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ACADEMIC ADVISORY SYSTEM All new students should receive an academic advisor upon admission to the faculty. Please contact the faculty Admin Office if you are not assigned to any academic advisor.
ACADEMIC ADVISORY SYSTEM All new students should receive an academic advisor upon admission to the faculty. Please contact the faculty Admin Office if you are not assigned to any academic advisor. Students are advised to meet their academic advisor in the beginning of the every trimester. Students with GPA or CGPA of below 2.5 are compulsory to meet their academic advisor (within week 4- week 6 for short trimester and week 7-week 9 for long trimester). Failing to meet your advisor, you will not be able to register subjects for the following trimester.
REGISTRATION OF SUBJECTS All subject registration should be closed after week 3 for long and short semester (Online registration closed after Week 2 and manual registration Closed after week 3). Students who are prevented from registering for a subject (due to supplementary examinations, termination and financial issues) are allowed to register unofficially with the lecturer of the subject. For late course registration (after week 3 and up to week 4 ONLY), students are allowed to register for the course provided that: - It is proven that the student has attended at minimum 50% of all lectures, tutorials, and labs (if available) up till the date of registration, and the final decision should be made by the Dean/Director.
Long Trimester • Short Trimester • Probation 1 • 12 CH • 6 CH • Probation 2 • 9 CH • 4 CH • Probation 3 • 6 CH • 3 CH Normal status students are allowed to take: a) In 14 lecture-week (long) trimester: i) Maximum of 24 CH ii) Minimum of 1 subject b) In 8 lecture-week (short) trimester: i) Maximum of 14 CH ii) Minimum of 1 subject Credit hour limits for Under Probation students:
EXCEED REGISTERED SUBJECT(S) If you have registered more than the credit hours mentioned above, it is compulsory for you to go to ERU to drop some subjects. TERMINATED STUDENTS If your status is Terminated; the system will automatically drop the subjects that you have registered during the Pre-Subject Registration. You may register after the appeal process has been completed. Therefore, please do not miss any of your classes to avoid any problem with your attendance and evaluation for the classes.
UNDERPROBATION & TERMINATED STATUS 1. Every time a student's GPA is below 2.0, his status in On Probation and his Probation Count is incremented by 1. 2. If a student achieves a GPA of 2.0 and above, his Probation Count is immediately reset to 0. 3. Should a student's Probation Count reach 4: - degree level/ foundation level students can have grade transfer all their credits to Diploma if their CGPA is 1.0 and above, otherwise they are terminated. - those in Diploma are terminated despite CGPA and credit hours. If a student does not have a GPA for a particular trimester, his status and probation count will carry forward to the next trimester.
REFUND ON TUITION FEES • 100% of the course fee shall be refunded if a student withdraws from a subject within the first and second week of any trimester. • 75% of the course fee shall be refunded if a student withdraws from a subject within the third week of any trimester. • 50% of the course fee shall be refunded if a student withdraws from a subject within the fourth and fifth week of any trimester. • No refund shall be made for withdrawal beyond the fifth week of any trimester
REQUIREMENT FOR REGISTRATION Starting from Trimester 1 2009/2010, all “pre-requisite” subjects (must-pass) have been converted to “requirement for registration” subjects (must-take). Below are the definitions of “pre-requisite” and “requirement for registration”: Pre-requisite (must-pass) - for a subject where a student must demonstrate proficiency by passing the pre-requisite before proceeding to the following subject Requirement for registration (must-take) - for a subject where a student must have been exposed to a subject matter by having taken the pre-requisite before proceeding to the following subject
REGULATION FOR REPEAT OF SUBJECT There is no limit for the repeating of subject registration. 50% less from normal fees for repeating subject (C-,D+,D,F and FL)
TERMINATED STUDENT TO APPLY AS A NEW STUDENT Terminated students will not be considered to be enrolled into the same field of programme as a new student. Terminated students may apply as a new student to a different field of programme
GRADE C TO GRADUATE Beginning Trimester 2, 2009/2010, all CORE, MAJOR and MQA subjects for all undergraduate programmes offered by FIST shall require a Grade C to graduate EXCEPT for the following subjects which require only a Grade D to graduate:- 1) Technical Communications 2) Co-curriculum 3) Introduction to Cyberpreneurship 4) Basic Economics, Accounting and Management 5) Free Elective (for Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Informatics and Medical IT majors only)
RE-SIT EXAMINATION Supplementary Examination is now known as Re-sit Examination. Students sitting for the re-sit can only sit for the paper(s) the next time the paper(s) is/are offered by the faculties/centres. Kindly check on the eligibility for the Re-sit Examination, based on the grade published below: i)C-*, D+*, D*, F*, FL* (the highest grade is C) ii)I (the highest grade is A) Please take note that FIST has decided to offer Re-sit Exam for all papers offered in Trimester 1, 2009/2010 to all eligible students (C-*, D+*, D*, F*, FL* or I grade). The Re-Sit Exam will be conducted during the main exam period in Trimester 2, 2009/2010.
Despite being granted LOA (leave of absence) or undergoing industrial trainings, students MUST sit for the re-sit paper(s) when it/they is/are offered by the faculties/centres. The Re-Sit Examination results will be calculated in the GPA in the trimester the student sits for the examination. The coursework mark remains unchanged. For the CGPA calculation, the best grade will be counted, unless the student is absent for the Re-Sit Examination. The maximum number of subjects a student is allowed to sit for the Final Examination (inclusive of Re-sit Examination) is only TEN (10) subjects.
WITHDRAWAL OF OFFER TO RE-SIT EXAMINATIONS Students are given the option to withdraw the re-sit papers, which will be granted by default. Should students fail to sit for the re-sit paper(s): - with valid reasons: the final examination grade will be calculated in the CGPA - without valid reasons: by default the student fails the paper
BARRING RULE Lecturer might bar students based on the following conditions: i.Student achieved below 30% of the total coursework marks (example <12 out of 40), and ii.Student’s attendance is below 50%.
VISA RENEWAL – DURING FINAL EXAMINATION Students who are required to go back to their home country for visa renewal, you are required to get a written approval from your Dean/Director, four (4) weeks before the date of the examination. However, the letter must be submitted to ERU Office for their further action.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE Except on extraordinary circumstances, a student shall not be allowed to apply leave of absence for more than three (3) trimesters throughout their study at Multimedia University. All students are advised to apply leave of absence in advance (ONE TRIMESTER AHEAD) to avoid any difficulties. Procedure to apply: Login to url: https://icems.mmu.edu.my/loaPhase2/index.jsp Please attach supporting documents to support your application to FIST Admin office for approval. Please check your status on weekly basis and please collect your Approval letter for your reference.
REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY LETTER OF COMPLETION Students who would like to request for temporary letter of completion, please make sure that you fulfill the following criteria, failure which your request will not be entertained: - COMPLETED ALL CREDIT HOURS. Completed means that you already received the result for the final trimester - CLEAR ALL DEBTS WITH FINANCE AND LIBRARY. Please get the approval from the respective departments for confirmation purpose.
CONVERSION OF LSL STUDY PLANS TO LLS STUDY PLANS Effective from June 2010, all existing study plans will be converted from LSL to LLS, the faculty will announce the revised study plans in due course