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Orientation Meeting September 2005. Thoughtful Classroom Initiative. How do we spell SUCCESSFUL?. S tart with a FOCUS U ncover what is working WELL C reate opportunities to SHARE C heerleader not a Checker E stablish POWER STANDARDS S tart Small but Think BIG S tay Close and Curious
Orientation MeetingSeptember 2005 Thoughtful Classroom Initiative
How do we spell SUCCESSFUL? Start with a FOCUS Uncover what is working WELL Create opportunities to SHARE Cheerleader not a Checker Establish POWER STANDARDS Start Small but Think BIG Stay Close and Curious Focus on Student Work & Learning Unlock the Hidden Potential by SHARING and giving meaningful FEEDBACK Look for RESULTS, REFLECT, and CELEBRATE Successes
Agenda • 1. Welcome • 2. GRREC Thoughtful Education 3 Year Plan • 3. Material Distribution • 4. Protocol for Site Visits • 5. Strategies for Support • 6. Fee Structure • 7. Next Steps – Please return forms to GRREC- Fax to Teresa Tarter, 270.745.5199
The Thoughtful Classroom Project YEAR ONE Page 8
Thoughtful Classroom Project Awareness Level WKU September 2005 Administrative Leaders Teacher Leaders Introduction to the Thoughtful Classroom Project 1. Research Based Strategies & Tools 2. Diversity 3. Hidden Skills of Academic Success 4. Curriculum Design 5. Learning Teams
Thoughtful Classroom Project Application & Practice Back Home Fall 2005 Administrative Leaders Teacher Leaders Classroom Level
Thoughtful Classroom Project Information Acquisition WKU November 2005 Administrative Leaders Teacher Leaders Thoughtful Classroom Training Tools Strategies Learning Teams
Thoughtful Classroom Project Site Visits 2006 Coaching: Regional Site Visits Admin. & Teacher Admin. & Teacher Admin. & Teacher School Site Coaching/Modeling Learning Clubs Admin. & Teacher Admin. & Teacher Admin. & Teacher Admin. & Teacher Admin. & Teacher
Thoughtful Classroom Project Spring 2006 Application and Practice Administrative Leaders Teacher Leaders Learning Club 1 Learning Club 2 School
Thoughtful Classroom Project Information Acquisition WKU February & May 2006 Administrative Leaders Teacher Leaders Training Silver, Strong & Associates
Thoughtful Classroom Project Summer 2006 School-Wide Professional Development Administrative Leaders Teacher Leaders 12 Hour Workshop School Level
Original Learning Team LEADS! Fall 2006 Learning Club Learning Club Learning Club Tools Thoughtful Education Learning Club Learning Club Strategies Learning Club Learning Club Learning Club
Support System: School Level-Learning Clubs C O A C H olleagues form a learning club made up of 4-5 people. rganize meeting times, place, and select a focus. llow each member time to share, celebrate, or clarify questions. ollect ideas from others, collaborate to plan a lesson or clarify a strategy for future planning. elp one another improve student performance and teacher performance.
Regional Support System Contact Information: Jamie Spugnardi,GRREC Jamie.Spugnardi@grrec.ky.gov Office 270.745.8840 Fax 270.745.5199 Cell 270.792.9927 Teresa Tarter, GRREC Teresa.Tarter@grrec.ky.gov Office 270.745.5292