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Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace. IPB Steps 3 & 4. Lesson Purpose. Understand how to determine what the threat is capable of, given a specific situation or scenario. Orienting on the enemy is fundamental to maneuver warfare. MCDP 1. References.
IntelligencePreparationof the Battlespace IPB Steps 3 & 4
Lesson Purpose • Understand how to determine what the threat is capable of, given a specific situation or scenario Orienting on the enemy is fundamental to maneuver warfare. MCDP 1
References • FM 2-01.3/MCRP 2-3A Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Battlespace • ST 100-7 OPFOR Battle Book • MCWP 2-1 Intelligence Operations • MCRP 5-12A Operational Terms and Graphics • MCWP 5-1 Marine Corps Planning Process
Lesson Outline Step 3 - Evaluate the Threat/Adversary • Doctrinal Template • Enemy T/O & T/E • Combat Effectiveness Step 4 - Determine Threat/Adversary COAs • Situation Template • High Value Targets/ • Event Template • Event Matrix
Update/Create Threat/Adversary Model • Convert threat/adversary doctrine or patterns of operations to graphics. • Describe the threat/adversary’s tactics and options • Identify high-value targets (HVTs) and high-payoff targets (HPTs).
Convert threat/adversary doctrine or patterns of operations to graphics. • Templates graphically portray how the threat/adversary might utilize its capabilities to perform operational functions. • Construct templates through an analysis of the intelligence database and an evaluation of the threat’s past operations. • Templating requires continuous refinement to accurately portray threat/adversary patterns and practices.
Describe the Threat’s Tactics and Options • Lists the options available to the threat/adversary should the operation fail or succeed. • Prevents the threat/adversary model from becoming more than a “snapshot” in time of the operation depicted. • Aids in mentally wargaming the operation over its duration and during the development of threat/adversary COAs and situation templates. • Addresses typical timelines and phases of operation, points where units transition from one form of maneuver to the next, and how each warfighting function contributes to the success of the operation.
Identify High-Value/High-Payoff Targets • A high-value target (HVT) is a target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of the mission. • A high-payoff target (HPT) is a target whose loss to the enemy will significantly contribute to the success of the friendly course of action.
Identify Threat/Adversary Capabilities • “The threat has the capability to attack with up to eight divisions supported by 150 daily sorties of fixed-wing aircraft.” • “The threat/adversary can establish a prepared defense in four days.” • “The terrorists have the capability to conduct multiple car bombings simultaneously.” • The insurgents have the ability to target friendly convoys along main supply routes using remotely detonated IEDs.”
Doctrinal Templates • Depict the threat’s preferred deployment pattern and disposition when not constrained by the effects of the environment • Based on threat doctrine and past or current operations • Updated throughout campaign
Doctrinal Templates • Requires detailed study of the threat • Use all available intelligence resources • Military Capability Studies • Intelligence Estimates • Country Handbooks • Jane’s Publications & other Open Sources • FM 100-60 Series & ST 100-7 (Exercises)
Doctrinal Templates • T/O & T/E (Order of Battle) • Task Organization • Echelons • Frontages & Depths • Battle Positions • Engagement Areas • Location of Critical Nodes (C2, Air Defense)
Old Dominion Order of Battle X II II II OOO II I 2 3 6 X AT-4 18 x 120 I II II I II 8 X ZU-23 II 18 x BM 21 342 34 I ooo 1 / 2 / 3 6 X S-60 18 X TRK * * * * OOO 3 X BRDM 31 x T-62 18 x 152mm 18 x 122mm
Old Dominion Order of Battle II I oo ooo II 3 x 82mm 9 x 60mm 18 x 120 I II 8 X ZU-23 ALDIE – 2 x Co HOPEWELL – 1 x Co 3 342 / 34 1 X BTR I O OO OO I 2 3 2 X SPG-9 RR 6 X AGS- 17 GL 6 X AT-7 ooo * * * 14 X TRKS 18 x 122 See FM 100-63 pp. 3-9 through 3-12 for Motorized Inf Co T/O & T/E
MOTORIZED INF BRIGADE - DEFENSE OP OP OP OP OP OP I(-) OOO X II II II II(-) I I I 122mm 122mm 122mm OO OO 120mm 120mm 120mm I II(-) II I I ZU-23 II 152mm OOO I I I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 X AT-4 10 km X I ZU-23 6 X S-60 8 km II II X II ZU-23 ZU-23
MOTORIZED INFANTRY BN - DEFENSE I 5 km II • Div / Bde / Bn Recon elements will be located in & forward of Security Zone • Fwd Bn’s establish Plt-size Combat Security Outposts (CSOPs) 2-3 km forward of Bn’s main defenses • Delay & Deceive BLUFOR as to true location of defenses • Bn Defensive Area composed of Company Strongpoints • Fire plan integrates ATGM, AT gun, indirect & direct fires into fire sacks in sector II I I 122mm 4 km ZU-23 82mm AT-7 3 II II I I 2 3 3 1km .5 km .5 km OP OP OP 2-3 km CSOP
Threat Capabilities • Conditions will seldom be ideal for the threat • Must consider intangible factors: • Quality of Leadership • Is initiative encouraged? • Role / Quality of NCO corps? • Level of Training & Combat Experience • Morale • Unit Cohesion / Esprit de corps • Avoid mirror-imaging
3 342 / 34 1 X BTR II I O OO OO I I oo ooo 2 3 II 2 X SPG-9 RR 6 X AGS- 17 GL 6 X AT-7 3 x 82mm 9 x 60mm 18 x 120 * * * ooo I II I 14 X TRKS 8 X ZU-23 18 x 122 Doctrinal Template • We have determined T/O and T/E • We have determined the probable form of maneuver and the doctrinal formation 5 km • And we have determined factors such as moral and logistical conditions based on past engagements and current conditions II II I 122mm I 4 km ZU-23 82mm AT-7 3 II II I I 2 3 3 1km .5 km .5 km OP OP OP
IPB - Step 4 Determine Threat/Adversary COA’S
Determine Threat COAs Since war is a conflict between opposing wills, we cannot make decisions in a vacuum. We must make our decisions in light of the enemy’s anticipated reactions and counteractions, recognizing that while we are trying to impose our will on the enemy, he is trying to do the same to us. MCDP 1
Determine Threat COAs Doctrinal Template FIRE FIRE SACK SACK IPB - Step 3 Threat COAs X IPB - Step 4 Environmental Analysis IPB – Step 1 & 2
Identify Threat’s Likely Objectives • Staff determines likely objectives and the desired end state. • Political, social and economic objectives can be as important as military objectives and can have a direct influence on the threat/adversary COAs. • Must have a thorough understanding of the threat/adversary. Knowledge of previous operations can provide insight into possible objectives and their desired end state.
Identify Threat/Adversary COAs • Threat COAs that the threat believes are appropriate to the current situation. • Threat COAs that could significantly influence the unit’s mission, i.e., diverting combat power to cover increasing protection requirements. • The threat COA may go beyond the boundaries of known doctrine or tactics. • Threat COAs indicated by recent activities and events.
Determine Threat COAs Products/Outputs • Situation Template ( Possible COAs) • Time Phase Lines • High Value Targets • Event Template • Named Areas Of Interest (NAIs) • Event Matrix
Evaluate and Prioritize Each COA • Identify threat strengths, weaknesses, decision points, and potential centers of gravity. • Evaluate how each threat COA meets the criteria of suitability, feasibility, acceptability, distinguishability, and completeness with threat doctrine/previous operations. • Evaluate how well each COA takes advantage of the battlespace environment. • Analyze the threat’s recent activity to determine if there are any indicators that one COA has already been adopted.
Develop Each COA • Who—Conventional force/insurgency/terrorists • What—Type of operation such as attack, suicide bombing • When—The time the action will begin • Where—The objective(s) in the area of operations • How—The method by which the threat will employ its assets. • Why—The objective or end state the threat intends to accomplish.
Developed Threat/Adversary COA • Situation templates • Threat/Adversary COAs and options • High-value targets (HVTs)
Situation Template • Graphic depictions of expected threat dispositions should the enemy adopt a particular COA • Defend • Reinforce • Attack • Withdraw • Delay
Situation Template • Location / Disposition of Enemy • Doctrinal Template in relation to: • Terrain & Weather • Combat Effectiveness • Blue Force situation • Template enemy positions two levels down • Enemy Battalion: Template Platoons
Situation Template • Movement of Enemy Forces • Doctrinal rates of movement • Effects of environment on mobility • Blue Force actions • Time Phase Lines (TPL) To influence the action to our advantage, we must project our thoughts forward in time and space. MCDP 1
Defensive Situation Template • Primary / Alternate / Supplementary Positions • Vehicle / Equipment / Weapons locations • Reinforcing Obstacles • OP’s / CSOP’s • Engagement Areas (Fire Sacks) • Range Fans - with respect to terrain • Counterattack Force Location & Routes
Offensive Situation Template • Avenues of Approach / Mobility Corridors • Immediate / Subsequent Objectives • Attack Formations • Unit or Echelon Dispersion • “SNAPSHOTS IN TIME” - How Enemy will appear as he maneuvers
II II AT-7 AT-7 I I II II .5 km .5 km 3 3 2 2 OP OP 82mm 82mm I I 1km 1km II II 3 3 I I OP OP 5 km 5 km ZU-23 ZU-23 I I 3 3 OP OP I I 122mm 122mm .5 km .5 km II II 4 km 4 km APPLY THE TEMPLATE TO THE TERRAIN!!! SITUATION TEMPLATEMOTORIZED INF BN (-) COA 1 DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH (FWD SLOPE)
120mm MORTAR 122mm D-30 ARTY TALL MIKE CSOP • CSOP disrupts BLUFOR attack • Fwd Co masses fires at Hwy 50 crossing of Howsers Branch • Rear Co masses fires on approaches to Aldie Gap • TASK: Delay BLUFOR for 3 hrs SITUATION TEMPLATEMOTORIZED INF BN (-) COA 1 DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH (FWD SLOPE)
120mm MORTAR 122mm D-30 ARTY TALL MIKE CSOP • CSOP disrupts BLUFOR attack • Fwd Co masses fires at Hwy 50 crossing of Howsers Branch • Rear Co masses surprise fires in restricted terrain in West Aldie • TASK: Delay BLUFOR for 3 hrs SITUATION TEMPLATEMOTORIZED INF BN (-) COA 2 DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH (REVERSE SLOPE)
120mm MORTAR 122mm D-30 ARTY TALL MIKE CSOP • CSOP conducts Reverse Slope Defense (Deceive BLUFOR) • Fwd Co masses fires on approaches to Aldie Gap • Rear Co masses surprise fires in restricted terrain in West Aldie • TASK: Delay BLUFOR for 3 hrs SITUATION TEMPLATEMOTORIZED INF BN (-) COA 3 DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH (2 x CO IN GAP)
SITUATION TEMPLATEMOTORIZED INF BN (-) COA 4 REINFORCE 120mm MORTAR 122mm D-30 ARTY TALL MIKE + 1:00 CSOP • Mtzd Inf Plt or Co (-) Reinforce from Hopewell Gap along Rte 629 • ~1 hour to arrive in Aldie after Bn Cmdr gives the order (30 kph) • Can reinforce Plt Strongpoints or ambush BLUFOR along Hwy 50 + 0:30
I II + 3:00 ZU-23 122mm CSOP + 2:00 + 2:30 • Tank Bn Attacks / CATK’s from Rectortown along Hwy 50 (ML AA) • Tank Bn can arrive at Aldie w/in 3 hours of receipt of order from Mtzd Inf Bde Cmdr (15 kph) • Blunt BLUFOR penetration or conduct flank attack near Aldie SITUATION TEMPLATE MOTORIZED INF BNCOA 5 – ATTACK
Threat COAs and Options • Threat COA development & analysis is as detailed as time permits • At a minimum, must present: • Enemy’s Most Likely COA (MLCOA) • Enemy’s Most Dangerous COA (MDCOA) • Purpose: Focus the staff for development of Friendly COAs
SITUATION TEMPLATEMOTORIZED INF BN (-) MLCOA DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH 120mm MORTAR 122mm D-30 ARTY TALL MIKE CSOP • CSOP conducts Reverse Slope Defense (Deceive BLUFOR) • Fwd Co masses fires on approaches to Aldie Gap • Rear Co masses surprise fires in restricted terrain in West Aldie • TASK: Delay BLUFOR for 3 hrs
I II + 3:00 ZU-23 122mm CSOP + 2:00 + 2:30 • Tank Bn Attacks / CATK’s from Rectortown along Hwy 50 (ML AA) • Tank Bn can arrive at Aldie w/in 3 hours of receipt of order from Mtzd Inf Bde Cmdr (15 kph) • Blunt BLUFOR penetration or conduct flank attack near Aldie SITUATION TEMPLATE MOTORIZED INF BNMDCOA 5 – ATTACK
Identify High Value Targets • High-Value Target - “Assets that the threat commander requires for the successful completion of a threat-specific specific course of action.” FM 101-5-1 • High-Payoff Target - “A target whose loss to the threat will contribute to the success of the friendlycourse of action.” FM 101-5-1
Event Template • Basis for ISR / Collection Planning • Depicts Named Areas of Interest (NAIs) • Event Template / Event Matrix will confirm / deny enemy COA’s
Named Area of Interest (NAI) • An NAI is a point / area where enemy activity or the lack of it confirms or denies a particular threat COA • NAIs focus collection planning and analysis on potential threat activities
2 2 Named Area of Interest (NAI) PointNAIs: Bridges Intersections 1 LinearNAIs: Routes Rivers (fording sites) Obstacle breaching sites AreaNAIs:ObjectivesArtillery Positions CSS Locations 3 3