Evaluation: Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Intro During my preparation for the filming of my music video, I wanted to be fully prepared in terms of technical equipment and video software. Moreover, I used different social networks to promote and represent my product to the virtual world. Following that steps, I created a blog where the audience could see my detail research of the particular genre I am focusing, the planning of the product and analyzations of similar products as mine.
My Blog As I started researching and learn more about my genre, I had to find a place where I could put my information in one place. As my Foundation Portfolio was done in Blogger, I thought it would be a good idea to continue my Advance portfolio in the same platform. In my blog the audience could notice how I began with a brief notice of what genre I will be focusing and the reason to choose such an unusual song to work on. I have continued this research by analyzing three bands with the similar genre. The three textual analysis I did were on the band called Gogol Bordello, S.A.R.S., DubiozaKolektiv. To represent my analysis in an interesting way I used Prezi’s backgrounds. Every background is connected in particularly with the style of the bands. For example, in Gogol Bordello’s presentation I used an animated world map. Similar map can be seen in the music video of their song which I have analyzed. In DubiozaKolektiv, I created the background to have the same colors as their logo which are yellow, black and white.
SCHEDULES Once I finished my textual analysis and the first stages of researching information about the genre, I started focusing on planning my story in the video, the cast I will use for the filming part and the staff (transport). To explain my ideas I used word document and I uploaded it to my blog via Scribd. But little before I posted my Treatment, to be 100% sure that the focus of the song and the genre I am working on are the right one, I created a questionnaire by using SurveyMonkey. The reason to use it is because it will help me analyze my results by using different charts and graphics. After waiting a week or so, I was able to look closely at the answers and I was able to make a Power Point project where I am commenting the results and how will they help me to construct a successful product. To upload it to my blog, I used SlideShare and SlideServe. The reason to do that is because it is quicker to uploaded from there, rather than Microsoft. The quality of the presentations will stay the same and the size of the file becomes smaller.
P.S. For all of my word documents where I have created a timetable or a schedule for filming, I have used again Scribd. for the same reasons as with SlideShare. The product/file gets uploaded quicker than uploading it from Microsoft account. The quality of the Word documetstayes the same and the size of the file becomes lower. However, I would not recommend to upload PowerPoint project to Scribd. because the quality of the file becomes almost impossible to be read.
YouTube During my preparation for the shooting the music video, I had to look at different location where I will be able to film. To make it more interesting, I filmed a video where I am travelling and looking for different locations for my mise-en-scene. To make it possible to be seen by the audience I used one of the most famous video networks- YouTube. Despite the fact that the uploading of the video goes really slowly, the amount of viewers that I could possibly attract to watch my video is big. The quality of the image will be as good so that the audience could enjoy what the watch. Furthermore, all my castings and interviews have been uploaded through YouTube. Moreover, statistics show that the chances of losing a file in YouTube is almost impossible, which is good once my work will be looked.
Editing Throughout the editing of my music video, my casting of the actors and my trip to look for locations where to film I used professional software such as Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 and Adobe After Effects. To make an interesting and a professional product I knew that I had to use a better software. For my Foundation portfolio video I was editing with only one software. The software I used was Final Cut Pro and I wasn’t very happy with my editing in the end. Personally, I thought it was t basic and I couldn’t work with the colors of some of the images and the amount of effects weren’t enough to make my product interesting. With the Adobe products I was able to create my own effects and easily applied them to my video. Moreover, for promoting my video I had to create an interesting digipak and a poster. To make them, again I used Adobe product- Photoshop. At the beginning I had to spend some time learning how the software works, but by the end I manage to create an interesting and funny products which are connected with my genre. BEFORE AFTER
Hardware During the filming of my main product I used camera Cannon DSLR 60D with 18-35 lens and 51. For it I had a steady cam and a tripod. I used the Cannon camera in the scenes where I had to film a long, establishing and a pan shots. Example of the work with the Cannon could be seen by the audience at the beginning. Moreover, I filmed some of the scenes with a GoPro Hero Black Edition camera. I set the GoPro on 1080p Super so that my audience could enjoy a good quality production. Moreover, I used an Amaran LED Lighting at the last scenes where the musicians wake up their friend. At that moment I had to use the GoPro instead of the Canon because I didn’t have the right lens to catch everyone on the scene. However, it still looked really good to me.
Conclusion As it can be notice, I have used plenty of software programs such as Adobe Products, Different Social Networks like Facebook, Blogger and YouTube and different file converter websites to present the stages of my planning of the video. I would say that the websites which I have used to upload my files are the best possible programs because they keep your file safe and the quality of the files doesn’t change. Moreover, during the filming I have used many hardware technology such as two cameras- Canon DSLR 60D and GoPro 4 Black Edition, Lighting and gear for the camera. The work with the this products helped me to create my video quickly with amazing quality.