examination • Visual examination of the abdomen

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