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Notes on EVENT MANAGEMENT. January 2013. Event Management is the application of Project Management to the creation and development of Festivals, Events and Conferences.
Notes on EVENT MANAGEMENT January 2013
Event Management is the application of Project Management to the creation and development of Festivals, Events and Conferences. Event Management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event. Post-event analysis and ensuring a return on investment have become significant drivers for the event industry. The Recent Growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world means that the management can no longer be ad hoc. Events and festivals, such as the Asian Games, have a large impact on their communities and, in some cases, the whole country. The industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast meeting for ten business people. Many industries, charitable organizations, and interest groups will hold events of some size in order to market themselves, build business relationships, raise money or celebrate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_management
1- Event Management Overview 2- Event Management Processing 3. Event Management Proposal
Event Management • Festive Events • Conferences • Theme Parties • Sport Events • Social Events • Product launch events • Fashion show organizers • Party organizers • Team Building events • Venue finding service • Opening Ceremonies • Award Ceremonies • Annual Shareholders Meetings • Seminars and many more http://www.typographicsindia.com/event_management.html
Framework of Event Management Inputs Outputs Supporting Receiving Critical Success Factors Activities • Events • Known Errors • Support Model • SLA Monitoring • Incidents • Initiated RFCs • Problem Records • Event Data • Application Dev • Infrastructure Mgmt • Change Mgmt • Service Desk • Incident Mgmt • Service Level Mgmt • Application Mgmt • Infrastructure Mgmt • Problem Mgmt • Change Mgmt • Configuration Mgmt • Incident Mgmt • Quick Restoration of Service • Business Productivity • IT Service Quality & Availability • User Satisfaction • Design & Maintain Framework • Manage Event • Correlated & Escalated Event • Event Review • Event Closure • Evaluate Process Performance http://wcunning.com/DMM/ITSM/Event.html
Objectives & Measures for Event Management Objectives Measures Define and implement procedures and tools to monitor IT infrastructure • Number of defined events • % infrastructure monitored • % Incidents not related to monitored events Continuously monitor performance and capacity of IT infrastructure • % resources exceed capacity and defined thresholds Event Management provide trend analysis reports for Service Improvement • Trends of events by Service • Number and % of events linked to Incidents • Trend of events by system and application http://wcunning.com/DMM/ITSM/Event.html
CSFs & KPIs for Event Management Critical Success Factors Key Performance Indicators Accurate Event Handling • Event Volume • Event Volume per Category • % Events Correctly Categorized • % Events Routed Correctly • Number/Percent False Positives Efficiency of Event Handling • Number/Percent Events handled automatically • Ratio Incidents raised by Events vs. Staff and End-Users Improve productivity for Business and IT • Reduced cost of Incident response • Cost per Event per Impact • Timely reporting http://wcunning.com/DMM/ITSM/Event.html
Three Levels of Alerting Reactive Proactive Predictive Alerts that occur at failure. Multiple events can occur before a system failure; eventually an alert will come in notifying you that an application is down. This will come from either the users calling the Service Desk to report an issue or it will be system generated corresponding with an application failure. Alerts that occur before failure These alerts will most likely come from proactive monitoring to tell you there are component failures that need attention but have not yet affected overall application availability, (e.g. dual power supply failure in server. Alerts that occur before failure These alerts will most likely come from proactive monitoring to tell you there are component failures that need attention but have not yet affected overall application availability, (e.g. dual power supply failure in server. Here are three questions that build on each other as you work to mature your solution: Did we alert on it when it went down, or did the user community call us? Can we get a proactive alert on it before it goes down, (e.g. dual power supply failure in server)? Can we trend on the event creating a predictive alert before it is escalated, (e.g. disk space utilization to trigger a minor@90%, major@95%, critical@98%)? http://www.aits.org/blog/event-management-reactive-proactive-or-predictive/
A Turn-Key Solutions http://www.tech-res.com/tri/communications/comm_eventmanagement.htm
Security for Event Management • Real-time Monitoring • Advanced Correlation and Pattern Recognition • Role-based Alerting • Incident Management & Response http://www.plynt.com/securitymonitoring/24x7_security_monitoring.html https://secure-www.novell.com/products/sentinel/features/security-event-management.html http://www.siemworks.com/Event-Management.asp
A- Structuring an Event Management Team The work involved in planning, organizing and conducting a major event can be sufficiently great to require the recruitment of a large team of people. Members of the team may be involved on a full-time, part-time, contractor, casual and voluntary basis. At the head of the team is the Event Director whose job it is to keep everyone working together for a considerable period of time. Importance of Coordinators An important aspect of the above model is that each department has a coordinator. As exceptionally important people in the event management team, they should be identified and recruited as early as possible. Coordinators should be a part of the organizing committee and collectively they will share in decision making processes with the Event Director. The selection of coordinators This is usually on the basis of knowledge or expertise and sometimes because only one person volunteers for the task. Whether coordinators have expertise or not, Event Directors need to appreciate that sport and recreation depends very considerably on the input of voluntary persons. Therefore systems should be put in place to recognize the contribution of volunteers and to provide non-monetary rewards. http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top549.htm
B- The Event Program The "Program" is the schedule of activities from the start of the event to its conclusion. For a sport event, the program governs which competitors participate at what time. For a conference, the program stipulates the times of lectures and workshops, what topics are offered and who is presenting. If the event is the annual awards dinner, the program sets out what time people should arrive, what time each course will be served and the times that each award ceremony will take place. The program is therefore perhaps the central organizing component of the event. • The important factors to consider in preparing the official program are: • Consultation with all parties directly involved in the program • Calculating the time of each and every activity • Ensuring that the program has time for "ceremonial" activities e.g. opening and/or closing ceremonies, speeches, the presentation of awards, entertainment • Ensuring that the venue is available for the FULL duration of the event • Choosing the date(s) so that the event does not clash with other major events • Allowing for a little "slack" time between activities • The order of activities • How the printed program will be published • Some points to consider in adding ceremony to the event program are: • Dignitaries that fail to show or arrive late - make contingency plans • Capturing and positioning the crowd to witness the ceremony - they tend not to be effective if the people are dispersed too widely • Ceremonies that are not well organized may backfire badly - include rehearsals • Consider carefully the best time for ceremonies in the event program - try to avoid dignitaries arriving at bad times or when there a few to witness i.e. crowd at its smallest. http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top087.htm
C- The Event Hospitality Hospitality should be regarded as an integral aspect of improving the quality of event spectators' experience. • Hospitality is often a term used to infer food and beverages served. However Collins dictionary defines "hospitable" to be welcoming guests and strangers. Event managers need to see their event from the point of view the participant/spectator point of view. • The following may be some of the items that would make spectator "guests" feel more welcome: • Seating • Food and refreshment • A reception area for dignitaries and other • Information stands manned by event personnel • Good standard of toilets, wash rooms, etc • Good standard change facilities • Facilities for people with a disability • Giveaways and lucky door prizes • Special services for competitors • Directions to venue on web site • Assistance with parking • Good public announcement system • End of event function • The two main objectives of improving the spectators' experience is to encourage the spectator to: • Return to event on a frequent basis • Promote the event by word of mouth in the community • Event managers need to think beyond the refreshment stall but be aware of industry trends as to how sport and recreation organizations are increasing the rewards for participants. It is good policy for managers to investigate some of the best events in their community to identify what are other organizations are providing participants. http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top089.htm
D- The Event Equipment Electronic equipment can be hired, borrowed or purchased. The acquisition of equipment needs to begin early in the event management process. In some cases specialized equipment may not be available on the local market. It may have to be imported from abroad and this can lead to worrisome delays over which the Event team have little control. Furthermore equipment may have to be manufactured, and this may take months. • This category of equipment includes: • Sound systems for announcing • Two-way radios • Intercoms and mobile telephones for communication • Video cameras and closed circuit television • Sirens and alarms systems • Ropes and barriers to control spectators • Scoreboards • Timing equipment • Computers • First aid equipment. Often specialized equipment is borrowed from similar organizations or from the sport parent body. It will need to be transported, checked and stored ready for use. Persons who need to operate such equipment during an event may need to practice beforehand. It is best to practice under conditions of a real event but of a smaller or less significant nature. Equipment needs to be budgeted and this information has great importance in constructing the overall event budget. Any possibility of cost over-runs must be notified to the event director at the earliest. http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top547.htm
E- Event Merchandizing • Tasks involved with Promotional Products: • The work involved in merchandising includes selecting products, negotiating with suppliers, receiving and ensuring security of stock, recruiting and training a sales team, setting up a sales stand, payment of suppliers, cash management and producing financial reports. It is therefore not to be undertaken without adequate thought or planning. It is generally only considered worthwhile when one or more of the following conditions are true: • The event brings together a significant number of participants • The event has a sufficient duration to allow for sales of merchandising during the event • The event has the potential to attract a significant number of spectators • The perceived importance of event is likely to promote sales of merchandising • The event is unique in some way and is worth commemorating The purpose of selling such products is primarily to boost event revenue and increase profits. However there are also considerable promotional advantages. T-shirts that have been screen-printed with a pattern to commemorate the event is a common form of promotion, and one that has a lasting effect. Such clothing helps to promote the event, the host organization, the sponsor and/or the sport/activity in general. http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top093.htm
F- The Event Venue http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top086.htm
G- The Event Safety • Elements of an Emergency Plan • An Emergency Plan should include the following elements with the appropriate documentation: • Assessment of the size and nature of the • events Formulation of a plan with authorities • Procedures: • Raising the alarm • Invoking the emergency plan • Communication within and outside • Evacuation of non-essential personnel • Appointment of key personnel, Their Duties and RRM: Site incident controller & site main controller • Emergency control centre (if required) • Action on site • Action off site, alerting external agencies, etc • Where and how injured persons to be treated? • The plan should define the way in which personnel at the incident site can initiate action. • Emergency planning should consider the need to make arrangements for an authoritative release Media info • Appropriate training all personnel • The plan should be tested in one of three ways: • Full scale exercise to test command • Tabletop exercises • specific aspects of the plan can be tested, • The Emergency Plan must be regularly updated. There are a number of scenarios that indicate the range of risks associated with crowds at sporting events. Although some of these scenarios may seem to have a low probability, they do actually occur. As an event manager you are expected to have some kind of plan to deal with these problems if and when they occur. • Emergency Scenarios • Whathappensif . . . • A spectator in one of the stands has a heart attack and requires urgent medical attention? • Someone in one of the stands sets off a smoke canister and there are surges of people pushing in all directions trying to get away? • One of the parachutists (as seen in the picture above) lands badly and is suspected to have spinal injuries? • The number of people in one of the stands exceeds the design limit? • There is an earthquake during the event? • There is an electrical storm during the event? • and of course there are many more possibilities! http://www.leoisaac.com/evt/top086.htm
H- Managing Corporate Event Education Events Management is sometimes considered as an Art as those with passion for Events are often the best in producing world-class unforgettable events. However we believe in the SCIENCE of Events Management especially for Corporate Events as we take a more process-based approach to events management, learning from the techniques of project management and from our own years of experience as Event Managers. PROGRAMME MODULES for 2-day workshop on How to Manage Corporate Events Successfully (HTMCES) http://www.eventsmastery.com/htmces/htmceswhat.html
H- Managing Corporate Event Education Introduction & Overview -Event Management Process -Events Mastery Process Chart TM-Events Mastery 9-box Process Flow TM-Characteristics of Events Management-5W2H Approach to Events Management TM Module 1: Research/Concept-Ideas Generation/Brainstorm -Research / Environment scan-Feasibility studies / Cost-benefit Module 2: Planning , Budget & Control-Structure/ Contents/ Speakers/VIPs-Budget/ Financial Planning-Scoping/Sitemap/Implementation Plan-Risk Management/Contingencies Planning-Performance Management/ Control Plan-Project Management Approach Module 3: Resources & Alliances -Sponsors/ Strategic Alliances-Manpower Management-3rd Party Management Module 4: Production of Collaterals-Copywriting/ Design/ Production of Collaterals Module 5: Marketing & Promotions-Marketing/ Promotion Activities -Press Relations/Media Management/Branding-Performance/ Results TrackingModule 6: Sales & Registrations-How to Sell-Registration management Module 7: Logistics/Administrations-Pre-event Logistics/ Production and Administration Module 8: On-site Management-Setup, On-site Events Proper & Shut-Down Module 9: Post-event & Review-Post-event Activities & Closures-Debrief, Review, Post-Mortem, Reports http://www.eventsmastery.com/htmces/htmceswhat.html
Organization Chart Company Board Advisors Strategy & Biz Dev Managing Director Quality Mgmt Director Director Director Mass Events Exclusive Events Management & Support Sports & Outdoor Private Parties Program Mgmt Exhibitions Corporate Logistics Mgmt Festivals Ceremonies Financial Mgmt Entertainment Conferences Administration
Event Structure Managing Director Communications The Client Performers Agents Director Stage Contractors Civic Authorities Event Coordinator/PM HSSE Agencies Event Key Activities & Components Management & Support Event Staff Venue Design & Setup Program Controller Program Mgmt Back Stage Facilities Public Facilities Logistics Supervisor Logistics Mgmt Performers & Speakers Financial Mgmt Communicator Invitations & Attendees Administration Administrator Safety & Security
Typical Pre Event Timeline W1/M1 W2/M1 W3/M1 W1/M2 W4/M1 W2/M2 W3/M2 W4/M2 Pre-Event Activities The Event Proposal, Biding & Engage Communications Invitations Sales & Marketing Issue Invitations Performers Rehearsals Event Plans & Program Designs & Details Event Promotions Deploy Security Security Operations Suppliers & Contractors Site Survey Permits Site Acquisition Stage Construction & Setup Event Activities Post Event Activities
Typical Post Event Timeline W4/M2 W4/M2 W2/M3 W1/M3 Pre-Event Activities The Event Financial Accounts Audit and Closure Staff & Performers Demobilization Lessons Learned Report Stage Disassembly Site Surrender Event Activities
An Event Budget Outlines 300 VIP Guests Performers & Dinner Bid of $5,000/PAX Contract $ 1,500,000 Profit $ 432,000 Profit 28% Numbers in US$ No Power Supply Cost included No HVAC includedNo Site Fees or Rent included No Parking Service included
EVCO Annual Budget Outlines Outflows Inflows Projects CAPEX $ 100,000 EVCO per Project $ 150,000 Project Profit $ 400,000 OPEX $ 100,000 Project Duration 2.5 Months Annual Projects 16 Staff $ 1,359,000 Project Coordinators 4 Projects Profitability $ 6,400,000 Others $ 200,000 Target Annual Projects 16 Total $ 1,759,000 Total $ 2,400,000 Corporate Profitability $ 641,000 Overall Profitability $ 7,041,000