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WebQuest Presentation Our Solar System

WebQuest Presentation Our Solar System. Sheldon Cox Jamie Lahey EDU505-SL1 Multimedia Internet for Educators . Overview. This unit is design to give the teacher or students the freedom to select how they will learn about the solar system. Grades 6 – 8

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WebQuest Presentation Our Solar System

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  1. WebQuest Presentation Our Solar System Sheldon Cox Jamie Lahey EDU505-SL1 Multimedia Internet for Educators 

  2. Overview • This unit is design to give the teacher or students the freedom to select how they will learn about the solar system. • Grades 6 – 8 • Students will research information on a given planet via the Internet Web Links in this PowerPoint Presentation • The teacher can select one or all of the three of the following projects • Fact Sheet • Writing Assignment • 3D Solar System Model • Each student will be assigned a planet by the teacher.

  3. Timeline for all three activities

  4. Fact Sheet Assignment • Using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or a large bulletin board students will create a fact sheet of their assigned planet. • The fact sheet must contain • Bright colors • Pictures • Organized information • Web Links

  5. Fact Sheet Assignment • Information in the fact sheet • Size • Weight • Circumference • Volume • Location from sun (First, Second, Third, etc) • Distance from sun • Climate • Weather • Temperatures high and lows • How long does it take to circle the sun • Length of a Day • Atmosphere • How many moon • Other

  6. Writing Assignment Overview • Due to high emission and other pollution the Earth will become uninhabitable in 100 years. As part of a team scientist your responsibility is to research one of the other eight planets and present what is required to relocate Earth inhabitants to your assigned planet.

  7. Writing Assignment • Write a two to three page paper • Typed • Doubled Space • Fonts Size 12 • Margin 1” at top and bottom • Margin 1 ½ left and right • Web Links

  8. Writing Assignment Outline • Introduction • Name of the research company • List of your qualification • Planet Description • Location to the sun • Size • Climate • Surface Description • Living condition • Where would its new inhabitance live • Required protection from elements • Conclusion • Is relocation on your planet feasible? Why or Why not?

  9. Writing Assignment Rubric

  10. Group ProjectSolar System • Students will work in groups of 3 – 5 • Design a 3D model of our solar system • Working model that obits the sun • Planets in order • Models to scale of its planet • Models looks like the planet • Web Links

  11. Group Project Solar System Rubric

  12. Participation Chart Description • Responsibilities • Document your roll in the group project • Contribution • Document your contribution to the group project • Ideas • Materials • Time • Document the amount of time spent on the group project • During class • Outside of the classroom/After class hours • Self Evaluation • Self Evaluate your participation • scale from 1 – 4 • 4 is the best score • 1 is the worst score • Click on this link to print participation chart

  13. Participation Chart

  14. Web Links • Astronomy For Kids • Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive • Kids Konnect – Planets • Lunar phases web tool. 1. • NASA - JPL Solar System Simulator • Smartoon The Planets Adventure • Solar System Exploration Planets • StarChild A Learning Center for Young Astronomers • The Nine Planets For Kids • The Solar System — Infoplease.com • World Builders 1 Chapter1 How to Design Your Solar System E Viau CSULA • ZOOM ASTRONOMY - Enchanted Learning Software • ZOOM ASTRONOMY –Planets • The Solar System

  15. Conclusion • The goal of this unit is to give the teacher and student freedom of choice. • The teacher chose one or all three projects • Students can choose the activity that appeals to them • Upon completion all work must be posted or presented to the school. • Encourage pride in students work • Inform other • Showcase the type of cool projects in the classroom

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