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The Resource Guide provides instructions for applying for cancer grants through the Arkansas Cancer Coalition, outlining eligibility criteria, application process, funding details, and reporting requirements.
Arkansas Cancer Plan Mini Grant Request for Applications (RFA) Resource Guide
Arkansas Cancer Coalition Mission Statement of the Arkansas Cancer Coalition (ACC): "To facilitate and provide partnerships to reduce the human suffering and economic burden from cancer for the citizens of Arkansas."
Introduction The Arkansas Cancer Coalition (ACC) staff wants you and your program to be successful. This presentation is one tool to assist you in reaching that goal. This presentation has been prepared as a reference and guide for questions arising in the application and administration of grant contracts and funding administered by ACC. This presentation includes essential elements of an effective grant proposal and a management system to properly administer, record, control and monitor funds which your program receives for its operations.
Agenda • Application for Funds • Arkansas Red County Report 2015 • Apricot Online System • Applying for Grant • Final Thoughts: Recommendations & Deadline
Who Should Apply • Arkansas private and public tax-exempt non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. • To be eligible for funding, applicants or its fiduciary agent must: • Be a member of the Arkansas Cancer Coalition. • Be registered with the Office of the Secretary of State of Arkansas
Applicant Qualifications • A qualified applicant is one that: • Demonstrates effectiveness and capacity to provide programs consistent with proven cancer control strategies that advance specific goals, objectives and strategies of the Arkansas Cancer Plan (ACP). • Demonstrates administrative, fiscal, and programmatic ability to manage grant funds. • Demonstrates the availability of adequate equipment (including computers) to support staff and program needs.
Application Overview Applications submitted in response to the Mini Grant must not duplicate applications approved by other funding agencies. Tobacco Control-related proposals and/or initiatives must not duplicate funding from the Arkansas Department of Health Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Minority Initiative Sub-Recipient Grant Office.
Other Requirements for Funding • ACC provides technical support to all grant recipients. As a condition to receiving funding, grant recipients must: • Review this mini grant RFA presentation as a reference and guide for questions arising in the application and administration of grant contracts and funding administered by ACC. • Commence project activities immediately after the effective date of the grant contract. • Be in Attendance at Meetings: Representatives must attend Summit and/or ACC Quarterly Meetings.
Other Requirements for Funding • As a condition to receiving funding, ACC grantees ae required to; • Submit Reports: • Payment Request Form • Monthly reimbursements are approved based on expenditures and invoices • Payment request forms are due by the 5th of each month with the final reimbursement due April 5 • Online Bi-Monthly Reports due throughout the funding cycle. • Report Due Dates: January 4th; March 1st; May 3rd • Coordinate with ACC on all media efforts and must: • Directly support a work plan element • Be approved in advance by ACC staff (at least five days)
Other Requirements for Funding In the event of unmet conditions, grant recipients will be placed on probation until conditions are met and/or subject to contract termination. Grant recipients will be responsible for reimbursements to the Arkansas Cancer Coalition.
Availability of Funds Award Range: Minimum Award: $3,500 Maximum Award: $5,500 Number of Awards: Undetermined Fiscal Period: October 1st – April 30th Type Grant Payment Method: Monthly Cost Reimbursement Reporting Timeframe: Three (3) Reports
Availability of Funds • ACC will fund the following Arkansas Cancer Plan Activities: • ACP Cancer Control Mini Grants: The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support ranging from $3,500-$5,500 for projects focused on implementing items from all chapters of the Arkansas Cancer Plan. • ACP Cancer Transportation Mini Grants: The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support of $3,500 for projects focused on funding transportation assistance to cancer patients. • ACP Tobacco Control Mini Grants: The purpose of this grant is to provide financial assistance ranging from $3,500-$5,500 to fund local implementation of tobacco prevention in rural areas.
Use of Funds and Other Requirements Eligible costs meet the following criteria: Expenditures must be allowable costs under the terms of the grant contract. Expenditures must be necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient administration of the specific grant project defined in the Scope of Work and not a general expense required to carry out the overall responsibility of the grantee. The ACC financial staff will not approve costs which are excessive for value received or otherwise unreasonable. Expenditures must be authorized or not prohibited by federal, state, or local laws or regulations or the terms of the grant contract including the Scope of Work.
Use of Funds and Other Requirements Eligible costs meet the following criteria: Expenditures must conform to the Project Budget and with any other financial limitations in the terms of the grant contract. Costs in excess of the budget and costs which do not conform to other restrictions are not eligible. Expenditures must be incurred after the effective date and before the financial expiration date of the grant contract. Expenditures must be net of all applicable credits (such as rebates, discounts, refunds). The amount which is eligible is the net cost after the credit is applied. Expenditures must be documented. Costs which are not supported by invoices or other required documentation are not eligible.
Use of Funds and Other Requirements Eligible costs meet the following criteria: Expenditures must align with policies and procedures that apply to other grant activities. A cost is not eligible if it is computed differently than it would have been if incurred as part of any other organization activity. Allocation of shared costs to the grant contract must be based on a documented cost allocation plan that is consistently applied to all funding sources. Expenditures charged against the grant contract must not be charged against any other contract, subcontract, or other funding source in any past, present, or future period.
Purpose ACC will award mini grants to ACC Partners who work to implement evidence based and promising practices of proven cancer control strategies in communities that advance specific goals, objectives and strategies of the Arkansas Cancer Plan (ACP) chapters outlined below. • Prevention • Lung Cancer • Colorectal Cancer • Breast Cancer • Prostate Cancer • Oral Cancer • Skin Cancer • Cervical Cancer • Palliative Care • Survivorship • Evaluation • Bone Metastasis • Genomics
Arkansas Cancer Plan 3rd Edition (2015 – 2020) http://www.arcancercoalition.org/resource/arkansas-cancer-plan-3rd-edition-full-version
Helpful Links • United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/uspstfix.htm • National Guideline Clearinghouse (AHRQ) http://www.guideline.gov/ • Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide) http://www.thecommunityguide.org/ • MMWR Recommendations http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/ • Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/stateandcommunity/best_practices/pdfs/2014/comprehensive.pdf • Model Practice Database – NACCHO http://naccho.org/topics/modelpractices/database/ • AHRQ Innovations Exchange http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/ • Promising Practices – Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease http://www.fightchronicdisease.org/
Grants Manager • 1.Serves as liaison between ACC and membership organizations: • During Request for Application (RFA) process • Grant Submission Process • After Grant Awarded • 2. Primary contact for step-by-step technical support • 3. Ensures Compliance with ACC Guidelines/Regulations
AR Red County Life Expectancy Profile Prepared by: ADH – Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities In conjunction with the AMHC In accordance to Act 790 and Act 798 of 2011
AR Red County Life Expectancy Profile 10 Arkansas Counties: Highest to lowest life expectancies are shown below Poinsett, Phillips, Cross, Mississippi, Lafayette, Ouachita, Bradley, Jackson, Woodruff, and Lawrence Prepared by: ADH – Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities In conjunction with the AMHC In accordance to Act 790 and Act 798 of 2011
Grant Application User Profile • If your organization does not have an ACC Grant Application User Profile in the Apricot online system, you will need to register at: • https://apricot.socialsolutions.com/document/edit/id/new/form_id/24/ • The mini grant application is electronic through the Apricot system.
At the end of the form you will be asked to create a username and password. The username MUST be an email address, keep this information safe so you don’t forget. • Click Save Record on the right hand side of the screen. You are now able to print a copy of your membership application and log in.
My Shared Files • Before we begin the application, I would like to share with you an important resource in Apricot. • My Shared Files contains useful documents to download that you may need to upload or use in your application: • Arkansas Cancer Plan • Arkansas Red County Report 2015 • Budget Justification Template • Grant Disclosure & Certification Form • Grant Application User Guide • Tobacco-free Policy Template
My Shared Files is always located on the left hand tab under “My Apricot Tools”. To download a document, click the arrow next to the item you want to download, hover over “Actions” and select “Download”.
Apricot Website https://ctk.apricot.info Enter your log in details.
To begin your application you have to complete the grant application cover sheet. From the home page, click on “Application Overview” under “Grants” on the left hand side
After clicking “Application Overview,” Select “Click Here to Apply.” This will open a new tab for you to complete the Mini Grant Cover Sheet.
Certificate of Good Standing from the Arkansas Secretary of State’s Office
Grant Application Cover Sheet Cont. Click ”Save Record” on the right hand side of your screen and then “View Folder” to continue to the next part of the application.
Mini Grant Cover Sheet • Document Folder • Clicking “View Folder” at any time will take you to the page Mini Grant Cover Sheet Document Folder. There are four (3) sections to complete within the grant application. Hover over “Actions” and select “Create New”. You will need to repeat this for each of the sections. • Program Activity Information • Goal, Objectives, & Strategies • Mini Grant Budget
Section 1. Program Activity Information • Required Information: • Statement of Need • Program Narrative Complete all information required in the section. You can save the record at any time and work on it later.
Statement of Need • The application should preface the community vision and provide evidence to support statement of need. This should include the target geographic area and target population in which the program will be implemented. It identifies the conditions that contribute to cancer incidence and mortality specific to the service area and target population to be served through this initiative (cite source of data). Application should clearly describe how the proposed project will advance/support the ACP.
Program Narrative * Describe the overall methods and strategies that are being proposed to address the problems indicated in the abstract utilizing proven cancer control strategies.
This section must describe the program in detail, provide clear and concise goals, outline the major focus of the application and describe how it relates to the Arkansas Cancer Plan priority funding Chapters. Goals and objectives should be realistic in terms of outcomes and budget, time-framed, measurable, and relate directly to the stated problems. For example: What activities will be included? How/Why was the planned activity chosen over others? What is the target population? Who is responsible for directing the activity? Where and when will the activity occur? How will it be accomplished? What materials are being utilized? This section should answer the questions who, what, when, where, how, and why for reviewers.
After completion, click “save record” and “view folder” to take you back to the Grant Application Cover Sheet Document Folder.
Mini Grant Cover Sheet • Document Folder • Clicking “View Folder” at any time will take you to the page Mini Grant Cover Sheet Document Folder. Hover over “Actions” and select “Create New” on the next section. • Program Activity Information • Goals, Objectives, & Strategies • Mini Grant Budget
Section 2. Goals, Objectives, & Strategies • Fill out this record for one goal, one objective, and up to two strategies. Multiple goals/objectives can be entered by going back to the Mini Grant Documents Folder and repeating the steps for this section.
Arkansas Cancer Plan 3rd Edition http://www.arcancercoalition.org/resource/arkansas-cancer-plan-3rd-edition-full-version
ACP Focus Areas • Prevention • Lung Cancer • Colorectal Cancer • Breast Cancer • Prostate Cancer • Oral Cancer • Skin Cancer • Cervical Cancer • Palliative Care • Survivorship • Evaluation • Bone Metastasis • Genomics