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Sustained Co-ordinated Processing Of Environmental Satellite Data For Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM) Overview and Next St

Sustained Co-ordinated Processing Of Environmental Satellite Data For Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM) Overview and Next Steps. John Bates, Chair SCOPE-CM Executive Panel. WMO’s SCOPE-CM initiative: goals and structure.

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Sustained Co-ordinated Processing Of Environmental Satellite Data For Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM) Overview and Next St

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  1. Sustained Co-ordinated Processing Of Environmental Satellite Data For Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM)Overview and Next Steps John Bates, Chair SCOPE-CM Executive Panel

  2. WMO’s SCOPE-CM initiative: goals and structure • Aim:to address the requirements of GCOS in a cost-effective, coordinated manner, capitalising upon the existing expertise and infrastructures. • Objective:continuous and sustained provision of high-quality Essential Climate Variables satellite products (Climate Data Records) on a global scale • Structure: The SCOPE-CM Network will be: • Based on activities of existing initiatives (GOS, GCOS and GSICS) • Build upon existing operational infrastructures • Serve users and other organisations (e.g. WMO Regional Climate Centres RCC, National Weather Services)

  3. Sustained Climate Information Flow Emerging International Architecture Satellite & In Situ Observations Near Real Time Long-term Information Preservation Observing system performance Monitoring and automated corrections Essential Climate Variables Archives Satellite data Re-calibration Inter-calibration Reprocessing Inter-calibration Fundamental Climate Data Records (FCDRs) Thematical Climate Data Records (TCDRs) Environmental Data Records Interim Climate Data Records (ICDRs) Sustained Coordinated Processing Data conversion User Services Climate Information Records Major model-based Reanalysis Short scale physical phenomena monitoring Operational Climate Monitoring supporting Climate Services Longer term climate variability & climate change analysis Adaptation + mitigation planning (decision making) Sustained Applications

  4. WMO’s SCOPE-CM initiative: goals and structure • Phase 1Participants of the SCOPE-CM Network • Operational Satellite operators: • NOAA • JMA • CMA • EUMETSAT (Central Facilities and CM SAF) • Stakeholder • WMO Space Programme • GCOS • CEOS • CGMS/GSICS

  5. WMO’s SCOPE-CM initiative: Phasing • establish initial network and structure • agreement on principles and standards • first pilot projects on selected subjects • assessment of the current capabilities • establishment of feedback mechanisms Phase I Phase II Phase III 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 • full deployment of the sustained system of product generation • products review and quality control • continuous product improvement • establishment of structures for sustainable generation of FCDRs and TCDRs • generation of first SCOPE-CM products • increased coverage of products in terms of ECVs, time and spatial dimension • fostering extension of the network

  6. SCOPE-CM Pilot Projects

  7. Present status and future plan • EUMETSAT • MFG AMV and CSR reprocessing (end 2010) • - MSG AMV and All Sky Radiance (ASR) reprocessing (end 2011) • NOAA • - Make existing record (1982-present) of reprocessed AVHRR AMVs available to SCOPE-CM community • - Define plans for a pilot project aimed at demonstrating the utility and benefits of reprocessed AMVs • - GOES AMV reprocessing per pilot project (mid 2011) • - Development of reprocessing capability (2011-2014) • - GOES AMV and CSR reprocessing (2015) • - MODIS AMV reprocessing (2015) • JMA • GMS/MTSAT AMV and CSR reprocessing is in progress to meet Japanese 55-year Reanalysis project (JRA-55) schedule (end 2010) • Webpage showing the status of JMA’s reprocessing is available • CMA • CMA is interested in FY-2 AMV reprocessing • FY-2 archive intercalibration reprocessing hasjust started

  8. GEWEX RADIATION PANELWORKING GROUP ON DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS • Formed in 2004 by combining existing GRP Data Project Working Groups that date to 1980s • Purpose: Coordinate next data product revision and re-processing to increase physical consistency and to produce joint data product • Original Working Groups Differed in Nature • ISCCP: Data Processing Center Representatives • GPCP: Science Team & Data Processing Group • GACP & SRB: Data Processing Team • SeaFlux & LandFlux: Science Study Group Representative

  9. GEWEX RADIATION PANELWORKING GROUP ON DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS • Added Data Product Assessment WG Leaders for Precipitation, Radiation, Clouds (and Aerosols) • Accumulated Functions • Monitor Data Exchanges and Resolve Problems • Radiance Calibration • Ancillary Data Acquisition & Evaluation • Review Scientific Developments for Retrieval Methods • Develop/Evaluate Analysis Methods & Revise Products • Assess Data Product Quality

  10. Proposal to Transition Some GRP WGDM Functions to SCOPE-CM - Rationale • SCOPE-CM is moving into Phase 2 – Ongoing pilot projects and new projects require sustained provision of data, calibration, and processing from operational environmental satellite • SCOPE-CM is an appropriate mechanism for sustaining some important GRP WGDM functions • Other GRP WGDM functions should remain within international research bodies and/or be part of shared responsibilities SCOPE Presentation Template - SCOPE CM

  11. Current Geostationary Quilt 2 GOESs • 1978-2012 • 32 Satellites • 2 SMS • 13 GOES • 8 Meteosat • 5 GMS • 2 MTS • 2 FY GOES, Meteosat, GMS 2 GOES, Meteosat, GMS 2 GOES, 2 Meteosats,GMS, FY

  12. GOES-11,12,13 Meteosat-7,9 MTS-1,2 FY2 B2 B2 NOAA-7,8,9,10,11, 12,14,15,16,17 B3 (All satellites) Products (C/D Data) B1 GOES-11,12,13 Meteosat-7,9 MTS-1,2 FY2 ISCCP Data Sharing Historically Global Processing Center GISS/CCNY Satellite Processing Centers JMA CMA EUMETSAT NOAA INP (Brazil) ISCCP Central Archive (NCDC)

  13. ISCCP Data Sharing After transition GISS/CCNY ISCCP Development GOES-11,12,13 Meteosat-7,9 MTS-1,2 FY-2E Code Improvements Satellite Processing Centers ISCCP Central Archive (NCDC) B1 & AVHRR B1 ISCCP Cloud Processing @ NCDC JMA EUMETSAT NOAA CMA INP (Brazil) Others? For Analysis New ISCCP Products HX – Pixel-level, not mapped,3-h (DX) HG – 0.1° global, remapped, 3-h H1 – 1° gridded global 3-h (D1) H2 – 1° gridded global monthly (3-h) (D2) H3 – 1° gridded global monthly mean (D3) For Archive

  14. Early Results from B1 processing B3 (32 km) B1 (10 km) ISCCP B1 IR Radiance ISCCP Clear sky IR Radiance ISCCP Cloud Mask

  15. GRP WGDM Accumulated Functions • Radiance Calibration • Who currently is involved? • Who should be involved going forward? • What major issues are involved? • What international bodies should be involved and provide leadership? SCOPE Presentation Template - SCOPE CM

  16. SCOPE-CM initial structure • Current Members: Operational Agencies: NOAA, EUMETSAT, JMA, CMA (USGS) = operators of operational (meteorological) satellites • Executive Panel as the only established formal structure so far. • Pilot Projects: groups at different level of integration and nature of cooperation. • Some pilot projects grouped by sensors, some by targeted ECV CDR

  17. SCOPE-CM transition towards Phase 2: Questions and issues • Increasing interest from other organisations: Universities, ESA, GEWEX, .... • University groups to join SCOPE-CM? How? • What are the conditions to become member? • What shall be the difference between a SCOPE-CM activity and any other type of project? • What shall be the difference and the relation to other initiatives, projects e.g. WMO GFCM, CEOS Climate Working Group, ESA CCI, GMES Climate, ....

  18. A Proposal for the SCOPE-CM in its next phase Two “spheres”: SCOPE-CM Sustained Structures SSS SCOPE-CM Projects Sphere (research, science)

  19. A Proposal for the SCOPE-CM in its next phase Two “spheres”: • Teams from the operational agencies • Working together on: FCDRs, standards, inter-calibration, reprocessing methodologies, archive issues, data distribution, documentation, .... • Permanent groups and resources (e.g. sustained funding, staff, etc...) • Group by sensor / sensor types SCOPE-CM Sustained Structures SSS SCOPE-CM Projects Sphere (research, science)

  20. A Proposal for the SCOPE-CM in its next phase Two “spheres”: SCOPE-CM Sustained Structures SSS • Teams from universities, research labs, (space agencies) • Working together on: algorithms, science, applications, initial CDR processing, .... • Non-Permanent groups and resources (project funding) SCOPE-CM Projects Sphere (research, science)

  21. SCOPE-CM Generic CDR life cycle SCOPE-CM Pilot Project SCOPE-CM CDR generation project Independent CDR assessment (e.g. GEWEX RP) Consolidated Retrievals/Methods Feasibility for sustained generation Pre-released CDRs Accepted CDR

  22. SCOPE-CM Generic CDR life cycle SCOPE-CM Pilot Project SCOPE-CM CDR generation project Independent CDR assessment Consolidated Retrievals/Methods Feasibility for sustained generation Accepted CDR Pre-released CDRs • Identification of CDRs reaching maturity for R2O transition • Initiated by external groups, SCOPE-CM, or GRP etc. • Lead by PI, consortium consist of external groups and SCOPE-CM partners (from the relevant SSS) • Criteria: e.g. CDR targeted, that need coordination of SCOPE-CM partners • Proposals to be accepted by the Executive Panel • Assessment of requirements, scientific relevance and feasibility • Determination of processing requirements, schedules, dependencies • Agreement of methods and principles (inter-calibration, validation, etc.) • Main outcome: Pilot project report, ATBD (for TCDRs and FCDRs) for implementation

  23. SCOPE-CM Generic CDR life cycle SCOPE-CM Pilot Project SCOPE-CM CDR generation project (≙ transition step) CDR assessment Consolidated Retrievals/Methods Feasibility for sustained generation Accepted CDR Pre released CDRs • Joint Lead by PI and SSS representative (=“transition manager”), consortium consist of external groups and SCOPE-CM partners (SSS) • Proposals for a CDR project (pre-agreed with SSS) to be accepted by the Executive Panel • CDR generation at SSS • Validation • Review Processes • “Pre-”Release of a CDR with unique reference (DOI) • Main outcome: CDR, Documentation (Validation Report, Product User Manual,..), Dissemination/Publication

  24. SCOPE-CM Generic CDR life cycle SCOPE-CM CDR generation project (≙ transition step) SCOPE-CM Pilot Project CDR assessment Consolidated Retrievals/Methods Feasibility for sustained generation Accepted CDR CDRs • Independent assessment of Pre-released CDR (following internationally agreed assessment procedure supervised by GRP) • Capturing user feedback and assessment of CDR impact in applications • Main outcome: Assessment Report –(To be reviewed by e.g. GRP and/or GCOS panels AOPC, OOPC, TOPC) • (Release) Endorsement ? Confirmation or Rejection

  25. Way forward • General agreement on the concept for SCOPE-CM Phase 2 in the Executive Panel (including the stakeholders WMO Space Programme, GCOS, CGMS, CEOS, GEWEX) • Draft Implementation proposal for SCOPE-CM Phase 2 • including the achievements and accomplishments of Phase 1 • Takes into account developments e.g. WMO/COES Climate Space Infrastructure, GCOS IP update, WMO GFCS,... • Review by SEP • Review and approval by WMO

  26. SCOPE-CM Phase 2 Proposed Organizational Chart SCOPE Presentation Template - SCOPE CM

  27. Questions to Consider for SCOPE-CM and GRP • (a) continued involvement of the science community to diagnose new problems as they arise • (b) periodic assessments and procedures to make sure the data are still relevant • (c) periodic research announcement for more formal product improvement efforts • (d) Tracking of progress in a quantifiable manner.

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