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Reproductive Systems. Male & Female. Function. To ensure survival of the species To produce egg and sperm cells To transport and sustain these cells To nurture the developing offspring To produce hormones Other systems strive to maintain a state of homeostasis. Male.
Reproductive Systems Male & Female
Function • To ensure survival of the species • To produce egg and spermcells • To transport and sustain these cells • To nurture the developing offspring • To produce hormones • Other systems strive to maintain a state of homeostasis.
Male • Functions • To produce, maintain and transport sperm (the male reproductive cells) and protective fluid (semen) • To produce and secrete male sex hormones responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system
Male Reproductive System Look at the picture. This is the male reproductive system. Definition: theorgan system involved in reproduction. Definición: el sistema de órganos implicados en la reproducción. Question: What is the male sex cell called? Sistema Reproductor Masculina
Penis Look at the picture. This is the penis. Definition: the male organ used for sexual reproduction and urination. Definición: el órgano masculino utilizado para la reproducción sexual y la micción. Did you know: Males have 24,000 nerve ending in their penis. The hand has 2,500 nerves per square centimeter. Pene
Look at the picture. This is a testicle. It is the gland inside the scrotum. Males have 2 testicles. It is also called the testis (s) or testes (p). Definition: the male gland that releases sperm and hormones that regulate sexual development and reproduction. Definición: la glándula masculina que libera espermatozoides y las hormonas que regulan el desarrollo sexual y la reproducción. Did you know: What is the other word for testicle? What is the plural? Testicle Testículo
Look at the picture. This is the penis. Definition: the enlarged state or condition of the penis, when filled with blood. Definición: el estado o condición de ampliación del pene, cuando está lleno de sangre. Did you know: stimulation of the nerve ending causes an erection. Erection Erección
Vas Deferens Look at the picture. The red tubes are called vas deferens. Males have 2 vas deferens. One leading to each of the testicles. Definition: Either of two tubes through which sperm passes from a testis to the outside of the body Definición: un testículo al exterior del cuerpo Question: What travels through the vas deferens? Conducto Deferente
Prostate Look at the picture. The round red organ is the prostate gland. It is found only in men. Definition: a firm partly muscular gland in males that produces the fluid part of semen. Definición: de una empresa de la glándula parcialmente muscular en los varones que produce la parte líquida del semen. Did you know: Prostate cancer is common in older men? Próstata
Seminal Vesicles Look at the picture. The small red gland is called the seminal vesicle. Men have 2 seminal vesicles. Definition: theglands that open into the vas deferens and that secrete many components of semen during ejaculation. Definición: las glándulas que se abren en el conducto deferente y que muchos de los componentes de secretar el semen durante la eyaculación. Question: What are the vas deferens? Vesículas Seminales
Ejaculation Look at the picture. The arrows in the picture show that sperm is moving from the testicle into the vas deferens in their way out the penis. Definition: the discharge of semen in males. Definición: la descarga de esperma en los machos. Question: How many sperm are released during ejaculation? Eyacular
Scrotum Look at the picture. This is a scrotum. Definition: the external sac of skin that holds the testes in males. Definición: de la bolsa externa de la piel que contiene los testículos en los varones. Question: What is the organ called inside the scrotum? Escroto
Sperm Look at the picture. This is a sperm cell. Definition: the male reproductive cell. Definición: la célula reproductiva masculina. Question: Where are sperm cells made? Esperma
Semen Look at the picture. This is a sample of semen. It contains sperm and other fluids. Definition: the thick whitish fluid containing sperm that is ejaculated from the male penis. Definición: el líquido blanquecino espeso que contiene espermatozoides que se eyacula del pene masculino. Question: What is the function of the other fluids in the semen? Semen
Female • Functions • Produces the female egg cells • Transports the eggs to the site of fertilization • The fertilization of an egg by a sperm, occurs in the fallopian tubes
Female • Functions • After fertilization, provides a place for a baby to develop. • If fertilization does not take place, the system is designed to menstruate . • Produces female sex hormones that maintain the reproductive cycle.
Female Reproductive System Look at the picture. This is the female reproductive system. Definition: theorgan system involved in reproduction in females. Definición: el sistema de órganos implicados en la reproducción en las femeninas. Question: What is the female sex cell called? Sistema Reproductor Femenina
Ovaries Look at the picture. This is an ovary. Females have 2 ovaries. Definition: the organs in the female that produce the ovum (egg cell) and hormones related to sexual development and reproduction. Definición: los órganos de la mujer que producen el óvulo (célula huevo) y las hormonas relacionadas con el desarrollo sexual y la reproducción. Question: What other system is the ovary a part of? Ovarios
Look at the picture. The picture on the left shows the uterus. The picture on the right shows a pregnant women’s uterus. The fetus is inside the uterus. Definition: A hollow muscular organ located in females , this is where the fetus (baby before birth) develops. Also called womb. Definición: Un órgano muscular hueco ubicado en las mujeres, aquí es donde el feto (el bebé antes de nacer) se desarrolla. También se llama vientre. Question: What is a fetus? Uterus Útero
Cervix Look at the picture. This is the cervix. It gets bigger, or dilates, when a women goes into labor or is about to give birth. Definition: the neck shaped opening of the uterus that connects the uterus to the vagina. Definición: en el cuello en forma de abertura del útero que conecta el útero a la vagina. Did you know: cervical cancer is a sexual transmitted disease? Cuello de Útero
Look at the picture. This is the vagina. Definition: The tube-shaped part of females that is connected to the uterus at one end and opens to the outside of the body on the other end. The female organ used for sex. Definición: El tubo de parte en forma de mujeres que se conecta al útero en un extremo y se abre al exterior del cuerpo en el otro extremo. El órgano femenino usado para el sexo. Did you Know? Women have 3 openings between their legs while men only have two. Vagina Vagina
Fallopian Tube Look at the picture. These are the fallopian tubes. Females have 2 fallopian tubes. Definition: Either of a pair of slender tubes through which ova pass from the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system. Definición: Cualquiera de un par de tubos delgados por donde pasan los óvulos de los ovarios con el útero en el sistema reproductivo femenino. Question: What passes through the fallopian tube? Trompa de Falopio
Ovum Look at the picture. This is a cell. It is called an ovum. Definition: the female reproductive cell or egg. Definición: la célula reproductora femenina o huevo. Question: What is the plural word for ovum? Óvulo
Ovulation Look at the picture. The egg is being released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Definition: To produce ova; discharge eggs from the ovary. This process happens once in month in mature females. Definición: Para producir óvulos, descarga óvulos del ovario. Este proceso ocurre una vez en el mes de hembras maduras. Question: How often does ovulation occur? Ovulación
Fertilization Look at the picture. This is the large intestine. It is the last place food goes before it exits the body as waste. Definition: the union of the sperm cell and ovum cell (egg) to form a zygote. Definición: la unión del espermatozoide y la célula óvulo (huevo) para formar un cigoto. Did you know? Sperm can live inside the female body for 3-7 days. Fertilización
Look at the picture. This is the large intestine. It is the last place food goes before it exits the body as waste. Definition: The monthly flow of blood from the uterus beginning at puberty in girls. It happens when the ovum (egg) it not fertilized. Definición: El flujo mensual de sangre del útero que comienza en la pubertad en las niñas. Esto ocurre cuando el óvulo (huevo) no fertilizado. Question: What happens if the ovum is fertilized? Menstruation Menstruación