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LEANNIS. Perspectives of LEANNIS. Johann Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian academy of Sciences. Mid term report. Very important for showing the progress of the tasks defined in LEANNIS Basis/Starting point for defining upgraded or modified tasks for a network in HP3.
LEANNIS Perspectivesof LEANNIS Johann Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian academy of Sciences LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Mid term report • Very important for showing the progress of the tasks defined in LEANNIS • Basis/Starting point for defining upgraded or modified tasks for a network in HP3 LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Upcomingactivities in 2010/11 • ECT* Meeting 2010 relatedto LEANNIS (Strangeness in Nuclei, organizedby C. Curceanu, P. Kienle, T. Yamazaki, T. Bressani, J. Zmeskal, October 4-8, 2010) • Next LEANNIS Meeting (Munich, Vienna ??) • International Conference on Exotic Atoms andrelatedtopics EXA2011 (to be held in Vienna, September 5-9, 2011) LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Information management • LEANNIS web-page: pleasemakesuggestionsaboutimprovements • Activitiesforyoungscientists: Doctorateprogram (applied) • LEANNIS meetings • Topicalconference EXA organized in Vienna by SMI EXA11 September 5-9, 2011 Proceedings in Hyp. Int. LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
The results and the perspectives of theoretical and experimental studies will represent a guideline of the formulation of an upgraded version of LEANNIS to be prepared for HadronPhysics3 • As a starting point the ideas for (upgraded) research topics for LEANNIS-2 have to be discussed at the end of this LEANNIS Meeting, taking into account the anticipated outcome of LEANNIS till the beginning of the new project LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
A fair way to discuss all options for this upgraded version will be chosen. I would like to collect updated versions of the different tasks as well as ideas for new tasks. We can do it via email. Finally we should have video/telephone conference and/or a meeting about the proposal for HP3 (meeting in Vienna? ). LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Outlook and perspectives • Concerning the short term plan we have still 18 month till the end of HadronPhysics2 and accordingly LEANNIS (i.e. Till end of December 2011) • The wok plan of LEANNIS was developed nearly 3 years ago - the time schedule of some experiments is changed due to delays , e.g. E17, AMADEUS,... • The running time of LEANNIS was reduced, so we have the chance with HP3 to go on with the original plan and defining new tasks in LEANNIS-2 (upgrading the project) • In June 2010 there will be an internal call in which LEANNIS is invited with deadline end of August 2010 LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Status and Perspectives • The program of this LEANNIS Meeting was a balanced mix of talks on the progress of different tasks and future perspectives • Many interesting topics for an upgraded LEANNIS network (LEANNIS-2 as working title) were presented – one has to select so to be compatible with the 3 years time line • The strengthen of the theory group with the participation of experts in the field (A. Gal and J. Mares) is highly welcomed and will certainly further enhance the theoretical part. LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
status perspectives LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
LEANNIS time line Start • LEANNIS will run more than 1 year from now • Official project end in June 30, 2011, but will be extended till end of 2011 • What can be finalized and what will be still topic in a possible continuation of LEANNIS? • New ideas and new possibilities have to be worked out quite fast • The efficient use of European research centers (accelerators), especially emergin FAIR is a strong point. • The use of non-European accelerators (J-PARC). Weare here End LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Interplay theory-experiment • The field of strange exotic atoms and nuclei demands a joint effort of theory and experiment and will be a cornerstone in LEANNIS-2 • Experiments can deliver input for detailed theoretical studies – the limited predictive power is calling for experiments • On the other hand new research topics arise from theoretical studies LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
SOME ideas based on presentations at this meeting LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Main topics for the future? To be discussed • Strange kaonic atoms: higher precision, spectroscopy of heavier atoms, kaon mass • Direct experimental studies of subthreshold resonances (e.g. HADES) – this topic is presently not in the LEANNIS network included • Search for kaonic nuclei: some experiments will proceed others will be in the status of data analysis delivering important imput for theory LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Outlook: kaonic atoms Start • SIDDHARTA results on kaonic hydrogen and deuterium • The strong interaction observables (1s state shift and width) of kaonic deuterium is needed for the extraction of the scattering lengths • SIDDHARTA measured kaonic deuterium x-rays for the first time but the shift and width values still to be measured • The yield of the Lyman transitions is lower than anticipated , thus limiting the spectroscopy • SIDDHARTA results on kaonic helium-3 (gas) to be published soon • Precision experiment on kaonic helium-3 at J-PARC anticipated during the running time of LEANNIS Weare here End LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Some open topics in reach of SIDDHARTA2 (cf. talks by Tomo, Catalina) • High precision measurement of the kaonic deuterium Lyman x-ray spectrum, also possibility of more precise values of kaonic hydrogen • Detection of Lyman transitions in kaonic helium? • Study K-p γΛgamma rays (proposed by S. Wycech) • Heavier kaonic atoms: completing the data set, improving precision, measurements of isotopes LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
AMADEUS a laboratory for kaon reactions • AMADEUS is expected to run after finishing the LEANNIS project • It will take advantage of the excellent KLOE apparatus combined with a gas target system and kaon trackers • The physics case : • Search for kaonic nuclear clusters in fully exclusive way • K reactions in helium isotopes • K scattering on different nuclei at low momenta taking advantage of the low momentum kaons from Phi-decay. LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
New experiments • Spectroscopy of kaonic atoms with Z>2 improving the data set LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
KN subthresholdresonances Lambda(1405) s-waveresonanceis a keyfortheunderstanding ofthelow-energyantikaon-nucleoninteraction. Akaishi-Yamazakiidentified Lambda(1405) as K-p boundstate 1 or 2 pole structure? Consequencesforkaonicnuclearclusters Experimental studiesareunderway –> talk by Eliane Epple and Johannes Siebenson LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
KN subthresholdresonances From PDG 2008 LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Kaonicnuclearclusters Start • FOPI result on the pp reactionat 3 GeVawaited • Pion inducedreactions (experiment in 2010) • AMADEUS experiment: Data analysis of KLOE data are progressing but the real experiment will excceed the LEANNIS time line (to be performed probably after 2012) • In-flight reaction at J-PARC (probably delayed depending on beam performance) • Searches at COSY TOF (pending because of beamline problems) Weare here End LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Antiproton inducedreactions • See talk by Paul Kienle atthismeeting • Atthe Antiproton-Deceleratorof CERN? • At FLAIR after 2017 • Needs detectorsystem LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Kaonicnuclearclusters – Clarificationneeded The open questions call for new data from experiments using different reactions and providing detailled and reliable data concerning kaonic nuclear clusters and their properties. The information coming from threshold data are crucial for theory. LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
DAFNE • DAFNE at LNF is providing an unique source of low-energy monoenergetic kaons • The increase in luminosity (crab waist system) was reached and opens the way to high sensitivity experiments • The capability of using gas targets is a certain advantage for exotic atom research • SIDDHARTA2 and AMADEUS are very attractive for HP3 LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
GSI • The beams at GSI (proton, pion, heavy ion) are used for experiments in the field using detector systems FOPI, HADES. • What is the future in the light of the emerging FAIR research center? • As shown in the meeting many important experiments on kaonic nuclei and sub-threshold resonances can be performed. LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
New particle accelerators with capabilities in the field: FAIR at Darmstadt, J-PARC at Tokai/Japan LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
FAIR PANDA will be in operation in the next decade, FLAIR providing low-energy antiprotons will be delayed PANDA @ HESR FLAIR withopportunities forpbarinducedreactions LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
J-PARC Experiments E17, E15 taking use of kaon beams Are already represented in LEANNIS New experiments? LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
LEANNIS-2 in HP3 • The whole project of LEANNIS has to be checked for upgrades and impact of new developments and ideas: • Objectives • Tasks • Time line • Milestones • Goals • Deliverables • Financial issues LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Tasks in LEANNIS-2 ? improve the understanding of antikaon-nucleon and –nucleus interactions, as well as K- NN absorption to ΣN and ΛN • T1 Theoretical investigations in strangeness-nuclear physics. Antikaon nucleon and nucleus interaction • T2. New precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonicH and D and other atoms (SIDDHARTA2) • T3. Kaonic3He, precision measurement at J-PARC (liquid) and LNF (gas) • T4. Search for kaonic cluster with in-flight reaction at J-PARC precise values of isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scatteringlengths strong-interaction shift and width of the 2p state K-(3He,n)ppK- reaction will be studied in a fully exclusive experiment LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Tasks in LEANNIS2 cont’d production and properties of antikaonicdibaryon, ppK-, using a fully exclusive study of the ppK+ + (ppK-) reaction with FOPI • T5. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters in the pp reaction (pp2KΛp) and experimental studies of sub-threshold resonances • T6. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with COSY-TOF • T7. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with stopped antikaons (AMADEUS) • T8. Antikaon nucleus potential in π-A reactions (FOPI) At COSY-TOF the reaction pp → ΛpK+ can be measured in its full phase space Detectionoflight antikaonic nuclear systems, such as ppK-, ppnK-, and pnnK- with data on the binding energies, total widths, and in addition all partial decay widths antikaonnucleus potential at normal nucleardensity LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Tasks in LEANNIS2 cont’d T9. Kaonicnuclearclustersearch in heavy ionreactions (FOPI) T10. In medium modificationof antikaonsand D-mesons (PANDA-IMKD) T11. Searchfor double antikaonic nucleiwithantiprotonannihilation Possiblyformedmulti-baryonic states are reconstructed in channels that contain charged particles only Dependence of hadron in-medium properties on the mass of the heavy quark Feasibiltyoftheproductionofverydensecold matter LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
LEANNIS 2 • The scientific community of exotic atoms and nuclei with strangeness is small but very active in the field of hadron physics • Plans for efficient use of kaon sources (DAFNE in Europe, J-PARC in Japan) and (anti)proton beams in new experiments • It seems that there is more than enough topics to work out a program for a continuation of LEANNIS • However it has to be focussed on hot topics which are compatible with the time line of such a project LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Time Line 2012 • End of June 2010 internal call for proposals, LEANNIS is invited to deliver such a proposal • Deadline end of August 2010 • September 2010 presentation of progress and proposals for HP3, selection by committee • LEANNIS-2 in HP3 could start in beginning 2012 (after finishing HP2) with a duration of 3 years 2014 LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Continuationofthe Network • After finishing LEANNIS strangeness physics with atoms and nuclei will certainly show progress but the research in this field will not be closed. • The predictive power of theory is limited and theory therefore calls or experimental results. • Is the scientific value high? Many activities are at different research centers are ongoing and the interest in the field can be shown in unbiased way. Therefore, it seems to be justified to continue with a network to maintain scientific contacts, foster the interest in the field, attract young scientists and spread results in the scientific community but also in the broad public. LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
On the way to new experiments and theoretical studies Thankyouforyourattention LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010
Thank you for your attention Experiment Theory LEANNIS Meeting, LNF, April 8-9, 2010