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What is new in FAO Forestry?

What is new in FAO Forestry?. Eva Müller FAO. Content. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 20 th Session of COFO State of the World’s Forests 2011 Communication strategy International Year of Forests (IYF) ACP FLEGT Support Programme

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What is new in FAO Forestry?

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  1. What is new in FAO Forestry? Eva Müller FAO

  2. Content • Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 • 20th Session of COFO • State of the World’s Forests 2011 • Communication strategy • International Year of Forests (IYF) • ACP FLEGT Support Programme • Support to the Implementation of the Forest Instrument • Global forest tenure situation and trends • Lessons learned globally from forest tenure reforms • The tenure reform in China in the global context

  3. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 Key findings

  4. Deforestation and forest loss 1990-2000: 16million ha/year 2000-2010: 13 million ha/year

  5. Afforestation and forest expansion >7 million ha/year

  6. Net change = Σ(gain) - Σ(loss) 1990-2000: -8.3 million ha/year 2000-2010: -5.2 million ha/year

  7. COFO 2010 – 2nd World Forest Week • Launching of FRA 2010 • Climate change • Forest finance • Governance • Forestry and Sustainable Development • Communication – The International Year of Forests • Heads of Forestry Dialogues • International Conference • Forest tenure  ownership, access and use rights, management rights • Forest tenure versus land tenure • Forest tenure and REDD, FLEGT

  8. State of the World’s Forest To be launched in early 2011 (IYF) Main topics:- • The state of forests by region • Developing sustainable forest industries • The role of forests in climate change adaptation and mitigation • Realizing the local value of forests

  9. Forestry Communication Strategy • Diversify communication means/methods • Select key themes to build actions around • Identify key events • Work proactively on key messages • Create network with media • Build capacity for effective communication

  10. International Year of Forests (IYF) a unique opportunity • Proclaimed by GA Resolution 61/193, which • designated UNFFS as the international coordinator • invited in particular, FAO, as the Chair of the CPF, within its mandate to support the implementation of the Year • UNFFS developed a concept for global action

  11. IYF Partnerships • CPF members, other members of the UN, relevant non-UN entities • Major networks • With organizers of different World Days • With organizers of major events

  12. FAO’s own activities • Publications (SOFO, UNASYLVA, FRA remote sensing survey) • Press kits and publication toolkits • Web-based activities • Meetings, e.g special meeting for civil society • Exhibits, incl. dressing the building • Mobilizing FAO staff

  13. Rome-based activities • Cooperate with the organizers of the Earth Day concert • Check feasibility of a nature film festival • Dress up environmentally friendly public transport vehicles (trams and buses with electric engine) • Develop an IYF booth for outdoor summer events • Participate at the public event of CorpoForestale • Cooperate with organizers of the Rome Marathon • Cooperate with other Rome-based agencies

  14. ACP-FLEGT Support Programme Four-year programme • November 2008 to November 2012 12 million Euro budget • 10 million funded by EC – ACP • 2 million Euro in-kind contribution by FAO Target audience • 79 members of the ACP Group of Countries • Government Institutions, Civil Society Organizations and Private Sector Organizations

  15. Programme Objective Support ACP country stakeholders to put the EU FLEGT Action Plan into practice by: • Providing resources to ACP country stakeholder groups to address locally defined FLEGT issues • Supporting the collection, analysis and dissemination of FLEGT-related information and lesson learned among stakeholder groups.

  16. Support to the Implementation of the Forest Instrument Ghana (2009 - 2011) Funding from Germany (BMZ) Liberia, Nicaragua, Philippines (2010 – 2012) Funding from Germany (BMELV) Support to reporting by countries to UNFF on the Forest Instrument Under development; to be funded by Japan

  17. Ghana Approach: • participatory assessment • identification of strengths, weaknesses and priority areas for action • implementation of catalytic activities to address key priorities • coordination of implementation with sector policies and ongoing initiatives in the forest sector; • development of an M&E system

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