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Each slide outlines a key component of employee engagement based on the letters of the alphabet.
Employee Engagement A To Z Slides Employee Engagement From A to Z David Zinger www.davidzinger.com
Acceptance <ul><li>It all begins with acceptance. </li></ul>
Benefits <ul><li>Everyone </li></ul><ul><li>must benefit </li></ul><ul><li>from employee </li></ul><ul><li>engagement. </li></ul><ul><li>One for all, </li></ul><ul><li>all for one. </li></ul>Leadership Organization Employees Customers
Disengagement <ul><li>Intentional disengagement (rest and recovery) </li></ul><ul><li>is essential to sustain full engagement. </li></ul>
Energy <ul><li>Energy transformed </li></ul><ul><li>through focused </li></ul><ul><li>engagement creates </li></ul><ul><li>great performance. </li></ul>
Flow <ul><li>The continual flow of </li></ul><ul><li>water can produce </li></ul><ul><li>tremendous energy. </li></ul><ul><li>Let your energy flow </li></ul><ul><li>through your work </li></ul><ul><li>like water. </li></ul>
Gumption <ul><li>Bite off very little and chew a great deal. </li></ul>
Human <ul><li>Employees are not human resources nor human capital – they are HUMAN . </li></ul>Human Resources Human Capital
Inte grit y <ul><li>Have the grit to be honest with everyone, including yourself. </li></ul>
Joy <ul><li>Fully engaging in work can produce joy </li></ul><ul><li>as work becomes love made visible </li></ul>
Keys <ul><li>Unlock engagement with your own sets of keys to work. </li></ul>
<ul><li>Leadership is the force </li></ul><ul><li>billowing our sails </li></ul><ul><li>into a meaningful </li></ul><ul><li>journey of full </li></ul><ul><li>engagement. </li></ul>Leadership
Managers <ul><li>Managers </li></ul><ul><li>are the rope </li></ul><ul><li>linking people </li></ul><ul><li>with work. </li></ul>
Networks <ul><li>Plug into both your </li></ul><ul><li>high tech </li></ul><ul><li>and your </li></ul><ul><li>high touch </li></ul><ul><li>networks </li></ul>
Open Source <ul><li>Be open and be a source of engagement. </li></ul>
Purpose <ul><li>Stay focused </li></ul><ul><li>on your purpose </li></ul>
Question <ul><li>Who is engaged, </li></ul><ul><li>with what, </li></ul><ul><li>for how long, </li></ul><ul><li>and for what reason? </li></ul>
<ul><li>If engagement does not </li></ul><ul><li>create results we have </li></ul><ul><li>people at work who are </li></ul><ul><li>half asleep. </li></ul>Results
<ul><li>Engagement is strong stuff. </li></ul><ul><li>Know, live, and leverage your strengths. </li></ul>STRENGTHS
<ul><li>Employee engagement is today. </li></ul><ul><li>Right here. Right now. </li></ul>Today
<ul><li>Demonstrate your </li></ul><ul><li>understanding to </li></ul><ul><li>be understood. </li></ul>Understanding
Value and Values <ul><li>Be present to both </li></ul><ul><li>the value and values </li></ul><ul><li>of employee engagement </li></ul>
We <ul><li>Flip your focus from me to we </li></ul><ul><li>to generate full engagement. </li></ul>
X-ray <ul><li>Penetrate the surface for broken engagements. </li></ul><ul><li>Provide immediate assistance. </li></ul>
You <ul><li>Take the employee engagement “I” test. </li></ul><ul><li>Monitor and master your own engagement </li></ul><ul><li>before you start looking at other’s engagement. </li></ul>
<ul><li>Zen means </li></ul><ul><li>lifting your head </li></ul><ul><li>opening your eyes </li></ul><ul><li>and engaging fully </li></ul><ul><li>in whatever you </li></ul><ul><li>are doing. </li></ul>Zen
<ul><li>Employee Engagement from A to Z </li></ul><ul><li>created by David Zinger </li></ul><ul><li>www.davidzinger.com </li></ul><ul><li>[email_address] </li></ul>