Objective1. 047: Identify the causes and components of a crisis, recognize typical crisis behaviors & communicate that behavior to a supervisor or treatment provider. This will include a study of crisis situations created by inmates exhibiting violence prone behaviors. CRISIS INTERVENTION
CRISIS INTERVENTION 2. 048: Observe/participate in role plays depicting crisis situations in the life of an inmate using those basic skills needed to assess behavior and intervene in a crisis situation. 3. 099: PRACTICAL - Role play for crisis situation
CRISIS INTERVENTION B. Crisis Defined: 1. A condition or special set of circumstances which are outside a person’s normal experience & which require a response the person does not have prepared.
CRISIS INTERVENTION C. Causes/Components 1. Loss of love one 2. Getting married 3. Being locked up for 1st time 4. Receiving bad news from home
CRISIS INTERVENTION D. Typical Crisis Behaviors 1. Persons going through a crisis may exhibit one or more of these behaviors a. Focuses on the crisis causing event b. Have great difficulty focusing on anything other than the crisis
CRISIS INTERVENTION c. Confusion about personal identity • Demonstrates less than competent role performance e. Altered sleeping & eating patterns f. Feeling alone/cast adrift
CRISIS INTERVENTION g. Difficulty making simple decisions/ unable to make decisions easily. h. Exhibits noticeable signs of emotional distress
CRISIS INTERVENTION E. Violence Prone Individuals 1. Those who act violently as a means of raising their worth. 2. Those persons who are self-centered & see others as objects to be manipulated as the need arises
CRISIS INTERVENTION • Crisis Situations Created by Violence Prone Individuals 1. Challenges authority • Aggression towards others: a. Verbal b. Physical
CRISIS INTERVENTION 3. Manipulate situations 4. Insensitivity 5. Situations in which the inmate feels he or she requires immediate gratification of needs
CRISIS INTERVENTION 6. Situations involving deep feelings of paranoia (an irrational fear) 7. Situations involving a deeply felt need for revenge
CRISIS INTERVENTION G. Overcoming A Crisis 1. The length of a crisis & how well a person overcomes it, depends on many factors. 2. Factors/Assessment Signs a. Food, oxygen/New interests in surroundings
CRISIS INTERVENTION b. Significant other/feelings of closeness c. Membership in a group/feelings of belonging d. Knowledge of self/precise information e. Goal-oriented activities/feelings of competency
CRISIS INTERVENTION f. Financial resources/ability to borrow money g. Life guidance system/faith h. Self-nourishing activities/feeling that more energy comes in than goes out
CRISIS INTERVENTION H. Crisis Intervention Skills 1. Skills in assessing behavior a. Observation b. Understanding what is happening c. Ask others what triggered the incident
CRISIS INTERVENTION d. Secure/clear the area e. Describe situation *Describe what you have seen, location of inmate & appearance to include type & condition of clothing, etc.
CRISIS INTERVENTION • Intervention Skills a. Assess behavior b. Address person by name c. Get back-up assistance d. Do not leave person alone e. Use the minimum amount of force
CRISIS INTERVENTION f. Use physical intervention only as a last resort g. Establish lines of communication h. Arrange for follow up *Medical treatment *Housing *Frequent observations *Write reports
CRISIS INTERVENTION I. Reporting Behavior to Supervisor or Treatment Provider 1. Report data in written form 2. Give name, ID number, & any other data 3. Use the S O A P format
CRISIS INTERVENTION a. S = Subjective Data (What the person says) b. O= Objective Observation (What you saw happening)
CRISIS INTERVENTION c. A = Assessment (What you think problem is) d. P = Plan (What you plan to do)
CRISIS INTERVENTION J. Preparedness as a Crisis Intervener • Requires preparation 2. Training provides the opportunity to prepare for situations which have the potential to become crises
CRISIS INTERVENTION a. Correctional employees are certified in standard first aid & CPR b. Correctional employees are trained in defensive tactics
CRISIS INTERVENTION 3. Correctional employees will have the opportunity to train inmates to improve their preparedness skills in an effort to prevent some of their crises.