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Parts of Speech. 7. C. 1.3 Identify all parts of speech and the types and structures of sentences. Nouns. Nouns name people, places, and things Common nouns are names of common things like _________, _________ , and _________ .
Parts of Speech 7. C. 1.3 Identify all parts of speech and the types and structures of sentences
Nouns • Nouns name people, places, and things • Common nouns are names of common things like _________, _________, and _________. • Proper nouns name specific people, places, and things like _________, _________, and _________.
Pronouns • Pro- is Latin for “instead of; in place of” • Pronouns stand in place of a noun. • The antecedent is the noun that the pronoun takes the place of. • Underline the antecedents and circle the pronouns: • Tom plays baseball. He is really good at it!
Adjectives • Adjectives describe nouns. They tell which one, what kind, or how many. • Write as many adjectives as you can to describe a cookie:
Adverbs • Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs tell where, when, how, how often or how long, and how much. • Turn the following adjectives into adverbs: • Sad • Kind • Quick • Noisy
Verbs • Verbs show action or state of being. • Action: run, swim, jump, ______, _______ • State of Being: be, appear, ______, _______ • Verb tenses tell you when verbs happen. • Write sentences using the verb ace in the following tenses: • Present • Past • Future
Conjunctions • Conjunctions join words or groups of words. • The two most common conjunctions are “and” and “but”. • What are some other conjunctions?
Prepositions • Prepositions show how nouns or pronouns relate to other parts of a sentence. • Sing the prepositions to the tune of Yankee Doodle!
duringunderin intooverofofftotoward uponnearforfromexceptby withbehindbelowdown. aboutaboveacrossafteralongamongaroundatbeforebesidebetween againstwithinwithoutbeneath through
Interjections! • Interjections • Express feelings: wow, gee, golly, oops, darn • Says yes or no: no, yep, nope, uh-huh, uh-uh • Calls attention: yo, hey, whoa • Indicates a pause: well, umm, hmm, ah • Interjections can stand alone. • YAY! We’re done!