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Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?.
Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our target audience would be very niche, attracting the ages of around 17-35 and maybe the type of people that like the certain genre of music, as the actors in our film are of a certain age a type of genre would mostly be played during the film to suit the actors and action that is going on during that it would fit in and also draw in the age group of audience. Our film is aimed at a young audience as the content of our film is about a young British gang so in away the audience would be able to relate to the actors and what is happening during the film.
Because our film is set in London with gang it would only really appeal to people in England and so would probably not make it big in any other country due to people probably not really caring about the life of an English gang, because it doesn’t appeal to them or have anything connecting to the type of way I different country is portrayed.
My film would mostly appeal to men due to the gangs and violence that would happen during the film, although females may choose to buy this DVD when it comes out because if there are attractive men they may buy it to watch them in action, this is because girls don’t usually care about the lives of chavvyteenages running around london and watching what happens to them, also people of a younger age would not be interested in this film as they don’t find the life of gang to be an exciting sort of film to watch and the sort of violence that may go on during the film would not appeal to them also.
Films that are similar to our film are ‘Kidulthood’, ‘Adulthood’ and a new release ‘SKET’. The way in which ‘kidulthood’ advertised doing a big stunt to attract an audience by projecting the bodies of the actors onto the houses of parliament with the politicians and prime ministers heads replacing their own. When typing in the film sket it leads you to their website which has a whole range of things on there to try and draw people to the film, with putting the type of music that was played in the film on the site and a bit about the characters and such. Also they had posters up on bus shelters.
The rating I would give my film is maybe a 3 star as it’s a very basic film with not a lot of huge special effects which would attract the audience and it would also only reach a small audience so wouldn’t make a great deal of money.
A typical person who would be attracted to our film A teenage boy, around the age of 15-17, living somewhere like East London. May where clothing such as tack suit bottoms and a big slogan t-shirt or a hoody. Enjoys hang around the local park, playing his game console and getting around on his bike. Places he may by his clothes from are JD, JJB, Sports direct. Enjoys watching things like Kidulthood, Adulthood, South Park, Skins, Misfits, he would most likely buy these films on DVD with a take away or fast food. Music he would listen to is Dubstep, R ‘n’ B, Hiphop. I think our film would appeal to the boy because he would like the type of music used and the stuff they where during the film and even the type of stuff that the gang would get up to throughout.