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WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO. TLK 100 (Release 2.0) Troubleshooting Registration Failures. May 2019. WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO. How to Register a TLK 100 onto a WAVE Customer Account. WAVE PUS H-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100. HOW TO REGISTER A TLK 100.
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 (Release 2.0) Troubleshooting Registration Failures May 2019
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO How to Register a TLK 100 onto a WAVE Customer Account
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 HOW TO REGISTER A TLK 100 • The TLK 100 must be powered-off before starting the activation • Enter/Import the IMEI, SN and Display Name into the Register Devices wizard • As part of the wizard configure the initial set of talkgroups and contacts • If not enough WAVE wireless licenses available, select to add them whenprompted by the wizard
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 HOW TO REGISTER A TLK 100 • At the end of the registration wizard the devices will appear on the TLK 100s page one at a time • Wait for the Notification indicating the result of the registration • Verify the CELL PLAN state is Activated and the USER STATUS is Active • Power-up the TLK 100 and verify that CONNECTED is Yes and the device receives the assigned contacts/talkgroups “Channel #”
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - CELL PLAN Deactivated or None
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELL PLAN DEACTIVATED OR NONE SYMPTOM • The TLK 100s page shows CELL PLAN is Disabled or None and the USER STATUS is Disabled • The Users page shows the WAVE user STATUS is Disabled
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELL PLAN DEACTIVATED OR NONE RECOVERY • The SIM/cell plan state follows the WAVE user state. To Activate the SIM need to Activate the WAVE user • Verify in the Users page that there are enough WAVE Wireless licenses in order to Activate the WAVE user • If not enough WAVE Wireless licenses available purchase/add as needed using the Manage Subscription page
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELL PLAN DEACTIVATED OR NONE RECOVERY • Select the WAVE user(s) then select the Activate Action from the dropdown • If the WAVE user continues showing the STATUS is Disabled contact MSI Support • Otherwise check in the TLK 100s page that the CELL PLAN is Activated and the USER STATUS is Active
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - CELL PLAN Stuck Activating
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELL PLAN STUCK ACTIVATING SYMPTOM • The TLK 100s page shows CELL PLAN Activating for longer than 20 minutes. This is likely an issue on the backend while activating the cellular data plan
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELL PLAN STUCK ACTIVATING RECOVERY • Find the device on the TLK 100s page and click on its NAME to display the Device Details page • In the Actions drop down select Refresh Cellular Status • If successful the Cellular Status will displayActivated • If the Cellular Status continues to display Activatingor displays Error contact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - CELL PLAN Error
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELL PLAN ERROR RECOVERY • Find the device on the TLK 100s page and click on its NAME to display the Device Details page • In the Actions drop down select Refresh Cellular Status • If successful the Cellular Status will displayActivated • If the Cellular Status continues to display Errorcontact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - Cellular Connection Failure
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELLULAR CONNECTION FAILURE SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports Cellular Connection Failure • The TLK 100 shows a blinking red LED and no channels are displayed • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated and the USER STATUS is Active “Cellular Connection failure” Blinking RED - Continuously (50ms on - 4950ms off)
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> CELLULAR CONNECTION FAILURE RECOVERY • Most likely the issue is that the TLK 100 was powered-up before the SIM was fully active. The MNO/MVNO sometimes returns a successful SIM activation status before the SIM is completely active • Power-cycle the device in order to attempt to reconnect again to the cellular network • If the TLK 100 continues showing the symptom contact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - Out of Range
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> OUT OF RANGE SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports No Cellular Signal • The TLK 100 shows a blinking red LED and no channels are displayed • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated and the USER STATUS is Active “No Cellular signal” Blinking RED - Continuously (50ms on - 4950ms off)
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> OUT OF RANGE RECOVERY • The TLK 100 does not have a good cellular connection • The cellular plan works only within the designated market/region. The cellular plan does not support international roaming • Verify that the external antenna is installed correctly • If in a building, basement or other enclosed structure try moving to a location closer to windows • If the TLK 100 continues showing the symptom contact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> NOT CONNECTED SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports having some cellular connection • The TLK 100 shows a blinking red LED and no channels are displayed • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated and the USER STATUS is Active but CONNECTED is No “Fair Cellular signal” Blinking RED - Continuously (50ms on - 4950ms off)
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> NOT CONNECTED RECOVERY • Power-cycle the device • If the TLK 100 continues showing the symptom contact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - PTT User Activation Failure
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> PTT USER ACTIVATION FAILURE SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports having some cellular connection • The TLK 100 shows a blinking red LED and no channels are displayed • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated, the USER STATUS is Active and is CONNECTED “Fair Cellular signal” Blinking RED - Continuously (50ms on - 4950ms off)
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> PTT USER ACTIVATION FAILURE RECOVERY • The symptoms are likely a failure to activate the PTT user account • In the Users page find the DISPLAY NAME that matches the device’s NAME in the TLK 100s page. Then, click on the Reactivate link under the ACTIVATION CODE heading • Wait 45 seconds for the PTT user reactivation process to complete. If the symptom persists try the device Wipe procedure
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - PTT User Re-Activation Failure
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> PTT USER RE-ACTIVATION FAILURE SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports having some cellular connection • The TLK 100 shows a blinking red LED and no channels are displayed • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated, the USER STATUS is Active and is CONNECTED • The PTT user reactivation procedure was not effective “Fair Cellular signal” Blinking RED - Continuously (50ms on - 4950ms off)
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> PTT USER RE-ACTIVATION FAILURE RECOVERY • Power-off the TLK 100 • Press and hold the PTT, CH minus (-) and Power buttons simultaneously. Release the buttons after 3 seconds after the splash screen appears • The TLK 100 will display a wrench icon • After the wrench icon disappears, press and hold the Volume minus (-) and the Menu buttons simultaneously until the device Wipe icon appears • The TLK 100 will automatically go through the Wipe procedure and at the end will power-up to user/customer mode • If the PTT user activation failure presists contact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - No Talkgroups
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> NO TALKGROUPS SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports having some cellular connection • The TLK 100 shows a blinking amber LED and no channels are displayed • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated, the USER STATUS is Active and is CONNECTED “Fair Cellular signal” Blinking RED - Continuously (50ms on - 4900ms off)
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> NO TALKGROUPS RECOVERY • Two common reasons associated with the symptom: • Talkgroup creation is pending because it doesn’t have enough members (minimum 2) or is missing a required member type - like a dispatcher in a dispatch talkgroup or a broadcaster in a broadcast talkgroup • No talkgroups or channel positions have been assigned as part of the activation wizard • Verify in the TalkGroups page that the talkgroups have the minimumnumber and type of members according to the talkgroup type
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> NO TALKGROUPS RECOVERY • In the Manage Talkgroups page, verify the talkgroup(s) and the channel position(s) are assigned for the user
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - Wrong Voice Announcements Language
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> WRONG VOICE ANNOUNCEMENTS LANGUAGE SYMPTOM • The TLK 100’s info/status area reports having some cellular connection • The TLK 100s page shows the CELL PLAN is Activated and the device is CONNECTED • The TLK 100 plays voice announcements in a language other than what was selected during the registration wizard • The TLK100s -> Settings page shows a mismatch between the Reported language and the Desired language “Fair Cellular signal”
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> WRONG VOICE ANNOUNCEMENTS LANGUAGE RECOVERY • The most likely cause of the problem is a SW update that is being downloaded and/or has not been installed. The TLK 100 will not download a new voice announcements package when a SW update is pending • Check the TLK 100’s info/status area for indication that SW is downloading or pending installation • If SW is available, restart the device to install the SW update • If SW is not downloading or available on the device, contact MSI Support “Software Available. Restart to Install.”
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Troubleshooting - Internal SW Error
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> INTERNAL SW ERROR SYMPTOM • The TLK 100 constantly/repeatedly displays the error screen/icons followed by 3 or 4 digit error code
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 TROUBLESHOOTING-> INTERNAL SW ERROR RECOVERY • If possible, manually capture a diag/logs package • Power-cycle the device • Contact MSI Support
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 Manually Capturing Diagnostics
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 MANUALLY CAPTURING DIAGNOSTICS/LOGS • The TLK 100 records exceptional events and conditions in an internal rotating log • It is best to capture a diagnostics/logs package as soon as the error/issue occurs • Press and hold the Volume plus (+) and Volume minus (-) buttons until the Creating Logs icon is displayed • The TLK 100’s info/status area will show “Logs Available” until the diagnostics/logs package is uploaded by MSI Support over the air “Good Tone“ “Creating LOG” “Log available”
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> MAINTENANCE MODE • To enter, press and hold PTT and CH- buttons for 3-5 secs during device power-up • A wrench icon is displayed for a few seconds • Connect to the embedded web server over USB or Wi-Fi • To connect over USB, connect a USB cable between device and PC. Device enumerates as a USB RNDIS (network adapter) device. Drivers not required when using Windows 10 • To connect over Wi-Fi, use smartphone/laptop to connect to Wi-Fi AP with SSID “TLK100-xxxx” (xxxx = last 4 digits of device’s IMEI), default pw = last 8 digits of device’s SN. • Admin can change the default password through WOC Portal
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> MAINTENANCE MODE • Open a web browser instance and enter in the address bar • The home page will be displayed. No need to login to configure the temporary Wi-Fi AP or view the Radio Information • To login enter: • Username: TLK100_adm • Default password: last 8 digits of the device’s SN • Admin can change the default password through WOC Portal
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> MAINTENANCE MODE -> TEMP WI-FI AP CONFIG • Use if no network connectivity (cellular/Wi-Fi) is available to the connection to the DM server • E.g. When Wi-Fi AP password has expired or can’t activate the SIM and need to collect logs • On the Connect to WiFi Access Point page • Enter the temporary SSID, security type (None or WPA/WPA2) and PSK (password) configuration • Press Submit and then Reboot • Device will power-up in User mode and will connect to the Wi-Fi AP using the temporary config • When device syncs with DM server, it will RESET the Wi-Fi connection and use Wi-Fi AP config downloaded from DM server
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> MAINTENANCE MODE -> DOWNLOAD DIAG/LOGS • Use when info/status area indicates diag/logs package is available on device but can’t be uploaded to DM server • The Download Diagnostics page displays the diag/log package name if one is available • Click the Download button to download diag/logs package to PC/smartphone. Then email the package to MSI Support “Logs available”
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> MAINTENANCE MODE -> UPLOAD SW UPDATE FILE • Use when the SW update file can’t be downloaded directly from the DM server • On the Software Update page, choose the file to upload from local storage and click the Upload button. The SW update file is the same downloaded directly from the DM server. Must have valid build signatures • SW will be installed on the next power-up
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> MANUAL TEST MODE • To enter, press and hold PTT and CH plus (+) buttons for 3-5 secs during device power-up • The string “TEST” is displayed for a few seconds followed by the start of the first test section INFO • Short press any button traverse the tests in the section. Long press the Menu button to move to the next section • Press and hold the Power button to power-off the device The test sections are presented in the following LTR order
WAVE PUSH-TO-TALK RADIO TLK 100 DM FEATURES -> OPERATING MODES -> STUN MODE • To enter, set the Device Mode to stun in the WOC Portal • Device automatically reboots and enters Stun mode • At the end of the power-up seq the stunned icon for a few seconds and when pressing the Info button • The cellular plan remains active but the Kodiak user account is suspended • To exit, set the Device Mode to user in the WOC Portal