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Explore the challenges, strategies, and successes in transitioning young people with disabilities from education to the labor market. Learn about the comprehensive training program and its impact on improving opportunities for young PwD in Slovenia.
Athens Institute forEducationandResearch Social SciencesResearchDivision ResearchUnitofSociology 8thAnnualInternationalConference on Sociology 5-8 May 2014, Athens, Greece TRANSITION OF YOUTHWITHDISABILITYFROMEDUCATION TO LABOUR MARKET Tatjana Dolinšek, M.Sc., Racio Social, Institute for Development of Social and EmploymentPrograms Aleksandra Tabaj, Ph.D.andČrtomir Bitenc, UniversityRehabilitation Institute, RepublicofSlovenia
GENERAL INFO EuropeanSocial Fund & SlovenianMinistry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and EqualOpportunitiesproject 2011-2013: TRANSITION OF YOUTH WITH DISABILITIES FROM SCHOOL TO LABOUR MARKET Partners:Racio Social, University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia and Auris Kranj Associated partners: • EducationandTrainingInstitutions, • ProvidersofEmployment/VocationalRehabilitation • Employers' Associations of Craft and Small Business of SloveniaandMunicipality Celje
European Commission • Youth unemployment during economic crises increased in all parts of the world, with the impact of prolonging duration of unemployment • Youth unemployment rate is more than twice as high as the adult one – 23.3 % against 9.3 % in the fourth quarter of 2012. • In 2011, 12.9% of young people were neither in employment nor in education or training (NEETs). • There are significant skills mismatches on Europe's labour market. • Disability Strategy2010-2020 – particular attention to young people withdisabilities in their transition from education to employment
International researches showed… • ILO (2011) substantial increase of youth unemployment due to economic crises – especially in developed countries – youth are more vulnerable • Youthare hiding in the education system • What young PwD do one year after education is extremely important: it decides on good/bad transition • YoungPwD are hiding theirdisability – stigma, fear • Youth with disabilities are among the most disadvantaged youth • Not enough information,contacts, accessibility
BACKGROUND • Transition of young PwD fromschool to the labour market in Slovenia is not integrally and adequately organised. • A support system should be introduced to monitor young PwD while they are still at school and prepare them for entering the labour market. • The original idea came from Austrian international project Leonardo da Vinci “Trainsition”. • During the project we also cooperated with Austrian partners (study visits on-site).
CONCRETE OBJECTIVE • To train 10 professional workers that will offer assistance and support for 50young PwD. • To ensure that the professional workers perform their work successfully, they must be properly trained.
Training program Comprehensive training programforprofessionalworkers: - 80 hours of theoreticalwork in 5 modules: Legislation Evaluation and assessment of competencies Learning and planning for future Partnership: schools - employers, good practices Managementof transition process - 100 hours of practical work with target group.
TARGET GROUPS In the training program professional workerspractically workedwith 62 youngPwD: Physicallydisabled, Hearing, blindand visually impaired, Learning disabilities, Individuals withmentalhealth problems, behavioral or emotionaldisorders, autism and otherspecial needs.
Research Methods • Action research theory as a framework • Triangulation: quantitative and qualitative data
Analysis – state of the art Data analysis: targetpopulation in Slovenia was within 2005-2012: 900-1000 personsper year. Young PwD are not registered at Employment Service of Slovenia (e.g. 36 in data for December 2012). Case studies showed long term unemployment for youth with disabilities (no working age at age 30-35).
Opportunitiesfor young personswith disabilities after leaving school 1. Employment: open labour market, supported employment, companies for employingPwD, employment centers, social economy 2. EmploymentService of Sloveniaprograms: On-the-job training, Publicworks, LL Learning, Education(retraining, courses, National vocational qualification),etc. 3. Employment rehabilitationservices for PwDfor enteringlabour market 4. Social inclusionprogramsfor those not able to beemployed
RESULTS • 15 trained professional workers for transition • 62 young PwD included in the project, of which: - 10 wereemployed, - 11 includedin employment rehabilitation, - 26 included in secondary leveland 11 on tertiarylevel of education, - 3 wereregistered as unemployed,seeking for furthersolutions, - 1 wasnot able to be employed. • Better cooperation of professional and other institutions that deal with transition of young PwD • Prepared activities for continuation of the project
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! More info: tatjana.dolinsek@racio.si aleksandra.tabaj@ir-rs.si