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Study of the Atmospheric Turbulence in Free Space Optical Communications. M. Ijaz , Shan Wu, Zhe Fan, W.O. Popoola and Z. Ghassemlooy. Optical Communications Research Group, NCRLab , School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, UK
Study of the Atmospheric Turbulence in FreeSpace Optical Communications M. Ijaz, Shan Wu, Zhe Fan, W.O. Popoola and Z. Ghassemlooy Optical Communications Research Group, NCRLab, School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, UK http://soe.unn.ac.uk/ncrlab/ Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Contents • Introduction • Free Space Optical Communication • Atmospheric Turbulence • Refractive Index Fluctuations • Experimental Work and Procedure • Results and Discussions • Conclusions Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Introduction-Research Aim • Free space optical communications is currently seen as a promising alternative technology for bandwidth hungry applications, particularly within the last mile access networks. • The applications of FSO includes base station to base station in cellular networks, building to building, multicampus university networks, airports, hospitals, a high-speed, high-capacity back up link and disaster recovery links • FSO systems offer rapid deployment with no need for trenches and its spectrum is licence free unlike the radio communication spectrum • Despite the absorption and scattering from the constituents of the atmosphere, FSOC can be severely affected by the inhomogenities in the temperature(Turbulence) on the clear day • In this research work the affect of atmospheric turbulence on FSOC link is studied experimentally under controlled environment. Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Introduction-Free Space Optical Communication Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
AtmosphericTurbulence • Atmospheric turbulence results from thermal gradients within the optical path caused by the variation in air temperature and density • Random distributed cells are formed. • They have variable size (10 cm - 1 km) and different temperature. • These various cells have different refractive indexes thus causing scattering, multipath variation of the arriving signal Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Refractive Index fluctuations • Refractive index is highly dependent on the small scale temperature fluctuations in air defined by • Where nois mean index of refraction (no = 1) and n1(R,t) is the random deviation of index from its mean value. • Where R is the vector position in three dimension and t is the time. • n1(R,t) is dependent on the temperature and pressure and is given by n(R,t) =no + n1(R,t) Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Refractive Index Fluctuations-cont • The differentiation of the above equation tell us about the dependence of temperature small variations in the temperature gives us large change in the refraction index • Where P and T are absolute temperature and Pressure respectively. Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Laser Beam Deformation • Laser beam wander due to turbulence cells which are larger than the beam diameter. • Scintillation or fluctuations in beam intensity at the receiver due to turbulent cells that are smaller than the beam diameter. Isaac I. Kim et al (1998) Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Experimental Work and Procedure Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Experimental Work and Procedure-cont Main simulation parameters used in the experiment Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Results and Discussion- The Strength of the Turbulence • In order to characterize the strength of turbulence generated within the simulated turbulence chamber, the received average signal with and without the turbulence was studied. • The signal distribution without and with scintillation are fitted to a Gaussian distributions and log normal respectively • The turbulence model discussed thus far is valid for the weak turbulence with small values of • X σx2 Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
The Strength of the Turbulence-cont The value of the log intensity variance was calculated to be 0.002 Results in weak turbulence while without scintillation; the noise variance was 10-5. The received average signal (without scintillation) The received average signal (with scintillation) Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
BER Evaluation Binary signal with additive noise and PDFs for the binary signal with the threshold • where a0 and a1 are probabilities of transmission for binary ones and zeros respectively and P0 and P1 are given by . Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
BER Evaluation-cont The received signal distribution(without scintillation) Dotted lines -Theoretical fit solid line –experimental data The received signal distribution(with scintillation) Dotted lines -Theoretical fit solid line –experimental data Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Optical Power Loss vs. Temperature • The measured variance of the power fluctuation was 0.012 • This also confirms that the turbulence generated was indeed very weak during our study. Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Conclusion • In this research work the effect of turbulence in FSOC is studied experimentally. • The experimental data showed that if scintillation effect is not mitigated, it can cause a serious impairment to the performance and availability of an FSO link. • From an error free link, the simulated turbulence (weak in strength) caused the BER to degrade to about 10-4. Muhammad Ijaz PGNET2009
Special Thanks for Prof. Z. Ghassemlooy Mr. W. Popoola All colleagues in NCRL & Your Attention
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