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The Road to WW II: 1936-1941. A timeline of events From 1936-1941. 1936. February: ratification of Franco-Soviet Pact March: Hitler remilitarizes Rhineland March: Italy wins last battle in war w/Ethiopia
The Road to WW II:1936-1941 A timeline of events From 1936-1941
1936 • February: ratification of Franco-Soviet Pact • March: Hitler remilitarizes Rhineland • March: Italy wins last battle in war w/Ethiopia • May: Italy annexes Ethiopia & merges it w/Eritrea and Somaliland to form Italian East Africa • July: Spanish Civil War begins—Hitler & Mussolini send troops & aircraft to assistance Generalissimo Francisco Franco and his Nationalists • October: Rome-Berlin Axis • Anti-Comintern Pact: Germany & Japan pledge to fight international communism
1937 • January: Japan withdraws from Washington Conference (which limited size of the navy) • June: Stalin begins purge of Red Army • July: Marco Polo Bridge Incident begins second Sino-Japanese War • November: Hossbach Memorandum—foreign policy goal to be Lebensraum & the need to seize Austria & Czechoslovakia to military & foreign policy leaders • November: Italy joins Anti-Comintern Pact • November: Rape of Nanking
1938 • March: Anschluss w/Austria—GauOstmark (Greater Germany) • March: Hitler begins advocating equality for Germans in Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland • May: May Crisis leads to Cz, Br, Fr & USSR promise to resist a German attack on Czechoslovakia • May: Hitler issues Case Green a directive to occupy Czechslovakia • September: Munich Agreement & annexation of Sudetenland into Germany
1939 • January: Neville Chamberlain recognizes Franco govt. in Spain (largely criticized) • January: Hitler Speech–declares if Jews want war they will get it & be annihilated • March: Czech president accepts making a region a protectorate of Germany; Slovakia & Ruthenia declares independence of Czechoslovaki (Rump State) • March: Germany occupies Czechoslovakia • March: France declares intent to increase defense spending
1939 • March: Soviets suggests collective action by USSR, Br, Fr, Poland & Romania aimed at Germany • March: Britain gives minimal interest to Soviet suggestion • March: Hitler reiterates return of Danzig & Polisg Corridor to Germany • March: Memel returned to & occupied by Germany (Lithuania); Poland cautions Germany on similar action w/Danzig • March: British decide to side work w/Poland instead of multinational approach
1939 • March: Britain & France declare intention to support by Poland • April: Franco wins Spanish Civil War • April: Hitler issues Case White—planned invasion of Poland • April: USSR proposes 10 year alliance w/Br & Fr • April: Hitler denounces the non-aggression pact w/Poland (1934) & Anglo-German Naval Agreement, demands return of Danzig, and declares Anglo-Polish Pact directed at Germany
1939 • May: Germany offers Scandinavian countries non-aggression pacts, only Denmark accepts • May-Sept: Japan & Soviet border clashes go poorly for Japan, looks south & east—USA • May: Pact of Steel between Italy & Germany support in event of war • July: USA withdraws from a commercial treaty w/Japan • August: Poland rejects Soviet request to send troops into Poland
1939 • August: Germany & USSR sign trade agreement • 23 August: Nazi-Soviet non-Aggression Pact • 25 August: British-Polish common defense pact signed; Mussolini informs Hitler that Italy not ready for war yet • 26 August: Hitler postpones invasion of Poland until 1 September • 27 August: Br & Fr try to persuade Poland to negotiate w/Germany—refuse • 1 September: Germany invades Poland • 3 September: Br & Fr declare war on Germany
1939-1940 • October 1939: Poland surrenders • October 1929: USSR invades Estonia • November 1939-March 1940: Winter War—USSR v. Finland • November 1939: US Neutrality Acts—Br & Fr may buy arms but only cash basis • October 1939-April1940: Sitzkrieg or Phony War • April : Germany attacks Denmark & Norway • May: Germany attacks Low Countries & France • May: Winston Churchill becomes PM of Great Britain
1940 • June: Italy declares war on Br & Fr • June: France falls • June: Soviet led coups in Baltic States • July: Vichy Government established in France • July: US begins earliest stage of planning for mobilization • July: Battle of Britain begins • September: USA begins 1st peacetime conscription in its history • September: Japan occupies Indochina
1940 • September: Tripartite Pact—Germany, Italy & Japan pledge mutual assistance; Axis emerges as term (Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic will later join) • October: Germany postpones any invasion of Britain (Operation Sealion) • October: Italy invades Greece • November: Franklin D. Roosevelt wins unprecedented 3rd term as US President • December: Italy request German military assistance vs. Greece
1941 • February: German forces arrive in North Africa to aid Italy (June 1940) • March: US begins Lend-Lease (begins US supply of material to Br, Fr, China, & USSR; ends pretext of US neutrality) • April: German begins invasion of Greece & Yugoslavia • April: US volunteer pilots arrive in China to fight Japanese (Flying Tigers) • April: US begins sea patrols in Atlantic
1941 • 22 June 1941: Operation Barbarossa—German invasion of USSR • June: US freezes all German & Italian assets • July: USSR begins scorched earth policy • July: Yugoslavia dissolved into component parts by Axis invaders • July: US seizes all Japanese assets in US (response to Indochina) • July: Japan occupies rest of Indochina • August: US announces oil embargo of Japan (US Supplied more than 80% of Japan’s oil)
1941 • August: Atlantic Charter signed by Churchill & Roosevelt (vision of post-war world) • September: US Navy authorized to shoot on sight if convoy or ship threatened by U-Boats & raiders • October: Lend-Lease extended to USSR (where Leningrad & Moscow under siege) • 26 November: Hull Note demands Japanese troops withdraw from Indochina (Cordell Hull, US Sec of State)
1941 • August: Atlantic Charter signed by Churchill & Roosevelt (vision of post-war world) • September: US Navy authorized to shoot on sight if convoy or ship threatened by U-Boats & raiders • October: Lend-Lease extended to USSR (where Leningrad & Moscow under siege) • 26 November: Hull Note demands Japanese troops withdraw from Indochina (Cordell Hull, US Sec of State)
1941 • 26 November: Japanese fleet heads for Hawaii • 2 December: Tojo (military PM of Japan) reject US peace feelers • 5 December: Germans ends attack on Moscow • 7 December: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor • 7 December: Japan attacks US in Guam & Wake Island • 7 December: Japan invades Thailand & British Malaya
1941 • 8 December: US declares war on Japan (Br, NZ & Netherlands also declare war on Japan) • 9 December: China & Australia declare war on Japan • 11 December: Germany & Italy declare war on USA • 11 December: US reciprocates & declares war on Germany & Italy • World War II not fully engaged