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LEANNIS Network. L ow E nergy A ntikaon- N ucleon and – N ucleus I nteraction S tudies. J. Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences. LEANNIS. ECT* Workshop 2006. ECT* Workshop 2009. LEANNIS.
LEANNIS Network Low EnergyAntikaon-Nucleonand –NucleusInteraction Studies J. Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian AcademyofSciences LEANNIS J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
ECT* Workshop 2006 J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
ECT* Workshop 2009 LEANNIS Hadronic Atoms and Kaonic Nuclei – solved puzzles, open problems and future challenges in theory and experiment Most of the LEANNIS topics (are)were discussed in the present ECT* Workshop J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Solved Puzzles The connection to the current ECT* Workshop J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Solved puzzles K- proton interaction at threshold qualitative result: repulsive (but attractive below threshold kaonic boundstates?) quantitative result from x-ray spectroscopy: KpX, DEAR (precision to be improved) Kaonic helium quantitative – shift of 2p state small (4He) J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Developments after ECT* 06 Meeting See talk by T. Ishiwatari) S. Okada et al., Phys. Lett. (2007) Solved puzzle: 2p state shift in K4He small agreement experiment - theory J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Developments after ECT* 06 meeting 2008 Verification of KEK E570 result on kaonic 4He by SIDDHARTA First measurement in gas Letter submitted to Phys.Lett. In 2009 J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Open problemsFuture challenges(in theory and experiment) LEANNIS J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Some open questions Precision data on antikaon-nucleon interaction (i.e. shift/width in KH, KD), important input for theory, SIDDHARTA still running and taking data Λ(1405) – two-pole structure ? Consequences? Strength of kaon-nucleon interaction below threshold K- absorption on nucleons Antikaon (quasi)bound nuclei S-1, S-2 Binding energy, decay width, density …. and many more J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Participants LEANNIS 12 participating institutions from 5 EU countries: Austria, Finland Germany, Italy, Poland, Associated country: Japan J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Brief history LEANNIS Proposal presented at HadronPhysics Meeting, Frascati, 28 September 2007 Proposal submitted February 2008 Evaluation 2008, accepted but redimension Start January 1st 2009 1st LEANNIS Meeting Vienna, March 27, 2009 Official Kick-off Committee Meeting, LNF, September 4, 2009 J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Networks in HadronPhysics2 J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Interconnections • Interconnection with R.I. • Interconnection with R&D: • - GEM detectors • Matrix Geiger-mode APDs J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
LEANNIS Structure LEANNIS consistsof 11 tasks (T1-T11) with T1 (theory) in thecenter The intentionof LEANNIS istoprovide a bridgebetweentheoriciansand experimentalistsin thefieldofantikaon interaction. J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Motivation for new studies Interesting question: Two-pole structure?? Λ(1405) & Λ(1420) and their impact The low-energy kaon-nucleon interaction is neither simple nor well understood Central importance for the physics of strong interaction has the dynamics driven by chiral symmetry breaking in low-energy QCD Problems arise from the existence of hyperon resonances like the Λ(1405) Problems arise also due to 2 nucleon K- absorption possibly imitating bound states The development of reliable theories suffers from the lack of precision data on the observables at threshold (e.g. shift/width of kaonic atoms) J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Objectives J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Research objectives in detail • Determination of the isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths using data from kaonic atom x-ray spectroscopy with new technology followed by theoretical extraction and interpretation. • Precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms with light nuclei, such as kaonic3He and 4He for determination of the antikaon-nucleus interaction including its theoretical interpretation. • Further developments and applications of theoretical methods: chiral perturbation theory, effective field theory with strangeness, chiral SU(3) dynamics with coupled channels, antikaon-nuclear few-body theory; comparisons with data from high-precision experiments. And last but not least • Search for deeply bound antikaonic nuclear states using various reactions and fully exclusive determination of the reaction and decay products. J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Tasks in LEANNIS improve the understanding of antikaon-N and -nucleus interactions, as well as K- NN absorption to ΣN and ΛN precise values of isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scatteringlengths strong-interaction shift and width of the 2p state K-(3He,n)ppK- reaction will be studied in a fully exclusive experiment 11 tasks are defined: T1 Theoretical investigations in strangeness-nuclear physics. Antikaon nucleon and nucleus interaction T2. New precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic H and D (SIDDHARTA) T3. Kaonic 3He, first measurement at J-PARC and LNF T4. Search for kaonic cluster with in-flight reaction at J-PARC T6. etc Johann Marton HadronPhysics Meeting, Frascati, 28 September 2007
Tasks in LEANNIS cont’d production and properties of antikaonic dibaryon, ppK-, using a fully exclusive study of the ppK+ + (ppK-) reaction with FOPI At COSY-TOF the reaction pp → ΛpK+ can be measured in its full phase space Detectionoflight antikaonic nuclear systems, such as ppK-, ppnK-, and pnnK- with data on the binding energies, total widths, and in addition all partial decay widths antikaonnucleus potential at normal nucleardensity T5. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters in the pp reaction (pp2KΛp) T6. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with COSY-TOF T7. Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with stopped antikaons (AMADEUS) T8. Antikaon nucleus potential in π-A reactions (FOPI) Johann Marton HadronPhysics Meeting, Frascati, 28 September 2007
Tasks in LEANNIS cont’d T9. Kaonic nuclear cluster search in heavy ion reactions (FOPI) T10. In medium modification of antikaons and D-mesons (PANDA-IMKD) T11. Search for double antikaonic nuclei with antiproton annihilation Possiblyformedmulti-baryonic states are reconstructed in channels that contain charged particles only Dependence of hadron in-medium properties on the mass of the heavy quark Feasibiltyoftheproductionofverydensecold matter
LEANNIS Tasks • T1 Theoreticalinvestigations in strangeness-nuclearphysics • Computation of antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths using SU(3) effective field theory approach, evaluation of threshold data • Three-body calculations for the analysis of K-d system near threshold • Hyperon resonances, natureof(1405), 2-pole structure?, (1385) andtheirimpact • Systematic theoretical approaches to antikaon-nuclear quasiboundstates in progress J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Status of experiments • T7. AMADEUS • Talk by J. Zmeskal • Theoretical impact for planning of the • experiment (Monte Carlo) • Preparationof AMADEUS setup, studies on • SiPMs (WP28) and GEM (WP24) T2. SIDDHARTA • Experiment running at DAFNE • Succsessful first measurement of K4He in gas, submitted Phys. Lett. see talk T. Ishiwatari • Kaonic hydrogen, deuterium, talk by A. Romero J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Experiments • T3. Kaonic3He • Talk by M. Sato • First measurement of the shift and width • of the 2p state with SDDs at J-PARC • Experiment in preparation, scheduled for 2010 • T4. Searchforkaonicclusters • with in-flightreactions • Experiment at J-PARC (E15) in preparation • Talk by H. Outa J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
LEANNIS Tasks cont‘d • T5. Searchforkaonicnuclearclusters in the pp reaction • DISTO resultcanbereproducedatslightyhigherenergy? • Missingmassand invariant massreconstruction • Experiment performedat GSI 2009 J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
LEANNIS Tasks • T10. In medium modificationsofantikaonsand D mesonswith PANDA at FAIR • Event generators for specific reactions involving D+ and Kmesonsin nuclei • Development of Monte Carlo Simulations and analysis tools • Cooperation with theory groups in assessing the sensitivity of experimental observables • Development of nuclear targets for the study of pbar-nucleus collisions J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
LEANNIS Tasks cont‘d • Low-energypbar beam: AD/CERN, FLAIR/FAIR • Detectorforexclusiveannihilationstudies • Start counter – scintillating fibers with Geiger Mode - APD readout (WP28) • PID – with a TPC - GEM (similar as proposed for PANDA, WP28) • For neutral particle detection - calorimeter with alternating scintillating fibres – lead layers (KLOE-type) High statistics T11. Searchfor double antikaonicnuclei (S-2) withantiprotonannihilations Feasibilitystudiesofexperiments (J. Zmeskal et al., Proc. EXA/LEAP08, Hyp. Int. (2009)) J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Activities 2009 3 Overview Talks 10 Talks from LEANNIS Participants Current Status Plans for the 1st year and distribution of Work „Kick-off“ Meeting, March 27, 2009 Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Activities 2009 cont‘d J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009 This Workshop at ECT* Hadronic atoms and Kaonic nuclei Organizers: C. Curceanu (Petrascu), C. Guaraldo, P. Kienle, J. Marton and W. Weise
Activities 2009 cont‘d New web page, overview current activities in the field Outreach: example „Lange Nacht der Forschung“ (night of science) „Secrets of the strong force“ at the Austrian Academy in Vienna J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
On the way to new experiments and theoretical studies J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Information management EXA11 Proceedings in Hyp. Int. In print, papers online LEANNIS web-page: talks, preprints …. LEANNIS meetings Topical conference EXA to be organized in Vienna J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
Summary • The activities are concentrated on developing new strategies, both in experimental and theoretical sectors, to attack the still many open problems in the field. • The development of new experimental methods and techniques will profit from this coordinated network. • Major European institutes working in this field are participating in this network proposal, therefore a platform is given to strengthen and bundle the efforts. • It is very important that young researchers will take advantage of the network. In general this network provides a big opportunity for the European research done at major European infrastructures. J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009
If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day. (A. Wheeler) J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009 Thank you
Spare J. Marton, ECT* Meeting, October 12-16, 2009