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The Simbol-X Detector Payload

The Simbol-X Detector Payload. P. Laurent CEA/Saclay & APC. The detector payload. Collimator : ~ 2 m long graded shield. Full out of FOV sky closed with associated sky-shield on mirror S/C. Focal plane assembly. Warm electronics. Focal plane assembly. The focal plane assembly.

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The Simbol-X Detector Payload

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  1. The Simbol-X Detector Payload P. Laurent CEA/Saclay & APC

  2. The detector payload Collimator : ~ 2 m long graded shield. Full out of FOV sky closed with associated sky-shield on mirror S/C. Focal plane assembly Warm electronics

  3. Focal plane assembly

  4. The focal plane assembly Low energy detector (450 mm Silicon) High energy detector (2 mm Cd(Zn)Te) Active and passive shielding • Spectro-imaging system 0.5-100 keV, fast reading • Full size : 8x8 cm2, 128x128 pixels of 625 mm • Operation at ~ -40°C

  5. Low energy detector (MPE/IAAT) ~ 130 eV FWHM @ -20°C 625 μm² • Low power consumption • Internal amplification • Active Pixel Sensor type • 100 % filling factor • Adjustable pixel size (50 mm to 1 mm) • Fast, parallel readout possible Macro Pixel Detector with integrated DEPFET See Peter Lechner presentation !

  6. High Energy Detector Basic Brick (CEA/Saclay) • Detectors : 2 mm thick pixellated CdTe or CdZnTe crystals, under tests and promising -18° / 400V / CdTe Schottky 1 mm / 64 pixels • Electronics : 32 channel front end chip (IdeF-X) under development and tests 1.0 keV FWHM • Hybridization : on going qualification of process, 64 pixels “caliste” modules realized

  7. Test benches ready for systematic current and spectroscopy measurements of different types of CdTe and Cd(Zn)Te HED Detectors Tests (CEA/Saclay)

  8. IDeF-X V2 under test Received on 1st of February 07 Step 1 : Basic behavior Slow control ok, Trigger, parameter tuning, data acquisition Acquisition and modes ok Prototype software ok Test channel ok Step 2 : Performances On going Full Multi-channel started Ready for SEL and SEU tests HED Front End Tests (CEA/Saclay)

  9. First performance evaluation of HED Calistes w/o CdTe High uniformity of the matrix in gain and noise First tests Actual results Noise performances preliminary Gain preliminary CEA/DAPNIA – CNES – 3D plus

  10. The high energy focal plane building One module 256 pixels ~ 1x1 cm2 One sector 8 modules 2048 pixels The focal plane 8 sectors 16384 pixels

  11. Background reduction in Simbol-X • Photons background outside the FOV: passive shielding around the detectors + collimator + sky shield • Particles induced background: plastic scintillators around the detectors

  12. Simbol-X focal plane shielding Plastic scintillator Passive shielding LED HED PM WLS optical fibers Thermal Isolation

  13. The focal plane passive shielding  graded shield X-ray fluorescence E1 X-ray fluorescence E2 X-ray fluorescence E3 Photon energy below the LED low threshold photon X/ γ material 1 material 2 material 3 E3< E2 < E1 Composition and thickness of the shields layers have been optimized to suppress all sky radiation and the resulting fluorescence … Tantalum 3 mm Tin 2,2 mm Copper0,48 mm Aluminum 0, 27 mm Carbon 0,1 mm

  14. The focal plane anticoïncidence: Plastic read by fibers and 16 channels PM main PM 1 redundant PM 1 WLS fibers Multianod PM 16 ch. main PM 2 Plastic scintillator redundant PM 2

  15. The focal plane assembly Support Upper AC  LED et HED Lower AC Base Plate

  16. Inside the protective enclosure … Protective enclosure Calibration wheel FPA

  17. The collimator

  18. Collimator geometry vs satellite movement

  19. Collimator geometry vs satellite movement

  20. Collimator geometry vs satellite movement

  21. The collimator -The Honeycomb Structure has been validated by the CNES. -3 options have been studied with differents parameters for the honeycomb -Actually we have a solution fitting with the mass budget and with a first resonnant mode above 100Hz 2m 20 Total Mass : 23 kg Graded Shield: 6 kg Structure: 17 kg 1m 28

  22. Warm electronics

  23. FPA electronics scheme

  24. FPA warm electronics boxes Green: Power Supply Orange: FPA Link Blue: Data Link Pink: TM/TC Link DPDPA1 DPDPA2 HEDE • Goals : • Minimize the length of the cables • Thermal insulated from Stable Platform ACDE LEDE

  25. Thank you !

  26. FPA thermal budget PE T= 19 RADIATOR @ -60°C T= 1,8 ACDA LEDA TIF= -45 Tspace @ 4K HEDA T= -57 TIF= -48,3 h=1 W.K-1 h=3 W.K-1 Platform T= +20

  27. FPA mass budget

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